
What Foods Promote Cold Sores?

Eating foods that help to boost your immune system — like antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables — may help stave off cold sore outbreaks. Some studies have also shown that eating foods rich in lysine, or avoiding foods with arginine, may also help to prevent cold sore outbreaks.

Sugar-rich foods may contribute to making a cold sore look and feel worse. Instead of reaching for convenience foods, try a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. These whole foods will help to boost your immune system and make it stronger in the fight against any viral infection.

Many people believe that certain foods can trigger cold sore outbreaks. However, there’s little to no evidence behind this claim. Cold sore outbreaks are typically triggered by: People also want to know if certain foods can prevent or reduce the duration of cold sore outbreaks.

Acidic Foods Regular consumption of acidic foods, such as pineapple, lemon, pomegranate, grapefruit, and cranberries may cause tissue damage and trigger a cold sore outbreak. Some people may develop cold sores even when they eat medium acidic fruits, such as berries, plums, cherries, and pears.

What foods can help prevent cold sores?

Here are some immune-boosting suggestions: Antioxidants. Eating vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants, like cauliflower, spinach, kale, berries, and tomatoes, can boost your immune system.

Some studies have also shown that eating foods rich in lysine, or avoiding foods with arginine, may also help to prevent cold sore outbreaks.

Cold sores develop as a result of a herpes simplex virus infection, usually the HSV-1 strain . Although certain foods are often thought to be a trigger for cold sore outbreaks, there’s no definitive proof of this claim.

What typically triggers cold sore outbreaks? If you were diagnosed with the herpes simplex virus, especially type 1 (HSV-1), cold sore outbreaks may be common. While the virus may remain dormant during certain periods, when it’s triggered, you can expect to see cold sores. While some people believe that food can trigger cold sore outbreaks, …

Lysine is thought to prevent against cold sore outbreaks because it reduces the activity of arginine, an amino acid needed by the herpes simplex virus to replicate.

Some research shows that vitamin C may help treat and prevent cold sores. Try upping your intake of vitamin C -infused fruits and vegetables like bell peppers, oranges, and strawberries. Zinc. Foods high in zinc. Trusted Source. may reduce the number of outbreaks you have.

Foods rich in arginine include: 1 certain meats 2 peanuts and other nuts 3 legumes 4 whole grains

What foods trigger cold sores?

Alongside foods that trigger cold sores, there are foods high in lysine to eat instead. Try avocado, certain fish, milk and cheese instead.

The amino acid arginine may promote growth and replication of the virus, meaning that foods rich in arginine should be avoided. In contrast, lysine counteracts the effects of the arginine , so foods rich in lysine are recommended for optimal health.

Somewhat unsurprisingly, seeds follow nuts in our list. Sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and flax seeds are just three examples of seeds amongst the foods that cause cold sores, again as they are rich in arginine.

Lentils, peanuts, beans and other legumes are more examples of arginine foods to avoid with cold sores. Yes, this includes peanut butter too, so you might want to stay away from the PB&Js if you’re hoping to avoid getting cold sores.

Processed meat products like bacon aren’t good for your immune system , and a weakened immune system can lead to more frequent cold sore outbreaks.

Chocolate. It might be a favorite treat for many of us, but chocolate contains arginine, so we wouldn’t advise eating too much if you’re trying to avoid cold sore triggers. Carob, a chocolate alternative you may find in health food stores, is also arginine-rich.

Leafy Green Vegetables. You might not have been expecting this one, but it’s true. Dark leafy greens like spinach are high in arginine. Of course, there are many health benefits to eating these, so we wouldn’t advise you to ditch them but instead perhaps consume in moderation if you don’t want to trigger cold sores.

How to prevent cold sores?

Processed Food. Avoid processed food as much as possible, especially during a cold sore outbreak. Certain ingredients in processed food decrease your immune system function. For instance, frozen food, processed pasta dishes, high-calorie snacks, and sugary breakfast cereals can all weaken your immune system, which makes it harder …

Foods that Trigger Cold Sores: Foods to Avoid and What to Eat Instead. A cold sore is an embarrassing problem that may lead to you trying to cover up the blister any way you can. While you cannot stop them for good, you may be able to control the frequency of cold sore outbreaks with what you eat. Certain foods are known to contribute …

By eating more foods that boost your immune system, prevent outbreaks, or help a cold sore heal quicker, you can fight against HSV replication and keep the virus dormant.

Foods Rich in L-Arginine. If you eat foods rich in arginine, it can worsen a cold sore. This is because the herpes virus requires arginine to replicate. If you deny the virus L-arginine, you can decrease how long the blister lasts and lessen its severity. HSV requires L-Arginine to replicate.

Lysine, also known as l-lysine, is an amino acid. Your body doesn’t produce it naturally, so you must obtain it from the foods you eat, such as beef, pork, fish, cheese, and fenugreek seeds. Since lysine decreases arginine activity, the virus struggles to replicate, which may help you prevent a herpes outbreak or clear an existing infection.

A cold sore, also known as a fever blister, is a sore that appears around your mouth. It stems from a viral infection, called the herpes simplex virus (HSV). More specifically, cold sores are usually caused by the HSV-1 virus. You may notice burning, itching, or tingling around that area of your lips before a cold sore appears, …

Antioxidants play a role in healthy immune system function. Foods that are rich in antioxidants include kale and berries. Vitamin C is one specific antioxidant found in many fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, bell peppers, …

What foods should I avoid when I have a cold sore?

You should avoid eating acidic foods including sodas and chocolates and instead of them eat alkaline foods such as grapes, pineapple, lemons and kiwi daily. You should drink a glass of water (8 oz) with a juice of one lemon while you are having an outbreak of herpes every day so as to counteract acidic foods ingested during the day and provide alkalinity.

Vitamin E Supplements. Vitamin E helps in soothing the skin in relieving discomfort and pain caused due to cold sores. It helps in repairing damaged skin and reducing inflammation and also acts as an antioxidant.

Cold sores are also referred to as herpes and fever blisters. The causative virus is herpes simplex virus type 1 or type 2. According to the estimates, around 40-85% of the persons in USA have suffered from a cold sore during some point in their lives. Foods, which increase the healing process of a cold sore, do so by boosting the immunity and stopping spread of dormant virus. You should eat a well-balanced and healthy diet to help the body repair itself during an outbreak of cold sore.

Arginine-Rich Foods. Arginine , an amino acid that is present in many foods is required by the HSV to replicate in the body and run its complete course after infecting the body and following an outbreak of herpes.

Temporary relief in pain of an open cold sore can also be provided by drinking a glass of chilled water . 6. Vitamin E Supplements.

You should chose foods that have highest content of L-lysine such as yogurt that have 705 mg of L-lysine and pork ribs that have 4,730 mg of L-lysine to stop herpes virus infection. 2. Vegetables and Fruits. Fresh vegetables and fruits when eaten in raw and whole form provide your body the essential nutrients and vitamins that are required to heal.

It is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics that for children you should give cold drinks including milk, ice water or juice and frozen items such as ice pops and milk shakes. However, parents should choose non-acidic juices such as apricot nectar or apple juice as acidic juices such as orange juice or lemonade may worsen the discomfort due to fever blisters. The same holds true for adults as well.

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