
Can We Drink Plain Soda Daily?


Drinking soda every day, whether regular or diet, is associated with increased risk for heart disease, diabetes, weight gain and all-cause mortality. It can also negatively affect your bones, teeth and liver. If you enjoy drinking soda, do so occasionally โ€” think: once a week โ€” instead of every day and your body will thank you.

Losing or maintaining weight can be easier when you don’t drink soda every day. A November 2017 study in the โ€‹ American Journal of Public Health โ€‹ tracked more than 115,000 Mexican women over a 2-year period and observed that drinking less soda was associated with less weight gain.

Research published in the American Journal of Public Health found that drinking soda triggers your appetite or subdues feelings of fullness, which leads you to eat more. Specifically, 17 percent more calories than you would’ve normallyโ€”and when that’s happening every day, it can add up quick. (Related: The 14 Best Drinks to Drive Weight Loss .)

But plain, old water can be boring. Many people turn to carbonated water to beat the boredom, and as long as it doesn’t have any additives, it’s a perfectly safe replacement. This amazing kale pesto is only 210 calories and anti-oxidant rich! Plain soda water, without sodium, sugar or other additives, isn’t bad for you.

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