
What Foods Help Reduce Cellulite?

The 30 best foods for tackling cellulite 1 Green Tea. 2 Whole Grains. 3 Broccoli. 4 Water. 5 Oranges. 6 (more items)

Hydrating foods — Because dehydration can lead to bloating and dry skin, try to eat more naturally hydrating foods. These include fresh veggies and fruit, especially melon, berries, cucumber, celery, citrus fruits and fresh herbs. Making Cellulite Slim Down Juice at home is a great way to consume a bunch of these at once.

C may be recognized as the cold-fighting vitamin, but it also helps build up and repair skin collagen — an essential component in the fight against cellulite. Eating this tangy fruit can also keep you hydrated, which is an easy way to make your skin look brighter and plumper.

To get rid of cellulite, registered dietitian and personal trainer Kristin Reisinger suggests giving up foods made out of white flour, like white bread. Why?

How to reduce cellulite?

We know you’re already eating them for their rich essential fatty acid content , but nuts are another diet staple that help lessen the appearance of cellulite. Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to the health of the skin cell membrane, a two-fold protector of your body: It not only blocks harmful compounds like toxic chemicals but also holds in healthy elements (like water) to make your skin look softer, fuller and wrinkle-free. Essential fatty acids can also help delay the skin’s aging by reducing the body’s natural production of inflammatory compounds.

This lesser-known grain gives trendy quinoa a run for its money. Buckwheat is a slow-burning, easily digestible whole grain that, in addition to being a complete protein, is also rich in B vitamins and fiber. While you might focus on fiber for its waist-whittling and satiating effects, the nutrient is also incredibly important in the fight against cellulite because it helps push toxins out of fat cells. If you needed anymore reason to search out this grain, buckwheat takes another swing at cellulite with high amounts of lysine, an amino acid that helps repair body tissue and collagen.

Spiking your water with a simple lemon wedge can help shoo away cellulite in three ways: by hydrating your body, flushing out toxins and delivering a big hit of vitamin C. Your goal is to avoid dehydrated skin, which can look and feel dry, dull and lumpy while adequately hydrated skin appears soft, supple and smooth.

Has your cellulite gotten more aggressive with each passing birthday? It’s likely because your body is producing less collagen—the protein that supports the appearance of smooth, un-dimpled skin. Unfortunately, since this is a natural part of aging, there’s no way to reverse the effects. However, cutting back on sugar (a nutrient that’s been shown to accelerate collagen’s demise) can help. Though the sweet stuff is found in everything from bread to cereal, it’s most abundantly found in the sweetened beverages like processed juices, energy drinks, and soda.

This herb does much more than take your taste buds South of the border: Fresh herbs like cilantro promote detoxification by helping to remove heavy metals from the body that tend to hide in fat cells. These heavy metals can disrupt normal tissue function and, as a result, prevent your body from healing and functioning properly. By reducing overall toxins in your body, you can help get rid of excess stored fat, which can help lessen the appearance of cellulite. Bonus: This botanical will also keep you vacation-ready by boosting immunity and reducing the frequency of colds. Bye, bye, summer colds.

Have you ever noticed that your belly is a bit paunchy after eating a salty meal like soy sauce topped sushi? This happens because your body retains water after a sodium-packed meal. Along with making your jeans tight, it can also decrease blood flow and make cellulite more visible.

Outside of genetics, there is a variety of things that can cause cellulite, says registered dietitian Yasi Ansari. One of the most common? Poor blood flow. “A diet high in unhealthy fats can slow blood circulation and oxygen flow. As a result, connective tissues weaken, making skin rippling more apparent.” To keep your blood flowing freely, avoid foods high in artery-clogging saturated fat—like pizza. According to The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, pizza and cheese are the biggest food sources of saturated fat in American’s diet.

What foods help reduce cellulite?

Cellulite Reducing Foods #1: Oranges, lemons and grapefruit. Oranges and lemons. The skins of these fruits might mirror your dimply tush but these antioxidant powerhouses are rich in free-radical-busting vitamin C that boosts collagen production.

Collagen is used to make the connective tissue in skin, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels and so plays an important role in keeping your bum smooth as a baby’s. Lemons are also great for flushing out all those cellulite-causing toxins from the liver. Pink and red grapefruits.

When it comes to cellulite reducing foods, these are tasty little heroes: rich in antioxidants such as lycopene, that not only help to improve blood circulation and even out cellulite over time, but which can also correct the cell imbalances that lead to cellulite in the first place.

Flaxseeds are a top vegetarian source of omega 3s, plus, because flax seeds contain lignans, a type of phytoestrogen proven to balance oestrogen levels, they offer a double whammy of cellulite protection; research from Clin Interv Aging found the oestrogen plays a role in the development of cellulite.

How to reduce cellulite?

We know you’re already eating them for their rich essential fatty acid content , but nuts are another diet staple that help lessen the appearance of cellulite. Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to the health of the skin cell membrane, a two-fold protector of your body: It not only blocks harmful compounds like toxic chemicals but also holds in healthy elements (like water) to make your skin look softer, fuller and wrinkle-free. Essential fatty acids can also help delay the skin’s aging by reducing the body’s natural production of inflammatory compounds.

Make a healthy breakfast porridge with kasha (the cooked form of buckwheat), or include buckwheat flour in baked goods and pancakes. Soba noodles are also made from buckwheat and can be tossed with sauteed or steamed veggies for a healthy, cellulite-blasting meal. 4.

This lesser-known grain gives trendy quinoa a run for its money. Buckwheat is a slow-burning, easily digestible whole grain that, in addition to being a complete protein, is also rich in B vitamins and fiber. While you might focus on fiber for its waist-whittling and satiating effects, the nutrient is also incredibly important in the fight against cellulite because it helps push toxins out of fat cells. If you needed anymore reason to search out this grain, buckwheat takes another swing at cellulite with high amounts of lysine, an amino acid that helps repair body tissue and collagen.

Water with Lemon. Shutterstock. Spiking your water with a simple lemon wedge can help shoo away cellulite in three ways: by hydrating your body, flushing out toxins and delivering a big hit of vitamin C.

This herb does much more than take your taste buds South of the border: Fresh herbs like cilantro promote detoxification by helping to remove heavy metals from the body that tend to hide in fat cells. These heavy metals can disrupt normal tissue function and, as a result, prevent your body from healing and functioning properly. By reducing overall toxins in your body, you can help get rid of excess stored fat, which can help lessen the appearance of cellulite. Bonus: This botanical will also keep you vacation-ready by boosting immunity and reducing the frequency of colds. Bye, bye, summer colds.

With the added vitamins from the lemon, your skin will not only feel and look softer, but also have the necessary nutrients to fight against damage from things like the sun and air pollution. Drink This! Start your day off with a hot cup of water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice .

Essential fatty acids can also help delay the skin’s aging by reducing the body’s natural production of inflammatory compounds. Eat This! Add crushed nuts like walnuts or almonds to yogurts and oats, or just eat them solo as they’re one of the best high-protein snacks out there. 5.

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