
Phrases for single photo: the best 168 to caption your photos πŸ“·

Phrases for single photo: the best 168 to caption your photos πŸ“·

Phrases for single photo: the best 168 to caption your photos πŸ“·

Do you have a beautiful photo, already edited with that perfect filter and now just need a caption to match? Don’t worry: we’ll help you. We’ve made a selection of perfect phrases to use in that photo where you’re alone. We have ideas for the most diverse goals.

The best phrases for photo alone

Time heals everything, but it needs our help too.

I’m proud to look in the mirror and see what that dreamy girl has become ✨

Always dressed for the best adventures in life.

I just waste time with people who make my days wonderful β˜€οΈ

I’m not sure which paths I’m taking, but I know who I want to take with me.

Do you know that silly longing? passed 😎

I looked for strength and soon found it: it is within me✨

It smelled like a flower and was beautiful as the sunset.

I walk my paths alone. Sometimes someone joins in on some paths, but in the end, I’m the one who must own each step.

It is liberating when we come to trust our choices.

When in doubt, listen to the voice of your heart 🧑

Captions for photos alone and thoughtful

No wonder they say that reflecting is one of the main paths to happiness. We’ve separated a few sentences for that photo where you have your thoughts far away.

Thanks for every version that has gone through me. It was thanks to each one of them that I came to who I am today.

I decided to devote time to the person of my entire life: me.

Between certain and uncertain steps, I arrived at my place where I could be: the now.

Sometimes if I get distracted, if I don’t watch myself for a moment, I transport myself close to you.


Wasting time in learning things that don’t interest us deprives us of discovering interesting things.

Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Discovering is looking at what everyone else is seeing and thinking about something different.

Roger Von Oech

Acceptance is the first step to happiness. Lack of it is the main point of suffering.

Wisdom begins with reflection.


I don’t allow any philosophical reflection to deprive me of the joy of the simple things in life

Sigmund Freud

If you stop being you for someone else, then who are you really?

I walk back and forth inside myself.
I’m quite used to being alone, even with others.

Clarice Lispector

Phrases for Thoughtful Alone Pictures: 70 Captions to Express Yourself πŸ’­

Status for photo alone: ​​reflections

People are too quick to judge and too slow to reflect.

The best part of life is the opportunity to learn something new every day. When you think you know everything, you realize you didn’t know anything.

Don’t let your habitual behavior dictate who you really are.

Start by changing your thoughts; end up changing your life ✨

What you see in me is nothing more than a reflection of you.

The biggest change of my life started inside me.

Today I look strong, but I’ve had to fight a lot to be that person.

Anything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.

Carl Jung

Your true personality has been waiting for you all your life, don’t make it wait any longer.

Dr Steve Maraboli

God, family and friends are the most important ingredients in the recipe called life.

What you want to see in the world starts within you.

Some people just don’t deserve our attention.

Phrases to caption your selfies

Keep a smile on your face and let your personality be your autograph.

Happiness is just a chemical.

Be more of you and less of them.

Keep your heels, head and standards high πŸ‘ πŸ’β€β™€οΈ

Stop dreaming about what you want. Train to get what you want.

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.

Secret of the smile: a chocolate cake in the oven 🍰

A balanced diet is: a chocolate in each hand 🍫

Don’t stop when you’re tired. Stop when you’re done!

Focus on the best 🌟

Make peace with your broken pieces 😘

Simple, pretty, sassy and elegant πŸ’‹

Breeze or storm, I’m unpredictable as time.

Don’t be afraid to admit that you’re not the same anymore.

Short Photo Phrases: Caption Ideas for Your Instagram

A few short messages, to express whatever you want in that beautiful selfie you took.

Get out there without looking back.

I spent the afternoon with my best company: I πŸ’πŸΎ

Today is a party day: put on high heels, put on lipstick and listen to my best music πŸ’„

Swimming pool, summer and heat in the heart.

10% reason, 90% emotion.

Few people know how to appreciate an evening like I do.

Play a samba there, which I’m ready to enjoy today πŸ‘ 

Who likes a good party? Me and my comforter too.

I don’t follow established rules, I lead with my heart, not my head.

Princess Diana

I take a breath and repeat to myself: it’s going to be okay.

Made of courage.

Dress badly and you’ll notice the dress. Dress up and the woman will be noticed.

Coco Chanel

85 photo statuses that are perfect captions!

Beautiful subtitles for whatsapp status

I get along well with the innocent, but with the guilty I have more fun 😎


Most things are better in dreams. I am an exception to the rule πŸ”₯😏

Don’t treat someone like a story as a timeline.

The boring news is: I don’t need your approval to be me πŸ‘Œ

She is hot as summer and agile as rain β˜€οΈπŸŒ§οΈ

I’m going to send my selfie to NASA because I’m a star.

My mascara is too expensive to cry over stupid people like you.

Unavailable…. For you.

Time to take a deep breath and pay attention to what it’s worth.

Smile attracts smile.

Of course I do marathons… On Netflix πŸ’»πŸ€“

I need a six-month holiday, twice a year.

My favorite part of my look today is the invisible crown πŸ‘‘πŸ‘Έ

Dear ones I am a nightmare dressed as a dream.

Taylor Swift

An easy and serene life, like a movie. It’s what I want for myself.

50 reflection phrases for Whatsapp status: choose the perfect one for you!

Phrases for photos in the best Tumblr style

Looking for one of those cool phrases we see on Tumblr or an image to show what you’re feeling? He thought:

i want to be smooth and resolved
Clean as a slate and set free
I want to forgive for both of us.

Alanis Morissette

Suffering is always an encounter with oneself: suffering matures πŸ’­

Clarice Lispector

I talk nonsense, curl up in my own words, trip over my legs, laugh at myself and smile at the simpler things in life. And that’s what makes me happy.

Forgiveness is the oxygen of healthy social relationships.

Augusto Cury

empty yourself of your agonies
for what new rivers
run inside you.

ryane lion

I can’t say so much
my eyes stopped talking
just need you to hear

Alice Ruiz

The beauty of being who you are: sometimes it takes time to appreciate yourself, but once you find out, you never give up.

117 best phrases for photos πŸ“·βœŒ

Message for self-love

Before anyone else, I value myself πŸ’…πŸΏ

I was always my first company and I will always be my last.

Come home, put on my best music and put your feet in the air ✨

My biggest mistake is always what I fail to appreciate.

Learning to value myself wasn’t easy, but now that I’ve found out, I don’t stop taking care of myself.

Love life, love each day. Believe me: time passes even when everything seems endless 🌺

Happiness is a plant that needs to be watered daily, with doses of sun and affection.

The years have passed and I feel like I’m the same, but with twice as much confidence.

You have the power to choose what is worth entering your heart.

Love yourself. You are your greatest companion for life!

The most inspiring quotes from 20 successful women

Cool phrases for profile picture

Distracted, thoughts take over.

There is so much good to think about and live 🌷

I’m a dreamer. I live to make my wishes come true.

Today is the day to: believe πŸ€

Dancing brings me life and joy.

Today I woke up wanting to close the door on everything that hurts me and open the window to let new things appear.

You are good, you are pure energy 🌈

She owns herself, silly storms don’t affect her.

It radiated so much light that it could only go out at night so as not to compete with the sun β˜€οΈ

A woman’s beauty must be judged not by the proportions of the body, but by the effect they produce.

anne lick

52 phrases from film to photos

Phrases for a very feminine photo

Are you okay with the mirror? Here are some phrases for that photo that you are feeling like a big woman.

I’m just going to spend energy to kiss your mouth πŸ’‹

Charlie Brown Jr.

I was born with a certificate in multiple functions: I was born a woman.

I’m mine, I’m a woman. I’m everything I want.

ryane lion

It’s no use avoiding red lipstick, the cleavage or the short skirt, my love. Understand: what makes me beautiful is the glow I bring to my soul… And that, no one takes away.

Let’s love the next one! Because the previous one didn’t work out very well.

Flavio Wetter

She has colors, curves, flavors, things that seduce.


Of all the flowers, you bloomed the most ✨🌺

A color palette would not be enough to describe it 🎨

Smiling photo phrases: happy with life

It is said that the smile is the mirror of the soul. If yours is shining today, here are phrases to illustrate that photo of you with a smile:

Brilliant is when you open your mouth and show your smile.

Happiness is a now that is in no hurry.

Adriana FalcΓ£o

Be happy for no reason is the most authentic form of happiness. 🌷

Carlos Drummond de Andrade

The joy of doing good is the only true happiness.

Leon Tolstoy

light up your face with joy
hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear can be so close
This is the time you have to keep trying

John Turner and Geoffrey Parsons

Smile for life, even in difficult times that you may be going through, because it is through it that God approaches you to support you in your journey

Jader Amadi

Happiness is not something you get overnight. But you have to walk on the same trail as her.

Go on the joy diet: a smile each morning and a thank you at the end of the day.

With each passing day, I am closer to the woman I always wanted to be.

After so many attempts, I decided to stop being afraid of making mistakes.

128 sentences for your smiling photos 😊✨

Beautiful phrases to renew your status

Is it difficult to caption that photo that will accompany your new status? We give you some options:

What times are these when we have to defend the obvious?

B. Brecht

There was so much difference that, in this case, the opposites could not attract.

Samuel Alves

For a good connoisseur, half an absence is enough πŸ’πŸ½

Marília Mendonça

I had almost nothing but faith. It was enough.

Rafael MagalhΓ£es

Well, if I’m not who else will decide what’s good for me?

Los Hermanos

73 special music phrases for single photo

Sometimes we have to go through old things to make room for new ones πŸ˜‰

There are strong women and women who have not yet discovered their strength.

I walk supported by the forces of faith.

97 perfect phrases to caption your photos

Phrases for face photos

It’s time to bomb the timeline of your friends with your beauty, but defining yourself is sometimes tricky. Here are phrases to caption your photos on Facebook.

I belong to me and I do what I want.

Raul Seixas

Less eyes from the screen, more eyes in the eyes.

Ester Gomes

Living is much more than just existing.

Beatriz Cortes

Eyes never need subtitles πŸ˜‰

Beautiful, light and loose. You are radiant πŸ’ƒ

I’ve changed a lot, and I don’t need people to believe in my change for me to have changed.

Caio Fernando Abreu

I’ve even tried to be different, for fear of hurting, but there’s no way: I can only be like me.

Ana JΓ‘como

The greatest freedom is to be free from our own mind.


Determined, that’s how she is. Stay determined with your life.

I’m past dreaming of a prince. Today I dream of myself: a rich and happy princess.

Fairy tales helped teach me what not to want in my life.

She is the most beautiful flower in the garden 🌻

It remains beautiful, radiating its light around β˜€οΈ

Few people know how important it is to learn what love is from oneself.

Light and free, that’s me.

Today I woke up prepared to make my life fantastic.

She is not afraid, she is for real.

happy and…

Check more articles in our categories Captions & Quotes & Luxe et encore 90s Outfits.

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