
Why Are Saltines Not In Stores?

Why Are Saltine Crackers So Hard To Find At The Store? Supply chain issues continue to surface here and there during this stage of the pandemic, which has seen vinyl shortages and associated delays, and grocery stores are now feeling their way through some unexpected fallout. First it was toilet paper, right?

Now, of all things, people can’t find Nabisco saltine crackers. We’ve all (of course) seen some empty store shelves over the past few years, and this has been a global issue, as evidenced in the above photo from March 2020 in France. Now, people are flummoxed that the saltines appear to have gone.

I have stored saltines, Ritz, and graham crackers–in their original packaging–for long periods in a dark, cool, dry basement. They’ve never smelled or tasted bad. I don’t remember if any were stored for more than a year, but it’s possible since we rarely eat those things. The last tuna I opened was gray on top.

Now, people are flummoxed that the saltines appear to have gone. They ease nausea, satisfy snack cravings, and more. They’re simple but delicious in soups, they are strong enough to hold scoops of hummus, and they’re (usually) relatively inexpensive for what you get.

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