
Is A 10 Minute Ab Workout Enough?


Whether you spend 5, 10 or 30 minutes on your abs each session depends on a number of factors. This amazing kale pesto is only 210 calories and anti-oxidant rich! So, how do you figure out how much time you should spend on ab workouts? We asked a couple of personal trainers for the lowdown. How Long Should Ab Workouts Last?

If you’re interested in using ab workouts to boost performance in running, weightlifting or another sport, your best move is to perform full-body exercises that engage your core, then blast your abs at the end with a dedicated routine. “In total, this entire workout should be about 30 minutes, including 5 to 8 minutes of only abs,” Miller says.

This workout takes just 10 minutes and can be modified to fit your fitness level. It’s a timed workout: The goal is to do as many reps as you can in the allotted time. There are four exercises: Do each exercise for 30 seconds and rest for 20 seconds. Go through the circuit three times.

And this 10-minute ab workout is an easy, quick way to start. Most people do ab workouts to achieve a flat stomach with defined ab muscles. But there are reasons other than showing off a six-pack to get yourself into an ab workout routine. Core strength and stability are important to overall fitness.

How to progress abs?

How to Progress Your Ab Workouts. A great way to build up to longer ab workouts is to engage your abdominal muscles as much as possible, says Jessica Mazzucco, an NYC-based fitness trainer and founder of The Glute Recruit. Aim to involve your abs anytime you perform strength or cardio workouts.

When you squat, run or even do biceps curls, tighten your abs by bringing your bellybutton toward your spine. You can also try activities like yoga and Pilates, which build abdominal strength, flexibility and proper posture, Mazzucco says. Not to mention, it’s a great way to mix up your workout routine.

Hold for a few seconds, then slowly bring your extended leg to the starting position. Repeat, aiming for 2 to 3 sets of 13 to 22 reps per leg.

Start on all fours with your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders. Place a stability ball behind your feet. Slowly lift one leg and set the top of your foot and shin on the stability. Once you’re set, lift the other leg onto the ball.

The four areas of the muscles of the abdominals are multi-layered, according to Harvard Health Publishing. The rectus abdominis muscles are in the front of the abdomen and are commonly known as your “six-pack.” On each side of the torso are the external oblique muscles, and the internal oblique muscles are found just inside the hipbones, next to the rectus abdominis. In the lower belly are the transverse abdominis muscles. All of these abdominal muscles work together to provide stability all around the spine and in the pelvis.

Stand tall with your hands at your sides and thumbs facing outward. Hinge forward at the hips as you lift one leg straight behind you while keeping the other leg planted and the knee slightly bent. As your leg lifts, extend your arms to the sides to form a T shape.

How long does Austin do cardio?

Austin herself said she does 30 minutes of straight cardio. According to Michaels, “10, 10, 10 is less than ideal …You need a longer period of exercise to improve endurance.”. But any exercise is better than nothing. Katie Feuer, 35, of Summit, N.J., said her 12-minute abs routine works.

And the short workout means people can’t make excuses. “The nicest part about it is they are ready to do 10 but stay and do a little more,” said Austin, whose newest DVD, Best Belly Fat-Blasters, is a series of ab workouts. “‘For 10 minutes I can do this.’.

He does 10 minutes of weights in the morning and another 20 to 30 minutes of cardio in the evening. “It makes it a lot less daunting compared to saying you need to do an hour of exercise,” he said.

And once you look closely at those 10-minute routines, some do require more than you’d think. With Mallett’s, the idea is to do more than one six-minute session (three is ideal) plus cardio and change your diet. Austin herself said she does 30 minutes of straight cardio. According to Michaels, “10, 10, 10 is less than ideal …You need …

To lose weight or maintain weight loss, 60 to 90 minutes of physical activity may be necessary, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Still, micro-workouts are everywhere, from Jorge Cruise’s 8 Minutes in the Morning to Tracey Mallett’s Sexy in 6, a fitness program with six-minute workouts.

But as enticing as such programs sound, getting into shape is generally going to take more than a session of eight-minute abs, said Jillian Michaels, a personal trainer on The Biggest Loser.

She has been doing Denise Austin’ s Super Stomachs since high school and said when she stops, she gains weight. “If I get lazy and haven’t been working out, that’s what I go back to,” said Feuer, a mother of two, who also runs and bikes. “Maybe it’s the familiarity of it. I know what to expect.

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