
Can I Be Allergic To Ketchup?


7. ALLERGIES Tomatoes that are there in the ketchup are rich in histamines and can lead to allergic reactions such as sneezing, and even shortness of breath. So, planning to catch up with ketchup or want to give it up?

Allergic to Ketchup? could be an intolerance to tomatoes. Actually this may not be an allergy to tomatoes at all but a skin reaction to their acidity. Is the reaction only where the ketchup has touched? If so then try putting a thin coating of Vaseline round his mouth before he eats it and you may find the problem goes away.

Management. Management of mustard or ketchup allergy begins with diagnostic testing to determine which of the condiments’ allergens cause the reaction. Avoiding mustard, ketchup and any other foods with those allergens prevents future symptoms. Oral or topical over-the-counter histamine medications control minor symptoms like itching and sneezing.

Earlier research at Germany’s Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, reported in the May 2004 edition of “Allergy,” found that profilin protein in tomatoes strongly cross-reacted with proteins from other plant foods, and with birch pollen. Tomato ketchup may contain traces of these proteins, according to the U.S.

What percentage of children are allergic to mustard?

Approximately 1 percent of children with food allergies are allergic to mustard, according to Clinical Immunology and Allergology researchers in Nancy, France 6.

Avoiding mustard, ketchup and any other foods with those allergens prevents future symptoms. Oral or topical over-the-counter histamine medications control minor symptoms like itching and sneezing. People at risk of anaphylaxis should carry injectable epinephrine at all times.

For many people, however, the tiniest smear of ketchup or mustard can mean a serious allergic reaction. Because both condiments are loaded with potential allergens, discerning the source of a ketchup or mustard allergy is best left to professional testing by an allergist.

The Cleveland Clinic also cautions against eating mustard and ketchup if you have salicylate sensitivity 6. Vinegar, tomato paste and dried spices all have high salicylate concentrations. Sulfite sensitivity may affect as many as one of every 100 people, advises the Cleveland Clinic 6.

Department of Agriculture’s Nutrient Data Laboratory 4. Ketchup may also contain the food coloring tartrazine, a rare cause of hives and swelling.

A study from Madrid’s Laboratorios LETI, reported in the March 2011 edition of “Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology,” identified two proteins — LTP and PG2A — as major allergens in six common tomato varieties 2. Earlier research at Germany’s Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, reported in the May 2004 edition of “Allergy,” found that profilin protein in tomatoes strongly cross-reacted with proteins from other plant foods, and with birch pollen. Tomato ketchup may contain traces of these proteins, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Nutrient Data Laboratory 4. Ketchup may also contain the food coloring tartrazine, a rare cause of hives and swelling.

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