
Can You Lose 5% Body Fat A Month?


5% or 20 lbs in 6 weeks doesn’t seem unhealthy. Assuming, which ever is met first. Recommended, healthy weight loss is 0.5 to 1.0% per week. For a person with your stats, but with body fat to lose, 5% would be 7.35 lbs loss over 6 weeks, or 1.23 lbs per week.

Guidelines for weight loss state that you should plan to lose 1 to 2 pounds of weight per week, but no such comprehensive guidelines for rate of body fat loss exist. The American Council on Exercise asserts, though, that you can safely and successfully plan on losing about 1 percent of your body fat per month.

A healthy diet with a daily calorie deficit of 500 calories will help you lose the recommended one pound per week. Doing all three of these will burn more body fat, while leaving one out will burn more lean body mass. There are a few methods to measure body fat.

At 15% body fat, on the other hand, ditching 5% will land you a fully defined six pack and serious vascularity. Most guys want the latter (although at 15%, you’ll still be more cut than most guys you know).

What percentage of body fat is healthy?

Fit, healthy women generally have a body fat percentage of 21 to 24 percent, while men have 14 to 17 percent body fat.

When you grow older than 20, you’ll gain about 1 to 3 percent of fat every 10 years up until the age of 60. You also naturally lose lean body mass in the form of muscle and bone as you age.

On a diet, you should plan to lose no more than 1 to 2 pounds of weight per week. A scale tells you how much you gross weight you …

Weight loss doesn’t always mean fat loss. If you don’t strength train as you reduce your calorie intake, 25 percent of every pound you lose will be in the form of lean muscle mass.

How to burn more calories in a week?

“You can do low-intensity workouts for longer, which will help you feel more accomplished while still burning calories and fat,” he adds. Shoot to sweat three to five times a week. Don’t skip cardio, but since more muscle equals more calorie burn, work strength training into your routine as well. Focus on full-body workouts to initiate overall strengthening vs. individual body parts, White adds (that part comes later).

But psychologically, it’s not so easy. “At a lower body fat, you’ve already broken a lot of bad habits and formed most of the key healthy ones,” explains Jim White, R.D., owner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios in Virginia Beach.

Plus, studies have shown that it doesn’t matter much whether you go high-protein or low-fat—when it comes to how bodies burn fat, a calorie is a calorie (the exception: highly processed foods ).

Physiologically, the higher your number, the easier it is to lose body fat. “You have a bigger load on your muscles during a workout so you’ll burn more calories compared to someone more fit,” explains celebrity trainer Lalo Fuentes, C.S.C.S. “Plus, a drastic change of a diet will impact your health and bodyweight considerably more …

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