
Does Soda Eat Your Stomach?


The carbon dioxide, which makes soda bubbly, goes right into your stomach and can end up making you feel “more uncomfortable.” The doctor continued, saying, “In addition, if you’re drinking it cold, cold actually slows down the activity in the gut.” It would actually be more helpful for your stomach if you drank “warm, flat ginger ale.”

It all comes down to the way soda interacts with your stomach β€” and this is different for everyone. While research has not shown a consistent link between soda and acid reflux, carbonated sodas can slightly alter the pH levels in your body, and they can also add air (and therefore pressure) to your stomach and intestines.

Between the carbonation, the acidity, and the cold of a soda straight from the fridge, it’s just about the worst thing you can drink. However, Kuo recommends drinking a warm, flat ginger ale, because ginger helps the stomach relax. Ginger has been used to aid digestion for thousands of years.

If diet sodas are your thing, but you’re also experiencing stomach pain, aspartame could be the culprit. The good news is, this natural sweetener isn’t present in regular cola β€” but beware of the high sugar content in soft drinks without a “diet” label.

Why does my stomach hurt after drinking soda?

One reason you might feel a sharp pain in the stomach after drinking soda is that the carbonation in the drink can cause gas and bloating. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, drinking carbonated beverages moves more air into your digestive tract, which can cause bloating, burping or gas.

The effects of soda on your stomach, and on your whole body, go further than just cramping and pain. According to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, sugary soft drinks can contribute to everything from weight gain to heart disease and other chronic illnesses. Soda may taste good, but it’s full of empty calories …

If you’re experiencing stomach pain after drinking carbonated beverages, it’s best for your overall health if you cut back your consumption. And as always, talk to your doctor if these symptoms become unmanageable or if you don’t notice them getting any better when you moderate your soda intake. Advertisement.

Aspartame Could Cause Stomach Pain. Aspartame, an artificial sweetener found in diet sodas, could also be causing problems for your gut. In a study published in September 2018 in the journal Molecules, researchers found that artificial sweeteners can wreak havoc on your gut’s microbiome, the collection of natural bacteria …

It may taste good in the moment, but in the long run, it can ravage your overall physical health. If you love the taste of carbonated beverages, but want to cut back on sugar, try drinking carbonated water or another fizzy drink that uses all-natural ingredients without sweetener. If you’re experiencing stomach pain after drinking carbonated …

Cola and Stomach Acid. If you’ve ever researched the effects of colas on stomach acid, you’ve probably seen some articles that say it helps soothe an upset stomach , and others that assure it does more harm than good.

That thirst-quenching fizz may taste good, but if you’ve got a sensitive stomach, it can make you feel pretty gross afterwards. If this is your problem, you’ll probably also feel bloated when you consume carbonated water or other fizzy drinks. Try cutting back to see how you feel.

What happens when you drink Coca Cola?

A truly terrifying video posted by the YouTube channel MoltenScience went viral after depicting what supposedly happens in your stomach when you drink Coca-Cola. After pouring the soda into a clear substance, the mixture bubbled, smoked, and turned into a foamy, tar-looking substance. The narrator can be heard saying “the glass is very hot,” and that it looks “kind of like pudding.”

The substance, which the narrator calls “stomach acid” in the video title, isn’t clearly identified. Some speculate it is sulfuric acid, which would cause the sugar in the soda to caramelize then burn.

Sulfuric acid and stomach acid are not the same thing β€” stomach acid is a mix of hydrochloric acid, potassium chloride, and sodium chloride, and hydrochloric acid works to break down proteins while sulfuric acid carbonizes materials (hence why the substance overflowed).

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