
Can You Be Fit In Your 60S?

It is absolutely possible to get fit at the age of 60 and beyond, even if you never exercised before. Whether you can meet your definition of “slim and firm” is another matter.

How to Stay Fit As You Age — Into Your 60s and Beyond It’s possible to stay physically active as you age, no matter what level of fitness you’re at. And the benefits extend to everyone. By Julie Broderick, The Conversation Nov 4, 2019 4:00 PM (Credit: Alex Brylov/Shutterstock)

Why 60 is the PERFECT age to get fit NOW you are in your 60s you can set fitness free. You don’t need money, Lycra or fancy trainers, you just need to know you can do it, whoever you are and whatever has happened in your life to date and here’s why.

Explorer Paul Rose, 63, is set to present The Pennine Way, later this summer, about the 268-mile path. Here he shares his top tips for staying fit after 60. ‘The sixties are a use-it-or-lose-it time of life. So make sure you keep moving. That means no lifts or escalators. Then walk, run, swim, take yoga classes. Do anything that works for you.

Of course it’s true that most 60 year old women aren’t going to run a 3-minute mile or lift 100 pound weights, but recent research suggests that older adults can continue to stay stronger and healthier with regular exercise, especially strength training. Fitness after 60 is a choice.

There are some specific things men over 60 should keep in mind when building muscle after 60: Be consistent: Whatever your workout routine looks like (or whatever you want it to look like), your top priority should be to stick with it.

How Men Over 60 Should Train to Build Muscle As mentioned above, compound exercises are the best way to build muscle for men over 60. Exercises like squats, deadlifts, cleans, bench presses, and pull-ups (or lat pull downs), are all good ways to strengthen and build muscles, and also to keep you active and able-bodied outside of the gym.

How to keep your body in good shape?

Visit your physician regularly to have your cholesterol, glucose and thyroid levels checked. Tests that are necessary to follow a family history of certain diseases are important to keeping your body in good shape . Regular check-ups are an ideal way to catch problems early, as well as prevent disease.

Exercise daily to keep your joints flexible and improve muscle tone, suggests Mary Ann Wilson, R.N., host of PBS’ “Sit and Be Fit.” When exercising, it is important to keep track of your personal limitations without overdoing it. Weight training, power walking or cycling are ideal exercises for increasing stamina and keeping your body toned. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends seeing what sports leagues are open to active, older adults. Many cities have programming for older adults in such sports as swimming and tennis.

Metabolism slows, making it more difficult to lose weight and keep your body svelte. According to “The Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Seniors,” many people over the age of 60 are healthier and more fit than in the past.

Staying active as you age also plays a role in keeping your brain sharp, according to the ACSM. Regular exercise can affect such age-related cognitive issues as slow reaction time and slow decision making . Advertisement.

How long does it take to recover from strenuous exercise?

Recovery after strenuous exercise is slower as you age and can take up to five days. So exercise smart. Make use of the great outdoors. (Credit: Rawpixel/Shutterstock)

You can keep challenging yourself physically. Mix your routine up a combination of aerobic and resistance work as well as an activity to challenge your balance is ideal. Maximize health benefits by swimming outdoors and as part of a community. You might want to try sea swimming – although it’s not for everybody.

Aging is inevitable and is influenced by many things – but keeping active can slow aging and increase life expectancy. Evidence shows that ageing alone is not a cause of major problems until you are in your mid-90s. And strength, power and muscle mass can be increased, even at this advanced age.

But it is never too late to build more physical activity into your daily life. Even reducing time spent sitting and doing a little exercise will have major health benefits, doing any type of activity at all is better than none. Even chair-based exercises or practising sit-to-stand can be a great start.

Even a few days of bed rest can result in major decreases in strength and fitness. If you have surgery scheduled, being as active as possible before being admitted to hospital and start moving as soon as possible afterwards will help your recovery. It may also prevent complications that could prolong your hospital stay.

Long-term consistency is the key for benefits. You don’t necessarily have to join a gym, just keep building meaningful physical activity into your day. For example, walk briskly to the shops to get your groceries, keep up gardening and be active around your house. Even repeating simple stair climbing is a great exercise.

What type of exercise is best for women over 60?

What Types of Exercise are Best? Some research suggests that running may help improve muscle mass, but the conclusions are unclear as to which type of exercise is best for women over 60. One study found that older people can get stronger through weight lifting and resistance training.

Exercise physiologist Mark Peterson found changes from strength training can be dramatic, increasing muscle mass by an average of 2.5 pounds in five months with some adults over 50. So, women can think about weight training and exercise for both “maintaining” and building lots of new muscle and boosting strength.

Of course it’s true that most 60 year old women aren’t going to run a 3-minute mile or lift 100 pound weights, but recent research suggests that older adults can continue to stay stronger …

It’s often best to get guidance on how to lift weights properly to avoid injury and make sure you’re getting optimal results. Life after 60 doesn’t have to be a time of physical decline. It can be a time of rejuvenation and finding new strength – emotionally, spiritually and physically.

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