
How to use Instagram for Women’s Clothing Stores

How to use Instagram for Women's Clothing Stores

How to use Instagram for Women’s Clothing Stores

You advertise your company using Instagram, but don’t see results, did you hire a Digital Marketing agency, but didn’t see much of a difference either? so check it out How to use Instagram for women’s clothing stores.

We here at did an online lecture with our friend Raphael Falcon of @digital tips to learn how to best use Instagram to increase clothing sales in women’s stores.

1. How to find the target audience?

There’s a theory in the book called long syrup, from Chris Anderson, who says the following:

“The more you segment, the more you niche, the more chance you have of success”, and today in marketing we do a more advanced study of this.

It would be the study of buyer persona, that is the characterization of your ideal customer, you can use the Personas Generator.

You will create Personas, who are ideal customers for your business niche, you will name that person and you will create an entire profile based on their consumption experiences, what they use, pain, needs, goals .

Create 3-5 personas. Do a study, see who these three ideal customers are, based on the audience you have, and publish and plan content targeted to those people.

This prior study is necessary to know what you are going to publish, what time you are going to publish it, who you are going to publish to and what result you want to have with it.

2. What type of content do I put on Instagram to generate engagement and gain followers?

You need to have such a cool and interesting content strategy, that the client will thank you for publishing this content, this triggers a mental trigger for reciprocity in the client, which generates a debt of gratitude.

Unconsciously, this debt of gratitude causes the customer to buy more from you.

3. In the case of clothing stores, what photos would they put up?

You will use inspiration strategies, think that your profile is an online magazine and start putting a series of content on your profile with fashion tips.

Use your stories always calling the customer to an action and making the stories in a more informal way.

If you have a clothing store, you can try making stories by putting together looks, giving fashion tips, this generates empathy with the customer.

4. What is the right publication time?

When you migrate to the business Instagram platform, I already recommend this migration, there is a bar on the profile that activates the Instagram of websites, which are your Instagram metrics, and then you will understand what are the peak times, what times there are more people connected.

After checking the best times, you will publish within a rule that I created, the 20 x 20 rule, you’ll post 20 minutes before your peak time and you’ll spend 20 minutes interacting with people who commented on your photo.

5. Which is better than normal or commercial Instagram, which one to use?

Personal Instagram has some limitations, when I install Business Instagram it gives me the Call To Action, call to action, it enables some calls to action for you to use in your profile, how to arrive, call and email, this makes it easy for the customer to get in touch with you.

These metrics are only possible on business Instagram, with the commercial profile you can align your strategies, understand your audience and their demands and even call them to action with these buttons.

Even now there is a new function, which is the Store function, which you have to integrate through Facebook and that you can only get with business Instagram.

6. How to migrate to business Instagram?

It’s very simple, go to the settings in the normal profile and change to the commercial profile, but you can only change this profile if you have a Fan Page on Facebook, having the fan page can change the commercial profile.

7. What is the difference between using Instagram and Facebook? Which one has the best range?

Facebook has an algorithm called EdgeRank, which is based on your affinity, your relevance, and it delivers the post.

Facebook today, in the world, has two billion users, what happens is that, with a lot of people, it starts to decrease its reach in the publication and you have to sponsor.

An example: I had it on my facebook profile 50,000.00 fans, when I published, without putting money, I appeared to 300 to 400 people, when I had 50,000.00 followers on Digital Tips, on Instagram, he delivered to around 5,000.00 to 6,000.00 people.

As far as reach is concerned, Instagram has 10 times more reach than Facebook.

It should be taken into account that they both have different strategies, on Instagram you can have organic growth, without putting in money, much faster than Facebook.

But both complement each other, they are networks that you have to be using together, because to integrate one you have to use the other.

8. What is the function of the hashtag and how can I use it to improve performance?

They are hyperlinks that you will target a certain subject, today you can follow a hashtag.

You can use up to 30 hashtags in the first comment of the photo or in the caption of a photo, I recommend using it at 30# in the first comment of the photo, divided into 3 parts: general hashtag (ex: #modafeminina), regional hashtag (ex: #amapa, #saopaulo) and hashtag (you educate the customer to use your hashtag).

Make the 30 hashtags, divided into parts, in the notebook and then copy and paste into the first comment of your photo. This will give you a 30% increase in your likes and engagement.

9. How do I identify the best hashtags?

There are people who use an app leetags where you get some interesting hastags.

I list my top 10 competitors and see which ones they are using.

I make 3 to 4 groups of 30 hashtags and I’m testing to see which one has the best performance and I’m replacing it. Because a tag might work for a profile style but not a competitor’s profile.

You have to analyze how you are going to use this.

10. How can I generate traffic to my e-commerce using Instagram?

Always imagine your Instagram as a great sales funnel, which we call Inbound Marketing, which is attraction marketing, you will make a content strategy, you will try to make your customer enter your funnel and then you will nourish him with content, either on the website or on social media.

For you to make a strategy on Instagram and refer the person to the website, you have two ways:

1 – The first is to place the site directly in your biography. Remember that you can only place one link.

To solve this you can use a tool called linktree, take the link it generates and put it in your biography, it makes a strategy that we call transmedia, that is, it gives you several access options.

2 – The other option is to have at least 10,000.00 Instagram followers to enable the link function in stories.

11. How to gain followers on Instagram?

The foundation of it all is good content planning.

This requires a frequency of posts on Instagram.

As it is today, the ideal for you who have a store, a business or work in fashion, is at least two posts a day.

This will already increase your frequency, increase your relevance in the Instagram algorithm. That way you show up to more people.

Using hastags will also make you appear to more people.

You will start making daily storytelling strategies in your Stories, this will increase relevance, you will make live making strategies every now and then.

To have a greater engagement you can even search for profiles, similar to yours, and see his followers. Find a way to interact with these followers.

There are people who use automation techniques, that is, you subscribe to a system and it will automatically like people for you, what you cannot buy is a follower.

12. How to boost Instagram publishing?

There is one thing that is boosting, another thing is sponsoring, there is a difference, when I push a publication I am giving it more prominence, it is simpler to do, it is faster, but you cannot have the penetration than making one campaign with sponsorship.

What is the ideal way for you to do this? If you use Facebook’s ad platform, which is Facebook Ads, you will enter Facebook Ads, you will establish your marketing objective and you will segment your entire audience, to do this and you will run a campaign.

I recommend that you take the courses on the platform.

13. What steps do I need to take to start selling on Instagram?

You can use a very strong concept of irrefutable offer, this is a strategy I use a lot, based on a process called AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action), I always do this process in my stories and end with the call to action.

It is important that you have a plot, beginning, middle and end and when you do this strategy in stories, you boost your sales.

The client often needs you to determine what he is going to do, send him a direct, a Whatsapp, go to my website. And then you can be selling it in a second moment.

14. How do I get customers’ attention with my posts?

This part has a theme that I really like, which is the storytelling, you tell stories.

I use profiles a lot to tell stories, depending on the strategy, I tell the story of that piece, that brand, because you need to use that.

I always do interactions like: comment, leave your opinion. This kind of interaction makes you get more results.

This is still a strategy of the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action), this in Digital Marketing we call copywriter, which are the ways you write to get more results and generate more sales.

I recommend that you use Storytelling strategies and mental triggers, start doing this in a process using AIDA and you will be able to finish by calling the client to leave a comment, do something like that, I recommend these strategies for you to do a nice writing.

15. How to use the power of persuasion on Instagram to get people’s attention? Is there a mental trigger we can use?

have a book “The Weapons of Persuasion” by Robert B. Cialdini, who has a lot of things like that, and mental triggers are techniques for influencing your unconscious.

85% of our decisions are made in the unconscious, only 15% are made by reason, so the customer buys a lot on impulse and buys a lot for that reason of the unconscious.

Examples of mental triggers you can use to increase your persuasion:

social proof – customer testimonials, customers wearing their clothes, their full store, the before and after.

From the authority – you need to position yourself as an expert on the subject, in this case fashion. Be an authority on the subject.

Of pain and pleasure – you can list 10 customer pains and kill with pleasure situation.

from the guarantee – guarantee, guaranteed satisfaction, guaranteed quality, guaranteed delivery time.

Another thing that many people do not do for fear of exposing themselves is humanization, which we call the mental trigger of intimacy.

You start making stories telling your day-to-day, how the store works,…

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