
Can You Eat Kfc After A Workout?


Per 100g you will most likely find the protein content is roughly half and the carb content has gone from nearly 0 to equal to or higher than the protein content which is already reduced. KFC will be a source of protein whether you do or don’t work out, however that doesn’t mean its good for you.

In case you have forgotten, KFC meals in general do no favors for those eaters who are trying so hard to lose weight in order to become healthy and active. It’s loaded with trans-fats for one thing. And as far as bodybuilders are concerned, there could be hormonal issues up ahead.

“While you may crave salt after working out, fast food options won’t be good at replenishing your body,” explains Mansour, “You’ll be consuming trans fats and basically undoing your workout.” Taylor Gainor and Justin Norris, co-founders of LIT Method sum up eating white bread or pastries in a simple word: “No.” Why not?

But, KFC actually has more healthy options than many fast food or quick service restaurants. And, you can modify their menu items as well. The best meal options on KFC’s menu are in red. Roasted Chicken Caesar Salad Without Dressing And Croutons

Why is KFC not good for you?

Why it’s not a good source of chicken is they don’t produce chicken natural way, they feed the chicken even when it’s not hungry and make the chicken fat , you can check online the way KFC farms fed chicken , so it’s not protein , plus it’s too oily and too much oil is not good for health.

I’d strongly advise against it, any deep fried food for that matter has a very high concentration of cholesterol and sodium (which lead to all kinds of heart diseases, cancers and diabetes), especially KFC, if you work out a lot and have a healthy lifestyle, then sure, but I’d still advise doing it only once a month, or at least once every 3–4 weeks at the bare minimum. There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself with unhealthy foods such as KFC once in a while, but once a week is too much my guy

To put on weight, you’ll want to lift. Ideally you would do anaerobic and aerobic activities, but to put on weight, you first need to put an emphasis on putting on muscle. Lifting weights make you put on a lot of muscle. If you start running you’ll just burn more fat. Eat lean, lift weights.

No, if you are just going to look for a cheap substitute for protein. (and especially if you gain weight easily i.e. mesomorph/endomorph even more not so). As mentioned by Anna, KFC chicken is added with alot of additives and thus, it may not be a good source of protein if you a

No , KFC is not a good source of protein.

Yes, provided your diet allows you to have high fat and protein intake. ( especially if you are ectomorph trying to bulk up). I have known guys whom eat KFC just to bulk up. They are looking lean and fit. The reason they are able to do this is because they do actually watch their diet and count their calories.

KFC is a type of food, that we can all agree on. does it contain protein – yes. does it contain as much protein gram for gram as compared to a standard chicken breast – no it does not. does it still have a high proportion of protein per serving – yes.

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