
Evangelical Subtitles for Alone Photo

Evangelical Subtitles for Alone Photo

Evangelical Subtitles for Alone Photo

We separate evangelical phrases for you to use in photos and status! Phrases of God, gospel separated with love! Check out our Evangelical Legends for photos and get inspired!

My heart is Your home every day, my God. πŸ™

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Renew a firm spirit within me, O God. ❀️

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Make my home, Lord, a place of harmony. β€πŸ™

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It eases your heart, God’s faithfulness never fails. β€οΈπŸ™

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It’s your faith that makes you follow! πŸ™

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If God loves you, no matter who says otherwise

Evangelical Subtitles for Alone Photo

In the small details, I have Him taking care of me and showing how special I am! ❀

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I am the daughter of a living God, nothing shakes my faith πŸ†•

My life belongs to God, and no one will change that. πŸ™Œ

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When I understood the Lord’s time for me, I understood everything

Harvesting myself in God’s timing. ⏳

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In church, in communion with the Lord, I feel complete

I only want around that which brings me closer to God. ✨

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God never lets me feel alone, it’s who’s with me in adversity

I have a God who renews my strength every morning. 🌞

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Never alone, I am always in the company of the Christian faith

I stopped being afraid when I understood the greatness of the one who supports me. πŸ™

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By being grateful, we recognize the power of God in our lives.

Behind every great woman there is an even greater God. ❀

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Cling to the Lord, he will never forsake the apple of His eye

My ups and downs will never measure my worth, Your voice reminds me of who I really am. πŸ™Œ

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Looking for a gospel subtitle? Take the opportunity to express your faith!

Because He lives, I can believe in tomorrow. πŸ™ (Christian Harp)

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God renews everything we need to follow

I don’t underestimate my ability to rebuild myself, because my strength comes from the Lord. ✨

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Up there someone protects you, that’s a statement! ❣️

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Did you take a beautiful picture in church? Honor the house of the Lord with this caption

Evangelical Subtitles for Alone Photo

May it become a tradition to live every day with a light heart, a smile on your lips and feeling the presence of the Lord! πŸ’ž

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God knows the intentions of every heart! β€οΈπŸ™

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Since she felt that God is her best companion, she was no longer afraid to be alone. ❣️

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Every prayer has an answer, just wait and trust. β€οΈπŸ™

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The Lord is my strength and in Him I believeπŸ†•

The destiny of those who believe is victory. πŸ™

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When you understand that God knows everything, you are set free. ❣️

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following in faith so as not to lose my purpose

Where there is sincere prayer, there is the presence of God. ✨

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God guides our every step. πŸ™

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Beautiful Biblical phrase to express your faith in photos

With God in my heart, I will fear no harm. He is my salvation, today and forever. πŸ™Œ (Psalm 23:4)

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Only Jesus is the way, the rest is a dead end! πŸ™β€

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When we know the gospel and the faith, the worldly loses grace

No one will ever take care of me as well as God does. ❀

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Every day God thinks of you, every time God takes care of you. β€οΈπŸ™

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Following the gospel and increasingly grateful to the Lord for everything

May God always be my universe. ✨

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The time of uncertainty is, above all, the time of prayer. πŸ™

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There are things that only God knows how to take care of. Like our heart, only He understands and knows what makes us good. β€οΈπŸ™

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Rest, God takes care of you. πŸ™β€

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When we trust in God, life goes much better, right?

I don’t lose peace with tomorrow, because who is in control of my life is God! 🌈

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When we believe in God, reasons to smile are constant

The more I seek God, the more He takes me away from what makes me suffer and makes me happy! ✨

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He used to smile! God watches you, watches you, guards you and takes care of you. β€οΈπŸ™

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For that photo alone, a biblical caption that shows how blessed it is

Protect me like the apple of your eyes; hide me in the shadow of your wings. 🌻 (Psalm 17:8)

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I’m safe in the arms of the one who never left me! πŸ™

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How about quoting God in your photo caption and demonstrating how grateful you are?

I dress in gratitude to enjoy the best of each extraordinary day that God has set apart for me! πŸ™Œ

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May God’s will be done every day. β€οΈπŸ™

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Your story will have a happy ending because it was God who wrote it. ❣️

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She prayed because she knew only Jesus would understand what she felt. πŸ™β€

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Don’t let your fears dim your faith in God. πŸ’™

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Faith in God was the way I chose to be happy and everyday! πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

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You are my protection, my strength, You are my God, I trust in you. β€πŸ™

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Fill yourself with God and then you will never feel empty. πŸ™Œ

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The best safe haven there is is God. πŸ™β€

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I will trust only in you Lord, I will not be afraid and I will follow your ways. πŸ™πŸ’›

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It’s beautiful to know that there is a God who takes care of us… πŸ™πŸ˜

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Right time is God’s time! πŸ’•

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Leave it in God’s hands, He knows what he’s doing! πŸ™ŒπŸ™

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It is the love of God that surrounds her. πŸ’™

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May my faith be my foundation when I think about giving up. πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

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Jesus showed us that love is the best answer! πŸ’™

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If I have all the faith, to the point of moving mountains, but I don’t have love, I am nothing. πŸ˜πŸ™

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God is going to do a lot more than you have planned! πŸ’™

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Don’t forget about God when everything starts to work out! πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

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Serve God with joy and He will provide many happy endings to your life. πŸ™πŸ™

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Don’t give up or be afraid, because God provides the tools for you to achieve happiness. πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

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Job’s patience, faith and Abraham! πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

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Wait on the Lord. Be strong! πŸ’™πŸ™Œ

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