
Did Ben Affleck Have A Body Double In Batman Vs Superman?


(ā€œI would be curious to know,ā€ says Affleck, ā€œthe sheer amount of mass I had to move over the course of training.ā€) When filming for Batman v Supermanfinally began in Detroit in 2014, Affleck worked out daily in a three-car garage converted into a gym, using a hybrid program that was equal parts bodybuilding exercises and functional movements.

Ben Affleck was bigger than his own stunt man Richard Cetrone in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Released in theaters in 2016, Zack Snyder’s movie continues to be examined and deconstructed, with the film’s rendition of Batman being one of its most stand-out elements.

In context, Affleck weighed in at 198 pounds for The Town, and for Batman V. Superman, he went all the way to 231 at 7.7 percent body fat, which they ended up ā€œdialing backā€ to 225. ā€œThis time around we did more bodybuilding. We wanted him to be strong but we wanted to add mass. The volume was higher.

After all, if Batman (a human being with no actual superpowers) was going to stand a chance against an alien who can fly, freeze stuff, and turn back time, he was going to need major muscle. Like, comic-book muscle. In fact, initially some within the studio even had the idea that Ben could transform himself into a young Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Is Ben Affleck overweight?

This is when Ben Affleck had a little bit of a schlubby phase. Heā€™s not grossly overweight by any means, but by Hollywood standards, heā€™s fat. Therefore, he must be purged and sent to the fires in the Hollywood hills where all the other overweight people who are trying to make it must duel to the death in a pit surrounded by chocolate eclairs. Fight for your life, Affleck.

Ooooh, look who starting to get svelte. Affleck is finally shedding his baby fat and growing himself some man muscles. The armor plating doesnā€™t necessarily mean heā€™s hiding a rock hard body under there, but heā€™s definitely not rocking the Mallrats double chin.

Everyone knows that in order to play a Marvel superhero you have to get in shape, and Ben Affleck did just that. Not only did he manage to score a high profile gig in a tentpole film, but he was able to sweep Jennifer Garner off her lovely feet. Too bad Daredevil suffered from a poor critical and commercial reception, but Batfleck will get another shot at playing a major superhero in next years Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Subtitles.

Reeves was a fit guy back when being fit meant that you could wear a tight pair of shorts to the beach without being embarrassed. This was before the dawn of bodybuilding freaks like Arnold Schwarzenegger who completely redefined what it meant to be jacked. Affleck is more old-timey jacked here.

How much does Ben Affleck weigh?

In context, Affleck weighed in at 198 pounds for The Town, and for Batman V. Superman, he went all the way to 231 at 7.7 percent body fat, which they ended up ā€œdialing backā€ to 225. ā€œThis time around we did more bodybuilding. We wanted him to be strong but we wanted to add mass. The volume was higher.

We did what we needed to do to take care of him and protect his joints.ā€. But that does not mean that Affleck had it easy. Every week Norton created a new regime for him with specific goals, targeting each muscle group relentlessly, and with that mentality they found themselves even overachieving their target numbers.

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