
Can I Start Balding At 17?

See a Doctor – Whether you’re balding at 15, 16, 17, 18, or 19, you should try to see a doctor if you can. It’s most likely you’re dealing with male pattern baldness, AKA androgenic alopecia, but other factors or conditions could also be playing a role in accelerating your hair loss.

Balding in Your Teens – How to Keep Your Hair and Stay Sane, A Summary 1 Know Your Enemy, Know Yourself – Try to learn the basics about hair loss, 2 Review Your Treatment Options – Evaluate the pros and cons of minoxidil, Propecia, laser therapy, 3 Consider Letting it Go – You want to imagine what life will be like for you as a bald man,

Most aggressive cases of male pattern baldness start when young men are in their teens or early 20s. Maybe it’s coming out in clumps in the shower. Or maybe each time you put your fingers through your hair, it starts falling out like you’re on chemo. That’s not uncommon.

I assure you, you’re not alone here! 70-80% men have the balding gene, and about 30% of your male peers will be balding by the time they’re 30. So even if you lose your hair, it gets easier (and a lot more common with time), I promise.

What age do you start seeing signs of alopecia?

While Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA), also known as Male-Pattern Baldness (MPB), is more likely to occur in men over the age of 35, about 25 percent of men who suffer from MPB will begin to see signs by the age of 21 ( 7 ).

One of the first signs of excessive shedding that people notice is fallen strands of hair on their pillow in the morning and in the drain after showering. Of course, this happens to essentially everyone. However, the difference is in how much you are shedding and how quickly the shed hairs are being replaced.

In addition, females can also suffer from this condition, though in fewer numbers ( 8 ). 7. Alopecia Areata. Alopecia Areata (AA) is an autoimmune disorder that causes patchy (typically circular) bald spots on the scalp and other parts of the body where hair growth occurs ( 9 ).

These can include Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), thyroid disease, and lupus – all of which have been known to cause hair loss (or even excess hair growth) ( 2, 3, 4 ). 2. Stress.

This means your hair is being deprived of a vital element, and it also means less waste (CO2) is being removed from the scalp. 3. Medicine. From Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) to severe acne to depression, there are a number of conditions that may require teens to take a prescribed medication.

2. Stress. The physical and emotional changes experienced by teens can cause immeasurable stress. This can lead to shedding and balding, or actions that cause it (such as anxiety-induced hair pulling). One of the more interesting causes of stress-induced hair loss is the lack of oxygen to the dermal papilla ( 5 ).

1. Hormones. From adolescence to adulthood, the changes that take place in a teen’s body can be astounding. Not only are they maturing physically, mentally, and emotionally, but these changes are caused by a surge of hormones which can further boost their maturation ( 1 ).

When do you go bald?

Baldness may occur at any time. But it usually occurs in after 30s. But if you have these signs then you may go bald. I got freaked when I noticed I had a curved hairline, but my baldness never occurred and remained thick hair ever since. The best thing you can do is to go to a doctor.

Here’s another thing to notice. Its very rare. But some men and women are born with different hairline. Sometimes it may refer as a widow’s peak. Where you’ll form a peak on your hairline. If you have someone related, your father or mother with a widow’s peak, then you’ll more likely to get one. I got one, I have had running in my family. Your hairline may look like this,

When does baldness start?

Most aggressive cases of male pattern baldness start when young men are in their teens or early 20s. Maybe it’s coming out in clumps in the shower. Or maybe each time you put your fingers through your hair, it starts falling out like you’re on chemo. That’s not uncommon.

Based on my extensive research, these are your best four best treatment options for teenage hair loss. 1. Finasteride. Finasteride or Propecia is only approved for men 18 years and older. It can stop hair loss in its tracks and promote regrowth, sometimes for a decade or more.

Minoxidil gets a bad wrap sometimes, but it often does a great job helping men maintain the hair they have. Regrowth is more appealing, I realize, and that’s possible with minoxidil too. But maintenance is absolutely critical if you want to win the war against early-onset hair loss, so if I were you, I’d probably take a serious look at minoxidil. It’s only FDA approved for men over 18, but many doctors recommend minoxidil “off-label” to their younger patients. Talk to your doctor first.

Winning your war against hair loss is the objective, obviously . And if you have a plan, you’ll have an excellent chance of emerging from your baldness battle with your hair (or at least most of your hair), your sanity, and your confidence in tact. It will keep you focused and at peace.

Your hair doesn’t define you. You can buzz it off if you want, even just temporarily if it’s becoming more of a hassle than it’s worth. The point is: if you’re feeling insecure about your hair loss, other people will sense it. Your social interactions will suffer, and your overall quality of life will diminish.

Additionally, hair transplants are often undetectable, but that’s probably not going to be a viable option for you for awhile. Most doctors advise young men to get their hair loss under control before considering a transplant. 25 is often regarded as the minimum age for a transplant, some doctors will go a bit younger ( source ).

Early intervention is the key! If you have aggressive hair loss as a teenager, it would be wise to act quickly. Thinning is only visible to the naked eye after extensive loss has already occurred. So I’d suggest reviewing your treatment options here, and seeing a dermatologist or hair loss specialist ASAP.

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