
Is It Healthy To Gain 3 Pounds A Week?


When trying to gain weight, aim for a steady pace of 1/2 pound to 1 pound per week. If you have a high metabolism or are recovering from illness, or if you’re an older adult with little appetite, gaining weight can be as challenging as losing weight.

A weight loss target of 3 lbs. per week is an aggressive strategy that requires a consistent exercise plan and strict diet plan. In most cases, losing 3-lbs. per week is healthy, but always check with your doctor to ensure it holds true for you. A 1 to 2 pound weight loss is healthy for most people every week.

You MFP numbers are already at a deficit so you would have to eat roughly 4000 calories over for three days or an extra 12000 calories over for the week to gain 3 pounds. I doubt you did that.

According to this logic, a 300-pound person may shed 3 pounds every week comfortably. According to a survey from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, weight reduction of 2 to 3 pounds per week is a healthy rate. Based on this knowledge, those with obesity who need to lose a large amoun

How many calories should I eat to gain weight?

It’s long been believed that approximately 3,500 calories is what a person would need to consume to gain a pound of weight—but that’s not necessarily true. A “calorie” doesn’t mean the same thing across all types of food.

So here it is: If you live an entire week avoiding nutrition labels and making gym excuses, you can expect to gain about four pounds—one to two pounds of water weight (bloating) and one to two pounds of actual fat, Glassman says.

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