
Phrases about Football

Phrases about Football - Thinker

Phrases about Football – Thinker

What I finally know most about the morals and obligations of man I owe to football…

Albert Camus

Football is not a matter of life and death. It’s much more important than that…

Bill Shankly

Life is like a football game, each move can define its trajectory.

Mikael Johnathan

Football is very simple: whoever has the ball attacks; who doesn’t have defends.

Baby board

If all men’s battles took place only on the football fields, how beautiful wars would be.

Augusto Branco

Opportunity, it doesn’t knock on your door. It takes dedication and effort because it arrives in your lap.

Tite – Football Coach

Often it is lack of character that decides a game. Literature, politics and football are not done with good feelings.

Nelson Rodrigues

If concentration won the game, the penitentiary team would not lose one.

Baby board

If I could, I would be called Edson Arantes do Nascimento Bola. It would be the only way to thank her for what she did for me…


I can be a new Di Stéfano, but I can’t be a new Pelé. He’s the only one who goes beyond the limits of logic…

Johann Cruyff

I didn’t know it was called football, I thought it was called “human geek”.

homer Simpson

Modern football is like naked. Everybody runs and nobody knows where.

Baby board

Blaming life jhow, it’s like the striker blaming the ball because there’s no goal


Is your enthusiasm when reading God’s Word the same as when watching the football game yesterday?

Paul Washer

I learned the following: From the best, something more will always be expected… You know?!

Guilherme Silva Rocha

It’s no use taking responsibility and not having the ability to take the penalty.


The trajectory of the soccer star in Brazil: he creates fame, lies down on the grass and gets out on a stretcher.

José Coutinho See more

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