
Phrases for Pregnant Friend

Phrases for Pregnant Friend - Thinker

Phrases for Pregnant Friend – Thinker

Being a mother is letting yourself be touched by the hand of God.

Mara Chan.

Children are the anchors of their lives for mothers.


2.1 thousand shares

In principle, there is nothing mothers want more for their children than to see them married, but they never approve of the women they choose.

Raymond Radiguet

1.6 thousand shares

Aunts, mothers and sisters have a particular jurisprudence with their nephews, their children and their brothers.

Honoré de Balzac

1.3 thousand shares

The truth is that we do not do children. Just do the layout. They do the artwork themselves.

Luis Fernando Verissimo

Everything in a woman is guesswork and everything in her has a single solution and that is pregnancy.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Constructive criticism is like a half-pregnant woman… it doesn’t exist.

Marcio Kühne

The mother understands even what the children do not say.

Jewish Texts

3.3 thousand shares

A mother’s arms are made of tenderness and her children sleep deeply in them.

Victor Hugo

2.2 thousand shares

The Virgin of All Women

Every woman, upon learning that she is pregnant, puts her hand to her throat: she knows that she will give birth to a being who will forcefully follow the path of Christ, falling in his way many times under the weight of the cross. There is no way out.

Clarice Lispector

God cannot be everywhere and that’s why he made mothers.

jewish saying


We love our mothers almost without knowing it, and we only realize the depth of the roots of that love at the moment of the final separation.

Guy Maupassant


The heart of mothers is an abyss at the bottom of which forgiveness is always found.

Honoré de Balzac

4.2 thousand shares

Some mothers are affectionate and some mothers are scolding, but this is love all the same, and most mothers kiss and scold at the same time.

Pearl S. Buck

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present to mom

to mothers from all over the planet
I offer the glow of a comet
For such beauty compare
without ever blinking
by God blessed
by Mary immaculate
From your womb comes life
Mother, you are consecrated.

Marcos G. Aguiar


Judicious mothers are always aware that they are the first book read and the last set aside in their children’s library.

Charles Lenox Remond

All mothers, without exception, have given birth to great men. And if life deceived them then, it wasn’t their fault.

Boris Pasternak

I had no children, I did not transmit the legacy of our misery to any creature.

Machado de Assis

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