
Is 30 Minutes A Day On Treadmill Enough To Lose Weight?


Combined with a healthy diet and strength training, walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes a day can help you reach your fat-loss goals. It’s not possible to spot-reduce body fat, but walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes a day can help you burn overall body fat and achieve a healthy weight.

As you walk on a treadmill for 30 minutes a day, you’ll be burning calories. In general, you’ll need to burn about 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound of body fat.

The recommendations are 1 hour and 15 minutes of vigorous physical activity. This is what a 5 mph jog is. So if you can do this for 30 minutes on a treadmill you will experience even greater health benefits. So 30 minutes on a treadmill is a magic number.

The recommendations are 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate physical activity. A 3 mph walk is classed as moderate physical activity and if you can do that for 30 minutes on a treadmill you will get important health benefits.

How many calories do you burn walking on a treadmill?

As you walk on a treadmill for 30 minutes a day, you’ll be burning calories. In general, you’ll need to burn about 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound of body fat. The calories burned walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes will vary based on your weight and the speed and intensity of your walking.

Add Intensity to Treadmill Walking. Try adding intensity to your walking routine to increase the treadmill benefits for your body even more. Performing more vigorous exercise can potentially shorten the length of your treadmill workouts and allow you to burn more calories. For example, add an incline on the treadmill.

A 125-pound person walking at the same pace burns about 135 calories. Picking up the pace and walking 4.5 mph for 30 minutes results in a calorie burn of 186 and 150 calories, respectively. Advertisement. To further enhance the treadmill benefits for your body, increase your daily exercise time.

You can also perform body-weight exercises such as squats, lunges, abdominal crunches, push-ups and planks. For even greater weight-loss results, eat a healthy diet focused on lean protein, low fat dairy, whole grains, vegetables, fruits and minimal healthy fats, such as olive oil.

Yes, walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes a day can help you burn belly fat β€” but you need to do a few other things, too. Walking on a treadmill provides many possible benefits, from weight loss to improved cardiovascular health. Although you cannot specifically target the belly or other fat by walking on a treadmill, …

How many calories do you burn walking for 30 minutes?

Your weight – 180 pounds. Calories burned – 240. As you can see a walk or jog burns a significant amount of calories. You need to burn 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound of weight. So you would need to exercise for 30 minutes on a treadmill regularly. This should be possible if you’ve worked up to doing 30 minutes already.

Let’s do an example of a 150 pound person and a 180 pound person, I’ll also use those examples to go 3 mph and 5 mph. 3 mph is a brisk walk for most people and 5 mph is a gentle jog for most people. If you go faster or slower then you will burn more or less calories. Speed – 5 mph. Time – 30 minutes. Your weight – 150 pounds.

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