
How to Open a Clothing Store? / Open CNPJ Fast and Simple

How to Open a Clothing Store?  / Open CNPJ Fast and Simple

How to Open a Clothing Store? / Open CNPJ Fast and Simple

Want to know how open a clothing store? Being your own boss is the dream of many Brazilians, but before opening a company, you need to take some precautions not to make a mistake in this very important moment, after all, you are making a dream come true.

For starters, you must first be concerned with the documentation and planning of the business, so that everything goes as planned, after all without planning you have problems along the way. That’s when you have to choose the right accounting to guide you in that moment, so that your company starts off on the right foot.

And to open your business in the best possible way, you can count on our support, we are specialists in business opening and we can help you get your project off the ground, we open your business in up to 10 working days. You can talk to our accountants right now, click on the button below and get a consultation to open your company.

How much does it cost to open a clothing store?

How much does it cost to open a Clothing Store? This cost can vary a lot, that is, by the prices charged by each accounting firm or even by the legal type of company you want to open, because each legal nature has different values ​​of fees from the commercial board.

On average for open a clothing store you will spend from R$ 287.00 with accounting + R$ 129.90, with digital certificate + commercial board fee from R$ 160.00, these are the average costs to start a business, you can vary slightly the fee and digital certificate depending on the type of company and the number of members.

There are offices that charge from R$1,045.00 for opening a clothing store, but rest assured, with us this cost is much lower, starting at R$ 287.00, as explained above. Request a quote to open your company with someone who understands the subject and has already opened hundreds of companies throughout Brazil.

There are offices out there offering this service for free, you’ll only pay the fees, but let’s agree that nothing is free, so be wary and be careful not to get into a fight because the cheap can be expensive.

Tips for opening a clothing store

open a clothing store involves various procedures in different government agencies. Before starting the entire process, it is necessary to request the feasibility of opening the company at the commercial board.

In this feasibility we will know whether or not it is possible to open the company with the information presented. Feasibility usually takes up to 3 useful days to release the business name authorization and validation of the information.

Step by step to Opening of a clothing and accessories store:

1 – Request viability at the board of trade;

2 – Fill out the DBE to request the CNPJ at IRS;

3 – Fill out the FCN integrating the commercial board and revenue;

4 – Pay the fees;

5 – Make the digital certificate of the CPF of the partners;

6 – Sign the documents;

7 – File the opening process.

After the trade board analyzes and approves the opening process, the social contract and link to generate the CNPJ at the Federal Revenue will be made available on the trade board’s website.

This was a step by step to opening of a men’s clothing store.

In a few days you will have your company open, ready to operate, because open a men’s clothing store business it has been getting faster every day, but it is important to have someone who understands about starting a business, so that there is no delay and no headaches.

Do you want to open your business fast? Click on the button below and talk to our accountants, we will open your CNPJ within 10 business days.

Planning to Open a Clothing Store

Now let’s talk about planning, after all, planning is the key to success, and before opening a company, you need to prepare a business plan, but what is it?

The business plan is the map of your company’s success, it is where you will put all the necessary information for your company to work, below I will give you some tips for questions that need to be answered in your business plan, follow:

– What is the ideal business?

– What is your target audience?

– What is the ideal address for your company?

– Is it better to open an online or physical business?

– What is the ideal name for your company?

– How much investment will be required?

– Who are my main competitors?

– How long does it take for me to get a return on investment?

With these questions answered, you will have confidence to start your successful business.

In doubt about the business plan? We can help you answer these questions, talk to our experts by clicking the button below.

how much does it cost to open a clothing store

Source: Photo: Reproduction/Internet/Freepik

Documents for Opening a Clothing Store

THE documentation for opening a clothing and accessories store is super simple, just submit the following documents.

For partners: RG, CPF, CNH or others; proof of address; if married, present the certificate; voter registration card or receipt number of the last tax return;

For the company: Property IPTU number; proof of address or rental agreement;

Here we will send you a checkList with all documents and information in an organized way to facilitate the opening of your company, contact us.

What is the Capital Stock to Open a Clothing Store

There is no minimum or maximum value of share capital to open a Clothing Store however, the value of the share capital must be proportional to the size of your business, if you are going to open a small company, you will need a small amount of share capital, if you are going to open a large business, therefore you will need a higher amount of share capital.

An important tip, Don’t think about supplementing capital to open a women’s clothing store asking for loans from financial institutions. This will only make your business start very, very poorly. After all, you don’t know how profitable the company will be in the first few months.

For this reason, it is important that you have start-up capital for this investment to be made.

Obviously, you must think positively and believe that everything will work out. However, you should also think that in the first few months you will be paying off debts and adapting to the new phase. So take it easy.

Below you can see examples of some items that should be taken into account when defining the initial capital for the opening of a women’s clothing store:

– Acquisition of materials;

– Purchase of goods;

– Purchase of machines;

– Expenses with the decoration of the company.

In short, they are all the resources needed for the company to run smoothly. It is also important that you have Working Capital for upfront expenses in order to avoid future headaches. Don’t forget to be familiar with your business costs and separate personal and professional finances.

Choose the best option from Taxation

Want to pay less tax, who doesn’t? To pay less, you need to choose the correct tax regime, be it simple national, presumed profit, real profit, the important thing is to hire a consultant accountant to guide you in the best tax choice for your company.

Below are the main options:

– Real profit: All revenue, costs and expenses of the business are calculated to determine the profit or loss to calculate taxes, it is not recommended for all types of business;

– Presumed profit: It is calculated based on billing estimate tables, according to the company’s activity, it can bring tax savings depending on the company’s profile, it is more suitable for service companies;

– Simple national: It is the simplified tax payment system, it is very advantageous compared to other tax systems, it is less bureaucratic and facilitates the payment of taxes, it is mainly recommended for micro and small businesses;

Businesses to open as Commerce, wholesale or clothing industry

Before opening a clothing store, you need to choose the ideal business line for you to earn money, the important thing is to work in what you like and that you are good at, because that way your business will be successful, but let’s go to the areas of expertise for your company.

1 – Retail trade: but suitable for retail in general, such as stores, supermarkets, home appliances and other branches aimed at the final consumer;

2 – Wholesale trade: aimed at direct sales to other companies, mainly for the retail trade, normally works with sales in large quantities;

3 – Industry: works with the manufacture or transformation of raw materials into products for commercialization for companies and final consumers;

Why is it important to hire an accounting firm to open a company?

As you can see, opening a clothing and accessories store can cause a lot of headaches. That’s why it’s important that, at this point, you have the support of an expert. And the accountant is the most suitable for this case.

The accountant will help you with all the bureaucratic details for opening your business. This is also true for all steps after you have issued the CNPJ, such as:

– Registration at the Board of Trade

– City Hall Records

– Municipal and state registrations

In addition, the accountant will also advise that your company does not spend too much time at a standstill in each process. In summary, the accountant will guide you to follow the best path, for example:

– Which taxation would be best for your company

– What benefits your company can have in certain situations

– Is your activity allowed at a lower taxation?

– Among others.

This will allow the accountant to help you not start your business in the red. Other than that, it also helps you with the initial concerns (which are not few), as well as setting the stage for the opening.

Below, you can see other advantages of hiring an accounting firm when opening a business:

– Accounting always seeks to act in advance of its customers, preventing them from having too many concerns.

– Accounting is responsible for recording, issuing, delivering accounting books and other elements required by Brazilian law.

– Accounting allows your business to continue operating after the initial adaptation.

As you can see, accounting is the best ally when opening a women’s and men’s clothing store. I hope you have understood all the important details for this process to be carried out. Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

How long does it take to open a clothing store?

Open a clothing and accessories store is very fast, and the board of trade has become a digital board, but what does that mean?

Starting a business is now digital, making the process of starting a business less bureaucratic. To start a business, the average period is up to 10 working days, but rest assured, in practice, this period is much shorter in most cases.

In a few days, your CNPJ will be ready to work and start earning. If you’re in a hurry to open your business, you can talk to one of our accountants right now, click on the button below and ask your questions.

opening a clothing store

Source: Photo: Reproduction/Internet/Google Images/Blog Mundomidia

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