
Does Mcdonald’S Use Horse Meat?


The claim that McDonald’s uses human meat has circulated online since at least 2014 when the satirical website Huzlers posted an article with the headline, “McDonald’s Exposed For Using Human Meat! (Must Watch Video).”

An Oklahoma City McDonald’s outlet was caught with horse meat and human meat in their freezers.

According to their website, McDonald’s buys its beef from ranchers all over the United States, as well as New Zealand, Australia, and Canada. The fast food giant says that one of those suppliers is Oklahoma City-based Lopez Foods.

The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) has seized McDonald’s production and shipping and will call for more meat factory inspections and restaurant inspections. The FBI is also investigating the factories.

Where is human meat stored?

Meat inspectors reportedly found, what appeared to be, Human meat stored in the meat factory freezers of an Oklahoma City meat factory …

In truth, no part of the McDonald’s operation has been cited for having bought, sold, processed, or used either horse meat or human meat (the latter of which cannot legally be vended in the U.S.) for food purposes.

However, that McDonald’s article was just a spoof from the Huzlers web site, which offers users the ability to “Create your own news prank and trick your friends by sharing it” and has a history of publishing fabricated news stories.

Origin. False rumors about McDonald’s restaurants using worms as filler in their hamburgers and true reports of some retail chains being vended food products tainted with horse meat due to problems with supplies have been the basis a wild (but apparently believable) claims that an Oklahoma City McDonald’s outlet was caught with horse meat …

Health inspectors immediately demanded inspection in various McDonald’s meat factories across the country and horrifyingly found human meat in about 90% of the factories inspected thus far.

Where does McDonald’s beef come from?

According to their website, McDonald’s buys its beef from ranchers all over the United States, as well as New Zealand, Australia, and Canada. The fast food giant says that one of those suppliers is Oklahoma City-based Lopez Foods.

The cattle might start out eating grass, but they’re then moved over to a diet of grains, grasses, and minerals. In a fairly recent change for McDonald’s, if you order a Quarter Pounder, there’s a good chance your burger patty is fresh and not previously frozen (via CNN ).

For a long time, a rumor was floating around that McDonald’s bought its burger meat from a mysterious company called “100% Beef,” which allowed them to make the claim that their burgers were beef when they really weren’t. Others claimed that the burgers were filled out with worm meat (gasp!).

According to McDonald’s — yes, their meat is 100 percent beef. “Every one of our burgers is made with 100% pure beef and cooked and prepared with salt, pepper and nothing else — no fillers, no additives, no preservatives,” reads a statement on their website.

The Truth About McDonald’s Meat. Considering that McDonald’s sells more hamburgers than anybody else on the planet, it’s not surprising that their beef gets a lot of attention. For a long time, a rumor was floating around that McDonald’s bought its burger meat from a mysterious company called “100% Beef,” which allowed them to make the claim …

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