
TOP-14: The most interesting books for the development of intelligence

In ancient times, books were of great importance to most people. It was considered fashionable to hold literary evenings, with the help of which an acquaintance with unusually interesting prose and works took place. The book is a source of information for society, as well as an exceptional advisor for the human brain. Many people believe that at the present time for good brain activity it is simply necessary to attend trainings by psychologists and doctors. This is not true. All in all, you can use the psychological and scientific literature. Special guides can help with this issue. Such literature will support the development of thinking and memory. There are many interesting tutorials on the development of intelligence. We offer a list of the most popular and interesting ones in today’s article.

“Emotional intellect. Russian practice “, A. Aleshina, S. Shabanov

Most businessmen believe that business is not a place for emotionality. In fact, they are very wrong. With the help of this manual, the authors refute this version, and also show in practice how to improve their thinking and increase the level of intelligence. Thanks to this book, you can learn more about exercises for the development of all departments of the mind.

“Emotional intelligence of a leader”, D. Caruso, P. Salovey

Most of the working class believe that in the process of work, you should not let your feelings relax and allow the will of emotionality. And the authors of the book argue that this is not the case. With the help of the manual “Emotional intelligence of a leader” they try to prove that anger, restraint, laughter, tears are a rather important and adequate state of any person. After reading the intellectual edition, a person will be able to understand how you can easily develop mental abilities and begin to better understand people.

“Intellect training for all ages” A. Rodionova

“Intellect training for all ages” – a book about the capabilities of people and the boundaries of the development of intelligence. The author describes interesting techniques that maximize the creative, analytical, imaginative potential of thinking. The book is written in an easy and accessible language for readers of all ages.

Edward de Bono: “6 hats of thinking”

6 Thinking Hats is one of the best books on the development of intelligence. The author of the book presented a methodology for teaching non-standard thinking. The ability to think outside the box is characteristic of creative people, but it turns out that this ability can be freely developed. The author gives a scenario for a certain situation, and the reader himself chooses a plan of action for himself a plan of action, so to speak puts on his “hat of thinking.” The entire book is built on adventures and games, which attracts particular interest.

Introspection, Lafayette Hubbard

In our life, it is necessary not only to perceive information, but it is also important to learn how to memorize and systematize it. With the help of memory development, we learn to extract the necessary information. Thanks to the recommendations of Ron Hubbard, you can learn the methods of visual memory, as well as competently use them in life.

O. Kinyakina: “The brain is 100%”

Our thinking and subconscious mind is unable to store a huge amount of information. Olga Kinyakina’s book teaches readers to train intelligence, memory, and use intuitive and creative thinking. The author has developed a methodology that is accompanied by tasks and exercises. By solving puzzles, you can easily develop your thinking.

“How People Think”, D. Chernyshev

Having decided not to make any effort for reflection, most of humanity has chosen to live on “autopilot”. We are faced with the result of such decisions on a daily basis. One side of people does not get tired of surprising with their ideas, while the other side took an inactive position. For representatives of the second side, Dmitry Chernyshev wrote his book with an appeal to leave the trance state and return to a conscious life – to turn on your brain and, finally, start setting tasks for yourself and finding ways to solve them.

“Rules of the Brain” by D. Medina

D. Medina is a biologist. He argues that intelligence can be raised with little effort. The author ratifies that we need to understand the whole mechanism of the brain. The author gave an example of “12” rules. Here is one of them: for 10 minutes you need to focus on a certain picture, and then distract yourself for a while. In this case, women will remember the details, and men will remember the essence. The author proves that twenty-six minutes of a day’s sleep is enough for a person to improve their working capacity.

Louise L. Hay: “Positive Thinking: How to Be Happy Every Day”

People who would like to change their lives should buy books by Louise Hay. The author proves that thoughts materialize. Therefore, it is necessary that thoughts be of a positive nature. This book has helped many women find themselves in life, and also tune in only to the positive. Thanks to thoughts, you can become a healthy and wealthy person in society.

The Economic Way of Thinking, Heine Paul

When creating the book, the main task was set – to easily and clearly convey information to readers. Thanks to the author and his book, many people have managed to achieve their goals.

Norman Peel: “The Power of Positive Thinking”

This book proves to us once again that it is necessary to have more positive emotions than negative ones, as they become reality. With the help of the book and the life examples given in it, you can find out where a person’s potential comes from.

“Brain development. How to read faster, …

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