
Is A Mini Fridge Necessary For College?


With a mini fridge for college students, you can maximize your available space and have a place to chill perishable foods and drinks. Mini fridges for college students are like any mini refrigerator except a little smaller. The compact design means they fit well in most dorm rooms without wasting space.

Some larger mini fridges have a freezer. These compartments are pretty small, with only enough room for a single box or bag of frozen food and possibly a small ice cube tray. They’re usually not as effective at maintaining accurate freezing temperatures either, so they may not keep all foods fully frozen.

Second, never, under any circumstance, unplug your mini fridge unless you absolutely have too – we will get to that later. Third, love and care for your mini fridge, and don’t leave half-eaten leftovers or expired food in there. Ever. Ever wonder why your mini fridge can never be the perfect temperature?

A mini fridge is still large enough to hold essentials, so you can keep fruits, veggies, milk, and other items fresh. It’s usually designed to hold bottles and cans to give you plenty of room for beverages too. Looking for a high-quality mini fridge for college students?

How big is a mini fridge?

Size. Typical sizes for mini fridges are 3.2 cubic feet, 2.6 cubic feet, 1.6 cubic feet and 4L: 3.2 Cubic Feet: These fridges usually stand about hip height (34 inches high) and are a comfortable position for sitting things on top like a plant or books.

A 1.6cu fridge won’t be enough if you like to cook your own meals. 4 Liters: A 4-Liter fridge will just fit a six pack of beer, a small bottle of milk, or your lunch.

It’s nice to have a door that can hinge on both sides of the fridge. In a small dorm room, you’ll find that you might need to change the side on which the door hinges in order to avoid having the door bumping into things. Not all mini fridges give you the option of which side to hinge the door.

What happens if you don’t organize your mini fridge?

This same rule applies to your mini fridge. If you aren’t organized, you will end up with expired food and wasted money.

Here are a few key tips to organization: 1 Categorize food and drinks and organize accordingly. This means dairy and dips on one shelf, fruits and vegetables on another, drinks in the door and extraneous items strategically placed together. 2 When shopping, check the expiration date. Make sure to buy items that expire in the longest time i.e. if it’s Monday, don’t buy the milk that goes bad by Wednesday. To save money and time at the grocery store, check those dates. 3 Upon returning from the store, make sure to not hide the oldest items in the back. #SpoonTip: that is where the peculiar scents originate. It may seem odd, but place your newest items in the back of your mini fridge and the oldest items at the front. This way you eat items in the order in which they expire and save money while doing it.

Second, never, under any circumstance, unplug your mini fridge unless you absolutely have too – we will get to that later.

Though the world of the dorm room mini fridge may seem daunting, I promise, you will survive. The triumphs and tribulations you face with your mini fridge will make you a better you, and, as long as you treat your mini fridge with kindness and care, you and that plastic box can be friends forever. SHARE.

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