
71 self

When I look in the mirror, I'm proud of who I am and who I'm becoming.

71 self-love phrases to pamper your self-esteem

Taking care of your self-esteem and self-esteem is one of the most effective ways to be happy! To love others and do good, we need to be kind to ourselves first.

We have separated 71 sentences about self-love that help to reflect and improve self-esteem.

Self-love phrases for Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp statuses

Loving yourself can inspire others to do it too.

When I look in the mirror, I'm proud of who I am and who I'm becoming.

When I look in the mirror, I’m proud of who I am and who I’m becoming.

Time passed and many things changed. In the midst of so much chaos and turmoil, I learned that I am my biggest partner in this life.

I didn't leave because I stopped loving you.  I left because the longer I stayed, the less I loved myself.  Rupi Kaur

I didn’t leave because I stopped loving you. I left because the longer I stayed, the less I loved myself.

Rupi Kaur

Don’t tear yourself apart to keep others whole.

I trust the voice of my heart and the strength of my courage.

I love all my versions that made me who I am today.

I love all my versions that made me who I am today.

If you are going to change, change for the only person who is worth it: you.

Jo Soares

The best relationship there is is to have a love affair with your own life.

I don’t want you to fill my empty parts. I want to be complete alone.

Rupi Kaur

If you are looking for that person who will change your life, take a look in the mirror.

If you are looking for that person who will change your life, take a look in the mirror.

Self-esteem is when your gut returns your heart clean after weeks of acidic digestion.

Tati Bernardi

I have my limits. The first one is my self-love.

Clarice Lispector

How you love yourself is how you teach everyone to love you.

Rupi Kaur

Whoever falls in love with himself has no rivals.

Benjamin Franklin

Short self-love phrases: to use in photos, captions, etc.

Those short sentences about self-love that sum up this very important feeling in a few words.

My dreams are my best place in the world.

It is made up of strength, resilience and courage.

I’m like the sun. It doesn’t always appear in the sky to others, but it always has light.

The most beautiful part of you is the one that lives inside of you.

The most beautiful part of you is the one that lives inside of you.

Today’s Saturday is with my greatest company: me.

Kindness starts from within: from our mind to our heart.

Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.  oscar wilde

Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

oscar wilde

Man has two faces: he cannot love anyone if he does not love himself.

Albert Camus

Do you know what the greatest value is? The one you give yourself to.

Wounds, scars and smiles: this is all part of me.

Loneliness cannot be cured by the love of others. Heals himself with self-love.

Martha Medeiros

Don't forget to love yourself on difficult days.  You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously.

Don’t forget to love yourself on difficult days. You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously.

Best outfit for today? Self-confidence.

You are the star of your life.

When our inside is okay, the outside turns into a mirror.

It just depends on you, once you grow up you never die again, and you don’t have thorns: cultivate self-love.

The blindly in love forgive me, but self-love is essential!

Augusto Branco

Self-love messages: help someone who needs to love themselves more! 🌹

Building your self-esteem is not easy and magical: it requires a lot of care, days and days of reflection and, possibly, help from friends and friends who have already had to go through difficult situations to remember to love themselves.

It's time to heal that old love with a great love: self-love.

It’s time to heal that old love with a great love: self-love.

Don’t be afraid to realize that you are no longer the same.

Self-love is understanding that in our opinion it counts as much as other people’s. Listen to you!

Admire every scar you have.  They are a sign of everything you have overcome.

Admire every scar you have. They are a sign of everything you have overcome.

After all you’ve been through, remember to hug yourself and congratulate yourself on your ability to go strong.

Moments of solitude do not mean being alone: ​​they are opportunities to have conversations with your mind.

Sometimes, we need to look for strength deep down to get back on our feet. It’s hard, but you have that strength inside you. Never doubt.

I will suffer as before, but this time I will have self-esteem, I will take more care of my “I”.  I may have been one more for you, but I'm the only one for me.

I will suffer as before, but this time I will have self-esteem, I will take more care of my “I”. I may have been one more for you, but I’m the only one for me.

Caio Fernando Abreu

What if I told you that the toxic relationships you’re living in might be your way of not taking care of yourself and calling it bad luck?

Aline Lima

Only listen to those who love you. Don’t worry so much about what they think of you. What saves you is not what others are thinking, but what God knows about you.

Father Fabio de Melo

Our self-esteem is often contrary to our interests.

Marquis of Maricá

In jealousy there is more self-love than true love.

François La Rochefoucauld

Be your biggest commitment.  Don't be late or leave it for later.  You are now!

Be your biggest commitment. Don’t be late or leave it for later. You are now!

By not valuing who we are, we are always looking for the opposite of who we are, so we end up attracting people who end up doing us a lot of harm.

Aline Lima

Be you the love of your life!

Never be intimidated into silence. Never allow yourself to become a victim. Don’t accept anyone’s definition of your life, define yourself.

Harvey Fierstein

There is no such thing as tiny love, especially when it comes to self-love.

Martha Medeiros

As kind as this human being is, he has a different emotional history than yours, he has different goals than yours, he has different needs than yours, that is, everything he does “for you” will be based on what he thinks it is better.
Before believing someone is your safety, be your safety. This is the only recipe for a healthy relationship and the recovery of your self-esteem.

Aline Lima

No girl needs beauty to be beautiful. She just needs self-esteem, self-confidence and personality.

Barbara Koré

A flower does not think of competing with the flower beside it.  It just blooms.

A flower does not think of competing with the flower beside it. It just blooms.

Those who cannot love themselves end up living bitterly and demanding that the other occupy a space they were unable to occupy.

Gabriel Chalite

Never try to change a person you love, because the very effort to change says you love half of the person, and the other half of the person is not accepted. When you love, you just love.


If you can’t be yourself because you’re afraid of what the other person might think, it’s because something’s wrong.

Aline Lima

52 self-esteem phrases to believe in yourself

Self-esteem messages: for you who are investing in yourself!

OK, so the time for suffering is over and the time for self-worth, taking care of the garden so that the butterflies come to you has begun, as Mario Quintana says 🌸❤️

Self-love and I promise to be kinder to each other.

How many times do you praise yourself?  And how often do you criticize yourself?  Maybe it's time to balance this.

How many times do you praise yourself? And how often do you criticize yourself? Maybe it’s time to balance this.

Don’t be afraid to say “no” to what doesn’t do you any good.

Do you know the self-love thing?  So I'm hooking up with him, and our relationship is great!  Tati Bernardi

Do you know the self-love thing? So I’m hooking up with him, and our relationship is great!

Tati Bernardi

A love came to me, which at the moment I can only feel for myself… My self-love is so great that it doesn’t fit you!

Caio Fernando Abreu

Loving yourself is knowing that you can break your face three hundred times, but in the end it’s always going to be okay; Nobody is strong enough to make you fall and not be able to get up afterwards.

Sorry if I’m faithful to me.
I already tried to betray myself,
but unfortunately my love
itself is unconditional

Milena Lion

What's behind us and what's in front of us are tiny things compared to what's inside us.

What’s behind us and what’s in front of us are tiny things compared to what’s inside us.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

When I planted self-esteem in my garden, he gave up waiting for the butterfly to return.
He learned to deal with snakes and lizards to defend himself from possible pests.
Now he has thorns to hurt anyone who tries to step on him.

Keila Sacavem

I teach you that the first and most important thing is to be loving to yourself. Take care of yourself. Learn how to forgive yourself, over and over and over again; seven times, seventy-seven times, seven hundred and seventy-seven times. So you will blossom. In that flowering you will attract some other flower. This is natural. Stones attract stones; flowers attract flowers.


You realize that you have true self-respect when you decide to give up on someone who lives by mistreating your heart.
You will meet people who will light your fuse
to make you shine
and others to make you burn.

ryane lion

Owning our history and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we will ever do.

Owning our history and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we will ever do.

Don’t disappoint the great love of your life: you.

Before diagnosing yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you’re not, in fact, surrounded by idiots.

Sigmund Freud

When your self-esteem is low, remember, love is a ladder.


You’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try to approve yourself and see what happens.

Louise L. Hay

If someone believes in himself, he doesn’t try to convince others. Because the person is content with himself, he doesn’t need the approval of others. Because a person accepts himself, the whole world accepts him.


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