
How to decorate a clothing store? A walkthrough for beginners

How to decorate a clothing store?  A walkthrough for beginners

How to decorate a clothing store? A walkthrough for beginners

Know how decorate a clothing store it could be the difference between a successful business and an empty establishment. Some decorating tips help to attract customers and boost sales.

Recently, the AT Kearney consultancy considered Brazil O 5th country with the most potential in the world for the fashion market. Even with all the difficulties – mainly taxation and infrastructure – it stands out for the quality of its shopping centers and the high interest of the population in the segment.

But that’s not all: at the time, the consultancy estimated that the sector moved almost $50 billion. Thus, whoever undertakes in fashion retail has a good chance of success!

However, this does not mean that success will come automatically: it is still very important to provide excellent management of the establishment and take steps to differentiate yourself from the competition. One of them is knowing how to decorate a store so that it attract the right customers and, consequently, sell more.

We’ve prepared this simple step by step just to help you with that. In it, you will learn how to decorate a store to make it pleasing, attract attention, and sell more. Check out:

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    1. Measure the available space
    2. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes
    3. Think about your brand personality
    4. Build a color palette
    5. Set how much you can spend on decor
    6. Search
    7. Simulate the position of furniture within the store
    8. think about the aroma
    9. think about the playlist
    10. remember the window
    11. Identify the store’s hot and cold spots

1. Measure the available space

how to decorate a clothing storeA clothing store asks for extra care with the arrangement so that it doesn’t look crowded.

Before defining how to decorate a clothing store, you have to know what footage you are going to work with. In good Portuguese, how much space do you have.

So, the first step is to check the footage of the location where customers will circulate. Thus, you already have a notion how to decorate the store, the ideal sizes of furniture, how the lighting should be, etc.

small establishments they require extra care: an item out of place already looks like a mess, which tends to repel customers. As a general rule, the best option is to use less furniture.

2. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes

how to decorate a clothing storeThe expectations of each audience are different. Premium stores, for example, must make shopping an experience above all else.

Now that you know what space is available, it’s time to exercise empathy. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes: what will he look for when looking for your store? The answer varies greatly depending on your establishment’s market position!

For example: customers of a popular store will seek, first of all, cheap items. As such, it is not so important that the store’s decor is designed to provide an unforgettable shopping experience.

In this case, functionality overrides refinement: the space must be practical. But, not for that you should give up good taste! Have you ever heard that the first impression is what counts? This also applies to your store: the environment must always be pleasant.

Now, when it comes to the other extreme – premium placement stores – you need to be more careful with the details. Visitors not only want to exchange money for an item, but are looking for the whole experience of purchasing a branded merchandise. The store must measure up.

In addition to displaying the clothes and offering a space to try them on, you should have a place for customers relax and enjoy the moment. A sofa with a coffee table – with fashion magazines to go with it – is enough. Don’t forget to provide water and coffee!

3. Think about your brand personality

how to decorate a clothing storeEvery brand must have a proposal. Your store’s decor should reflect it.

The way people relate to brands today is very different from the way they did a while ago. Currently, the public does not merely want to buy, but wants to know what they are. the values ​​defended by the brand. He wants to identify with her, as if they were relating to a person.

Therefore, before designing your store’s decoration, reflect: what does it stand for and represent? How decorative elements could express these values?

4. Design a color palette

how to decorate a clothing storeWhile each color sends a message, white is a recommended shade for all clothing stores.

After thinking about your brand’s personality, it’s time to express those values ​​with the color psychology. Yes, each tone sends a message!

For example: the purple is a color that refers to futurism and innovation. So, it’s perfect if you sell bold and contemporary pieces.

already the blue refers to seriousness and professionalism. In this way, it combines with stores that sell more formal clothes, used in executive environments.

Regardless, it is highly recommended that you abuse the White inside the establishment. This color is powerful and makes any room more spacious, pleasant and inviting. Everything you want your store to be!

5. Define how much you can spend on decor

how to decorate a clothing storeThe ideal decoration meets customer expectations, reflects your brand’s proposal and fits in your pocket.

You already know the available space, the expectations of your audience and which colors highlight your brand’s personality. Time to get to work? Almost! First of all, you need to define what is the available budget for decoration work.

This is a very important step: it is not worth blowing up your business finances simply to make it more pleasant. Like any other investment, the decoration project must be done according to your possibilities.

So, take a few hours to analysis of your cash flow and sales forecasts. This data will give you a sense of the amount you can spend.

6. Search

how to decorate a clothing storeVisit as many stores as possible before defining what will be your store’s decor elements.

Finally, it’s time to actually start the work! start with choice of elements that will be used in your store.

If your budget allows you to hire one decorator or an interior architect, do it. These professionals are trained to design environments that are not only beautiful, but pleasant and functional. If you don’t have the budget, read magazines and blogs specializing in decoration to find interesting references to bring to your business.

Wear out the soles of your shoes, visit many stores and look at everything, as many times as necessary. But keep your feet on the ground: remember your budget!

7. Simulate the position of the furniture inside the store

how to decorate a clothing storeFurniture placement is very important to the customer experience. Therefore, it is important to run a simulation before definitively installing them.

Have you researched, analyzed, measured and believed that you found the perfect furniture for your store?

Calm down: don’t buy – yet! Before that, it’s better to make a simulation of how they would look in your space.

This is easier than you might think: just use masking tape to simulate the placement of furniture. Create shapes with the exact footage and shapes of the furniture and you’re done!

After that, walk through the store, following the path you imagine customers will take – keep in mind that people tend to look right side first. And don’t be in a hurry! Repeat the process several times, with several people if necessary. Meanwhile, think: is it possible to move around without obstacles? Are you comfortable? Not too tight? It all counts!

8. Think about the aroma

how to decorate a clothing storeUse the olfactory memory to your advantage to provide a better experience for your customers.

However, colors and furniture shouldn’t be your only concern. Have you ever noticed how some establishments seem to have a very characteristic aroma? It’s not by chance: we humans have a powerful olfactory memory!

Investing in a distinctive aroma is very interesting for a store. When the customer enters, the olfactory memory kicks in and helps improve your experience. No wonder international brands pay professionals to create exclusive scents for their establishments!

But you don’t have to go that far: just choose a pleasant odor that isn’t too strong. Good air, perfume, everything counts! It’s just important that you have consistency and use the same aroma always, without alternating.

9. Think about the playlist

how to decorate a clothing storeThe right music complements your store atmosphere.

Smell isn’t the only element of store decor that you can use to enhance the customer experience: the sound – in other words, the song – is also important.

As with the odor, it is important that she don’t be dominant or flashy to the point of being uncomfortable. Set the volume on high for the holidays!

Tip: have you noticed that, at the time of promotion, most stores play restless songs? It’s not by chance! These rhythms, like pop and electronic, encourage people to buy more. But, in excess, they make the environment heavy and repel customers. Know how to use it!

10. Remember the window

how to decorate a clothing storeThe window is your store’s gimmick. Make it with care!

It’s not just the interior of the store that you have to worry about: the window decoration also deserves special attention. After all, she’s usually the element that captures the customer’s attention and gets them into the store.

Here are some tips for creating an impossible-to-ignore showcase:

  • As in the rest of the store, less is more. Don’t leave the window crammed with goods, it looks bad.
  • Prefer to expose big items, that can be seen from afar, to impact more people.
  • Change the window periodically and use themed inspirations like the traditional Santa Claus hats on mannequins at the end of the year, or sunglasses and hats in the height of summer.
  • Make your shop window tell a story rather than merely displaying products.
  • Leave the items displayed in the window near the store entrance. As gimmicks are, customers should find them without any difficulties.
  • lighten it in order to enhance the exposed items! Prefer the more economical LED lamps.

11. Identify your store’s hot and cold spots

how to decorate a clothing storePosition the most profitable items where the eye naturally rests when someone enters the store.

Everything ready and decorated? the time has come to exhibit your products!

It is not enough to arrange them thinking only about beauty: it is necessary value the most profitable items, so that they have more output. For this you have to identify the hot and cold spots in the store.

You hot spots are the ones that receive the most attention, and it is practically impossible to enter the store without seeing. already the cold spots they are the opposite: not highly valued, they tend to receive less attention than hot spots.

You will probably get a sense of your location by performing step 7: as you walk through space, you will notice that your gaze moves naturally for certain locations in the store. Those are the hot spots.

12. Invest in comfort for your customer

Having a cozy environment is a great step towards having an increasingly successful store.

With the customer comfortable in your store, the chances of him staying longer in and consuming something are much greater. Thus, investing in items such as armchairs and beanbags are essential, even making the companions more comfortable. Having a spacious, well-lit and reserved dressing room is another crucial factor for the success of your clothing store.

An extra point to work in your store is to have a Wi-Fi network available and visible to visitors, happier customers will stay in and possibly consume longer!

Now that you know how to decorate a clothing store, the time has come that…

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