
Is Valentina Good Hot Sauce?

Just like most mass-market hot sauces, Valentina is an extremely usable. The heat is family-friendly, and the flavor is tasty, yet simple — so it doesn’t (easily) overtake the flavors of your dishes. I love this sauce on hot dogs, eggs, all Mexican dishes (duh), and even seafood.

As mentioned, puya pepper is the chili pepper in Valentina Hot Sauce. And these chilies have a jalapeño level heat, just with a higher floor: 5,000 to 8,000 Scoville heat units. Though, that heat is well diluted with the water and vinegar here. Valentina Hot Sauce sits at 900 Scoville heat units, which is pretty mild.

As mentioned, puya pepper is the chili pepper in Valentina Hot Sauce. And these chilies have a jalapeño level heat, just with a higher floor: 5,000 to 8,000 Scoville heat units. Though, that heat is well diluted with the water and vinegar here.

Valentina is described as thicker than Tabasco sauce and less vinegary, with more chili flavor. It comes in two varieties: hot (900 Scoville Heat Units) and extra hot (2100 SHU).

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