
Does The Government Use Subliminal Messages?


Today, the use of subliminal messaging is banned in many countries. Unsurprisingly, the United States does not expressly forbid the use of subliminal messages in advertisements, though their use does fall under federal law enforcement jurisdiction.

However, through a series of disclosures made by the US government under the Freedom of Information act, it was revealed that the US intelligence community had not only used, but further developed several subliminal messaging techniques for mind-control experiments.

What Is Subliminal Advertising? Subliminal messages are visual or auditory stimuli that the conscious mind cannot perceive, often inserted into other media such as TV commercials or songs. This kind of messaging can be used to strengthen or heighten the persuasiveness of advertisements, or to convey an altogether different message entirely.

The Republican Party (GOP) was caught using a subliminal message in an election ad attacking Democrats. The words “Democrats” and “Bureaucrats” scrolled across a dark screen at the end of the ad, but then another word flashed on the screen for 1/30th of a second, rendering it invisible to the naked eye. The word? Rats.

What is subliminal message?

For some, subliminal messages are synonymous with mind control: a form of insidious mental manipulation designed to alter our behavior so that we’ll buy a certain product, vote for a certain political candidate, or become socially re-engineered in some way without our consent or even our knowledge.

Though everyone from Coca-Cola to Disney has been accused of using these tactics, few of us seem to know the truth about what these messages are and whether or not they’re effective. Walter Daran/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images Still image from the study that first put subliminal messages on the map in 1957.

But legislation against their use did not pass because it was difficult to legislate against something that could not be consciously seen or heard.

Key claimed that advertisers were using hidden images — main ly sexualized ones, such as phallic symbols — and suggestive words to influence buying habits (something that companies such as Marlboro and Coca-Cola have been accused of).

In other words, you cannot consciously perceive a subliminal message, even if you search for it. In terms of visual images, a subliminal message would be flashed across a screen in just a few milliseconds, too small a window for you to be aware of it.

Some say they can control our minds without us even knowing while others say they don’t even exist at all. There are many differing views on the authenticity, power, and purpose of what are known as subliminal messages. For some, subliminal messages are synonymous with mind control: a form of insidious mental manipulation designed …

Disney , for one, has been repeatedly accused of using sexualized subliminal messages in some of their classic animated films. However, former Disney animator Tom Sito told HuffPost that in most cases what viewers thought they saw or heard was incorrect.

What is subliminal communication?

The legal definition of subliminal communication is generally taken to be “the projection of messages by light or sound so quickly or faintly that they are received by the listener below the level of conscious awareness.”.

However, the Senate Judiciary Committee never acted upon the bill and it died in the Senate. The author of the bill claimed that undisclosed use of subliminal messages was an invasion of privacy.

The Supreme Court has further stated that “each medium of expression must be assessed for First Amendment purposes by standards suited to it, for each may present its own problems.”.

Perhaps no other constitutional right guarantees such expansive freedom as does the First Amendment. It is the key to the retention of all our other freedoms.

Shortly after Vicary`s announcement, the major networks announced that they would not accept subliminal advertising “or employ the technique on their radio or television productions.”. This initial public controversy was generally met with an outcry.

The foregoing discussion illustrates that subliminal communication techniques are more common than one would expect. However, the full extent to which subliminal communication is being used today in television, music, movies, videos, and other mediums is not known.

Is it illegal for the Department of State to broadcast propaganda?

In 2013, the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BB G) revoked a longstanding federal law that made it illegal for the U.S. Department of State to broadcast within the United States internally-created propaganda designed for international use.

Fortunately, with the advent of Internet technology, the blatant misuse of political advertising by the GOP was detected using a “freeze-frame” button during computer playback. However, the Internet itself has its own set of problems where mind control is concerned. Writes Nicholas West of the Activist Post:

Writes Nicholas West of the Activist Post: “Flicker rate tests show that alpha brain waves are altered, producing a type of hypnosis — which doesn’t portend well for the latest revelation that lights can transmit coded Internet data by “flickering faster than the eye can see.”.

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