
How to build a successful clothing store: complete step by step!

How to build a successful clothing store: complete step by step!

How to build a successful clothing store: complete step by step!

Do you dream of owning a clothing store and want to know what steps to take to build a successful store? So you are in the right place.

As the fashion industry is under constant renewal, anyone who intends to open a clothing store must always be very well informed.

Come with us to learn dindim by dindim how to set up a successful clothing store!

How to start a clothing store

make good planning

Before setting up any type of business, it is important to plan. Planning is the foundation for success. Therefore, the first step is to create a business plan.

Starting a business without any knowledge of the business is a pretty dangerous kick to your savings.

Download the monthly cash flow spreadsheet and start taking care of the financial health of your business.

Define your business model

Physical store

There are several ways to sell clothes. The most traditional is in physical stores. Physical stores, whether for new clothes or thrift stores, need sellers, dressing rooms, good lighting, a window, coat racks and, in some cases, mannequins…

collective store

Also in stores, a recent phenomenon that has been gaining strength is collective stores.

There, you can display your products and may or may not be present to make the sale, as the space rental includes dressing rooms and a cashier for payments.

Online store

Setting up an online clothing store is also an interesting option for those who want to undertake.

You can start selling on Instagram and, as sales increase, invest in your own website.

Platforms like Integrated Store, Wix Stores and E-Com.Club are some of the best known.

Know your target audience

The third step in setting up a clothing store is to define your target audience.

  • What kind of clothes do you want to sell?
  • Male or female?
  • Adult or child?
  • Popular or designer?
  • New or used?

Whatever the audience, one of the most important factors is having quality and well-diversified pieces.

Try to keep a good stock so that your customers have the option to buy the size they want, obviously, always respecting their budget.

Choose the location to open your store

Take a good look at the region where you are going to open your clothing store, taking into account the competition.

Always be in tune with trends in your region and fashion nationwide. Try to choose busy places, close to large shopping centers.

Hire good employees

One of the best things you can do to open your clothing store is to know how to hire well. You will need someone to help with sales and even running your business, depending on the size of your store.

Hire people who know how to treat your customers very well and who have a good sense of fashion. But it’s not enough just to hire well, you need to keep an eye on your team’s performance and do constant training.

Remember to be an exemplary boss to keep employees motivated.

What do you need to set up a clothing store

A clothing store should be a beautiful, pleasant, and well-structured environment. The basics you must have is:

  • Macaws, hangers and shelves
  • Environment for stock
  • Space for exhibiting pieces
  • phone and computer
  • locker room and mirrors
  • WC
  • Functional and pleasant decoration
  • good lighting

As it is very difficult to ensure that your customers have cash in their pockets, you also need to acquire one credit and debit card machine. That way you are calm and you don’t lose sales.

Where to buy clothes to resell

Want to know where to buy clothes to resell? The tip is to buy the parts directly from the manufacturer to get better prices and, consequently, increase your profit margin.

Some cities are clothing hubs and are known for their low prices. Sometimes it pays to go to one of these nearest poles to assemble your stock. We’ve already talked here about 7 places to buy cheap wholesale and retail clothing.

But be careful: expenses with tickets, food and accommodation must be counted when analyzing whether the trip is worth it or not.

How to advertise a clothing store

Be it your physical or online clothing store, one of the secrets to success is disclosure.

So, be careful with the photos. It is interesting to invest in a professional photographer and use real models or mannequins to show how the pieces fit.

Besides doing leaflet delivery in your store’s region, you need to ensure a good presence on social media.

Video: How many pieces to buy to open a clothing store

Andressa Gouveia made a really cool video with very valuable tips for those who are going to set up a store. It’s worth watching!

Now that you’ve learned how to set up a clothing store, check out our tips on how to attract customers to your store. And don’t forget to let us know in the comments what you think of the article!

Discover more articles in our categories Fashion & Looks & Luxe ou encore 90s Outfits.

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