
Why Can’T I Stop Eating Sugar?

How to reduce sugar cravings?

The best way to lessen sugar cravings is to keep blood sugar balanced and get out of the blood sugar rollercoaster. Simple ways to do this are: 1 Eat fewer refined carbohydrates and even eat low carb 2 Lower your sugar intake to just real whole fruit 3 Eat more fiber

Consistent sugar cravings are a signal from your body telling you that something is off. It is looking for something to restore the balance.

Instead, reaching for a balanced meal with healthy fat, fiber, and protein is the best option. It restores our blood sugar back to normal and with a consistency of eating these foods and not indulging, the cravings will naturally lessen.

Some are absorbed quickly and others, because they are paired with fiber or fat, break down much slower. Refined sugars and highly processed carbohydrates like white bread, chips, and other prepackaged snacks and desserts, are stripped of their nutrients like fiber.

This leads to the body releasing Insulin to regulate the blood sugar and bring it back to normal. Over time your body has gotten used to how much sugar you eat and how often. Since we are well-oiled machines and we naturally create shortcuts, the body is now releasing too much insulin every time your blood sugar is spiked.

Your orange juice is made from fresh squeezed organic oranges. The thing is, once 8 oz glass can easily contain 20 grams of sugar. To put that into perspective for you the AHA’s daily intake of sugar recommends only 25 grams for women and 37 for men.

This means it is absorbed basically as fast as candy in the bloodstream causing the same rollercoaster reaction. Often times foods labels are misleading.

Why can’t I stop eating sugar?

When you find yourself asking “why can’t I stop eating sugar”, it can be your bodies way of telling you that it needs something. It could be hungry, over-restricted, feeling an intense emotion, not fed/watered or had enough sleep. Perhaps it needs a little self-love.

Often the answer to “why do I binge on sugar?” is because of not eating regularly. When we get overly hungry, our bodies are biologically more likely to crave high sugar foods to get the quick energy hit they need. Eating every 3-5 hours, with 3 meals and 2-3 snacks in a day is what many people find works for them. It’s important to recognise what works best for you and to tune into your own hunger cues.

A binge can be very subjective. Binge eating is the consumption of large quantities of food in a very short period of time. This could be more eating a higher volume of food than the average person would be able to consume in one day, in a very short space of time. It’s quite often planned and ritualised.

That could be biscuits and a yoghurt, or a dash of Nutella on toast with a banana if you are looking for that sugar hit.

So stick to eating regularly, bite the bullet and get yourself into bed early! 7-9 hours per night is optimal. Any less than that and your hunger signals will likely be out-of-whack.

As you eating your forbidden food, slow down, savour it and tune into how much you need to feel satisfied. As you become more comfortable with this practice of eating your ‘forbidden’ food, the foods become more ordinary and truly allowed. It’s a process called habituation.

It’s important to recognise what works best for you and to tune into your own hunger cues. Some people struggle to initially hear hunger and fullness cues, so regular eating can help to “get the machine churning” again. This can create a rhythm from which you can tune into those signals again.

How to stop craving sugar?

Eat sugar, but don’t drink it: If you are craving sugar, always go for solid foods, chew slowly, and then drink loads of water. That’s not how to quit the sweet stuff, but it’s a good transitional strategy. After a while, you will stop eating sugar entirely.

Then, there’s also the reward trigger. Parents often train their children to feel good when eating sugar by providing sweets in exchange for good grades or deeds or just for being a good boy or girl. This creates pathways in the brain that equate sugar with being accepted and rewarded.

I didn’t realize that a frappucino could contain 58g of sugar and a latte 17g. If you want to learn how to stop eating sugar, you have to learn which foods contain the most sugar and almost ban them from your diet. The American Heart Association’s daily recommended limit for sugar is 6 tsp for women and 9 tsp for men.

The American Heart Association’s daily recommended limit for sugar is 6 tsp for women and 9 tsp for men. The average American consumes an average of 22 tsp of added sugar per day. I personally recommend switching to eating home-cooked meals with low fructose ingredients.

It can increase blood pressure if overused, so use it moderately. Eliminate sugar-free additives and sodas: As I explained above, my sugar addiction grew exponentially after adding sugar-free drinks to my diet. Eliminate aspartame, sorbitol, and other chemical sweeteners from your diet.

Sugar is hidden in most of the food we eat. The food industry understands the power of sugar. It feeds young kids with cereals, then adds tons of sugar in sodas, and makes sure the entire population becomes hooked on sugar long before it ever reaches adulthood. Don’t take my word for it.

Is sugar a drug?

Too much sugar can lead to weight gain and obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, dental problems and even brain disease. And sugar has similar addictive properties as drugs.

Or foods without added sugars might have things that will derail your diet in other ways.”. She underscores, for instance, that “cutting out added sugar doesn’t equal weight loss.”.

She underscores, for instance, that “cutting out added sugar doesn’t equal weight loss.”. Still, Basbaum applauds my effort. “Added sugars are one of the number one things I work with patients on,” Basbaum says. “Heart disease, diabetes, inflammation — sugar is a detriment to all chronic diseases.

She tells me that’s good, but to remember: Bananas and pineapples still have sugar in them. “Natural sugar is still sugar, which equals calories. So like with nuts, watch your portions if you’re watching your weight.”.

Sugar sneaks into granola and trail mix, too. In fact, Basbaum calls granola a “no-no.”. Still, high-fiber, low-added-sugar cereal as a snack can keep me busy and out of the cookie jar. As for trail mix, Basbaum advises people to make their own.

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