
Can You Eat Bananas On Whole30?

Can you eat bananas on whole30? Yes, even if they’re just bananas and eggs. First, they are explicitly ruled out in the Whole30 program guidelines.

What about bananas? Yes, both pickles and bananas are allowed on Whole30. Yet if they are a potential trigger food for you (for instance, the sweetness of bananas sets off a craving for other treats or makes you want to binge on the fruit), then you may consider including them on your “don’t eat” list.

Any fruit is okay during a Whole30, but we offer two notes. One, fruit should be limited to two servings per day. Two, you should avoid fruit completely if you have trouble with sugar cravings.

From the beginning of the Whole30, this has been a source of confusion and consternation for our community, because of a recipe that combines egg with banana to create a “pancake.” Yes, those two ingredients are compatible, but when combined together and served as a pancake, they’re a no-go during your Whole30. If you’re wondering why

No peanuts or peanut butter, either. MSG, Sulfites, or Carrageenan: Be sure to read all food labels carefully and avoid preservatives and highly manufactured ingredients. Packaged Foods: Foods that may technically comply with Whole30, but are clearly unhealthy such as baked goods, chips, and French fries should be excluded from your diet.

A good general rule is if a food label has a long list of ingredients, it’s probably not Whole30 compliant. The focus is on eating real, whole foods and ditching preservative-filled convenience foods. The meal plan also encourages you not to emulate junk foods like pancakes and pizza, even if they’re made out of Whole30 compliant ingredients.

What is Whole30 for health?

The Whole30 is designed to change your relationship with food, first and foremost. And the psychological impact of eating pancakes as part of your healthy eating, life-changing plan cannot be ignored.

A common Whole30 NSV is getting in-touch with your satiety signals—the feeling that lets you know when you’re hungry, and then when you’ve had enough to eat. For many, smoothies bypass the satiety signal, since your brain perceives drinking differently than it does chewing and swallowing. Smoothies also often contain lots of sugar from fruit (way more than you’d typically consume if you’re eating whole fruit). In general, we encourage you to eat a meal rather than have a smoothie. However, for specific populations, smoothies made with compatible ingredients are a helpful way to get additional nutrition when solid meals aren’t possible or convenient. Pregnant or nursing people, children, and vegetarian/vegans may fall into this category. We encourage you to own your own program here and make the choice that fits best with your objectives.

A great Whole30-compatible substitute is Coconut Secret Coconut Aminos, Big Tree Farms Coconut Aminos, or Thrive Market Coconut Aminos. Tastes just like soy sauce!

It’s only 30 days.

If you can’t find a compatible brand, like New Barn Unsweetened, the alternative is to make your own —but remember, no added sweetener!

The Whole30 eliminates carrageenan, MSG, and sulfites on the program. Other common additives, like xanthan gum or ascorbic acid, are allowed. Not all additives are “toxic;” acsorbic acid sounds scary, but it’s really just a fancy name for vitamin C. See our Common Additive Cheat Sheet for details.

Can you eat fresh fruit?

Yes, you can have any fresh fruit. The recommendation is 1-2 servings a day, where a serving is a whole piece of fruit the size of your first. We further recommend you have fruit with your meals vs. alone as a snack.

Yep, bananas are allowed.#N#Bear in mind that fruit should be eaten with, or as part of a meal – not on it’s own as a snack – and the recommendation is for 1-2 pieces per day maximum.#N#Many people report that eating fruit in the morning after a night of fasting causes their blood sugar to spike leading to a low later in the day where they feel faux hunger, fatigue, lack of focus etc so you may want to play around with which meal you choose to eat your fruit with, if you choose to eat it at all – many choose not too.#N#ETA: Ha! All typing at once!

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