
Can You Put Poop In The Washing Machine?


Today’s washing machines agitate the washing in such a way that cold water is quite adequate to get the washing clean. Besides, today’s detergents are formulated for optimal performance in cold water. Use a Chlorine bleach or white vinegar on the poopy clothes for the second rinse cycle.

Within this environment, the uncomfortable fear of poo in the washing machine is understandable – but once you move away from the emotive marketing and look at the logical, rational facts, then it quickly becomes a fear without foundation.

If you are worried about poop smells in clothes, don’t let the clothes lie around with the poo on it. Remove the poo from the clothes immediately and rinse out the clothing. After you have soaked the stain and scrubbed it, you are ready to put the clothes in the washing machine.

The reality is that many cloth bum mums find the idea of putting poo in a bin pretty gross. The idea of having it stink out the house, before putting it outside to attract maggots and flies until it’s collected two weeks later-only for it to go to a landfill site and leach its toxins into the ground? Yup, they find that pretty gross.

Why do parents put poo in the washing machine?

by Baba+Boo Team May 18, 2018. One of the main reasons that parents choose to use single-use nappies is because they don’t want poo in their washing machine. Parents who feel guilty about throwing away nappies; parents who are struggling to make ends meet and could really do with …

Nurses’ uniforms don’t get put in the bin after every shift, and they don’t even get washed on site. Nurses take their uniform home and wash it there. Farmers wash their overalls. They’re still here to tell the tale.

Here’s the thing. The reusable nappy poo doesn’t go in the bin – but it doesn’t go in the washing machine either . The poo goes down the loo. Which, let’s face it, is a much better place for it than the bin.

Right now, most parents use single-use nappies so putting poo in the bin is normal. The reality is that many cloth bum mums find the idea of putting poo in a bin pretty gross. The idea of having it stink out the house, before putting it outside to attract maggots and flies until it’s collected two weeks later – only for it to go to …

It’s natural to think that poo is a bit bleurgh. Because it is. Handle it badly and it causes bugs. Humans have evolved to ‘handle with care’. But in the past 15 years – and the change is as recent as that – Brits have changed.

Most parents who use a reusable nappy use a liner – a reusable fleece one or a throw-away one. The liner covers the inside of the nappy so you don’t often get poo on the nappy itself – and if you do, it’s easy just to rinse the nappy over the toilet (with a jug, a shower hose or the toilet’s own flush). So nothing solid goes in the machine.

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