
150 sentences for photos alone (original and creative subtitles)

150 sentences for photos alone (original and creative subtitles)

150 sentences for photos alone (original and creative subtitles)

Bruna Marquezine

Let’s face it: everyone has that perfect photo to post, but there isn’t always a catchy phrase for it. In this situation, don’t leave your record without a caption. After all, you deserve a cool and creative phrase that expresses well what your photo meant. Here’s a special curatorship with 150 captions and phrases for single photos that are perfect to rock your selfies. Check it out below and say X!

Subtitles for selfies


Dare to be simple!

There are no gray days for those who dream in color.

Good energies, today and always!

Be love, be light, be you!

He loves me, he loves me.

What doesn’t do me good, I don’t miss it.

Transform the world from within you.

What doesn’t challenge you, doesn’t transform you.

Freedom is living the dream of your own wing.

It is not a flower to be smelled, it is a garden to be appreciated.

If you do yourself a favor, look at you with love.

I am like that: free, light and carrying the best thoughts.

Everything gets better when you decide you don’t care anymore.

Be you the reason for your happiness.

Live the story you want to tell.

I love everything that is true and comes from the heart.

The best fall in life is to come to your senses.

Life is the color you paint.

I’m not pink, I’m not pure, I’m not his, I’m not yours.

Linda is the woman who loves himself.

I love the sea, the beach and nobody else warms my head but the sun.

What I sought and did not find, I became.

Life is a dance, you follow or dance.

Sometimes I feel like I’m going against the grain, but no one is going to change my direction.

Let the winds of life take what needs to go.

I allow the best energies to come to me.

I am the result of my attitudes, feelings and ideas.

Be what you can be. And you can do anything!

Everything that takes me out of reality enchants me.

Amazing things happen every day for those who believe.

Captions for photos alone smiling


When the heart is sunny, every season is summer.

Wherever bloom, bloom.

You can do a lot with a smile, especially a better day!

Blessed is our smile every day!

We are all made of stars, so: shine!

Be the energy you want to attract.

Life is too short to shine only on Carnival.

Smiling does not use electricity and generates much more light!

When we stretch our smile a little more, problems shrink.

Even if there’s no reason, I’ll smile anyway. Ever!

Smile without a camera, talk without a cell phone, help without an audience, love without conditions.

Be the light that brightens the dark house in someone’s life.

If the day smiled at you, smile back and make it happen!

If it is to have a crisis, let it be a laugh!

A smile is the most beautiful silence there is.

She is an exaggeration. In strength, smile, love and faith.

Happiness is when the mouth is too small for the smile the soul wants to give.

I chose to be happy. Not because everything is good, but because I can see the good and positive in everything in life.

Leave your smile open, that’s where love usually enters.

A beautiful sun outside, another one inside the chest. I don’t know, I think it’s going to take a while to get dark today!

For good days, smiles. For bad days, patience. And for everyday, faith.

She decided to be like the sun, to shine alone!

In the doubt of tomorrow, live in the certainty of now.

I’m made of love. Where there is space, I grow. If they suffocate me, I suffer. When you look for me, I’ll show up. If there is reciprocity, I flourish.

May every path I walk on have flowers. And if not, let me plant them.

For those who have faith, the sky is not the limit.

Whether light! The world is full of gray people.

There are flowers in everything I see!

Today is the right day to love, believe, do and, above all, live!

For a day without colors, smiles and flowers!

Reflection captions for photos alone


After suffering a lot wanting a perfect person and a movie life, I just want to be happy in a simple way. Tati Bernardi

Just feed your soul with what makes you light.

She thought she wasn’t going to hold the wave, but she remembered that she was the sea itself.

A bright day depends more on your attitudes than the sun itself.

If even the seasons change, why stay the same?

When you believe in yourself, it’s impossible not to blossom.

Heart at peace flourishes even alone.

Shout kindness with all your heart, that the world will give you back with all gratitude.

Worry ends when faith begins.

Changing is becoming what you were born to be.

Life is infinite for those who know how to enjoy it.

Giving thanks is the art of attracting good things.

Order of love: first the self, then the reciprocal.

As long as your heart is beating, everything can change.

Evolving is expensive. Sometimes friends are gone, love is lost and you suffer from the change. But, in the end, it is far from excess that the essential remains: you find yourself.

Life begins when we decide to stop pleasing the audience.

Here there is only the good. If you wish me harm, I wish you love.

Never give up on your dreams, miracles happen every day.

The secret to happiness is keeping happiness a secret.

With how many liters of coffee do we wake up for life?

Don’t let people put you in their storm, put them in your peace.

As long as there is a dream to follow, there will be reason to exist.

Get out of the way or be part of the journey.

Beautiful is opening your heart to hear the voice of God.

I could complain about not having everything I want. But I prefer to thank for everything that God has already given me.

May we always be able to see the greatness of God’s blessings in our lives.

Wherever there is a desire, there is a chance to work!

Allow yourself! Start. Start over.

I want peace, tranquility and everything that makes me really good!

So strong outside, so much confusion inside… Calm mind, noisy heart.

English subtitles for photos alone


There’s just one life to live. There is only one life to live.

Once, I dared to dare greatly. Once, I dared to dare too much.

Be and honor the person you are. Be and honor the person you are.

Smile even without reason. Smile even without reason.

Enjoy the little things. Enjoy the little things.

Do whatever is good for your soul. Do whatever is good for your soul.

It’s the imperfections that make things beautiful. It’s the imperfections that make things beautiful.

You’ll have the view of the top of the mountain that you climb. You will have a view of the mountain as you climb.

Look for the magic living in every moment. Look for the magic that lives in each moment.

If you never try, you’ll never know. If you never try you’ll never know.

Perhaps without the lows, the highs could not be reached. Perhaps without the lows, the highs could not be reached.

Take only memories, leave only footprints. Take only memories, leave only footprints.

Don’t let life take you. Take control! Don’t let life take you. Take Control!

Sometimes, all we need is a fresh start… Sometimes all we need is a fresh start…

Don’t forget to smile! Do not forget to smile!

I don’t need luck if I have love. I don’t need luck if I have love.

We are what we make of ourselves! We are what we make of ourselves!

Life is better when you’re smile. Life is better when you smile.

Be happy, not perfect. Be happy, not perfect.

Don’t be afraid of dreaming! Don’t be afraid to dream!

One bad chapter doesn’t mean your story is over. A bad chapter doesn’t mean your story is over.

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. Life is not a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.

The more we smile, the more life makes up for it. The more we smile, the more life pays off.

Dream without fear, love without limits. Dream without fear, love without limits.

Sometimes you need to fall before you can fly. Sometimes you have to fall down before you can fly.

I don’t always take a selfie, but when I do… I don’t always take a selfie, but when I do…

Inhale the future, exhale the past. Inspire the future, exhale the past.

It’s OK if you don’t like me, not everyone has good taste. It’s okay if you don’t like me, not everyone has good taste.

Life goes on, with or without you… Life goes on, with or without you…

Let your aura reflect who you truly are. Let your aura reflect who you really are.

Subtitles with song lyrics for pictures alone


And the sky will be your home, it will fly with your wings. Acoustic Poetry

I’m not one to put much pressure on, but I won’t be in your hand. Anitta

Your game is over and the dance is on, you’ll remember me! Luisa Sonza

Let’s live all there is to live, let’s allow ourselves! Lulu Santos

There’s no other way to see me smile, the effect of it here is crazy. emicide

Keep in your heart purity and truth, what you convey back with intensity. melin

For the blue wave to gather only what is good, the rest will pass. Silva

If you don’t like it, sit down and cry! Today I want to bother. Ludmilla

But for those who have strong thoughts, the impossible is just a matter of opinion. Charlie Brown Jr.

I know they’re going to try to destroy me, but I’m going to rebuild myself… Back stronger than before! Iza

Who I want doesn’t want me. Who wants me, I won’t. Nobody will suffer alone, everyone will suffer! Marília Mendonça

I’m focused and I don’t give up. The no I already have, the yes I conquer. MC Kevinho

In the air I breathe I feel pleasure, of being who I am, of being where I am… Now all that’s missing is you! Rita Lee

You have to love people like there’s no tomorrow… urban Legion

Shining life, smiling idly. Only vibrating love and peace! Natiruts

Who has the courage to talk about love? Who has the courage to be what he is not? Acoustic Poetry

It’s just that I was elected the perfect madwoman, which has a recipe that is made with confectionery that is made with the heart. Anitta

Let me tell you, I’m the type that can’t be deciphered. Luisa Sonza

I see a new beginning of the era, of fine, elegant and sincere people. Lulu Santos

If this is about living, boiling down to survival is stealing what little good I experienced. emicide

From two hearts only one was made, one that is worth more than two or three. melin

I stopped complaining, life will pass, I won’t stay in this anymore! Silva

I have the soul of a flying kite! Ludmilla

Today no one will spoil my day… Charlie Brown Jr.

Your opinion no longer matters to me, your concept does not change my view. Iza

I fell in love with what I invented about you. Marília Mendonça

She’s loose, so much has he arrested… MC Kevinho

One fine day I decided to change and do everything I wanted to do… Rita Lee

Every day when I wake up, I don’t have the time that passed… urban Legion

Grow regardless of what happens! Natiruts

Now, just pick that killer selfie and shine even brighter with a caption that’s all about you! For more amazing tips, see how to take beautiful photos and follow the best tutorials that will help you on this mission.

Check more articles in our categories Captions & Quotes & Luxe ou encore 90s Outfits.

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