
Why is pizza feminine?

Why is pizza feminine?

Why is pizza feminine?

In English, nouns don’t have a gender. So “pizza” is neither feminine, nor masculine, nor any other gender, in English. In every language that has grammatical genders, pizza is feminine. The reason for that is that is feminine in Italian, and “pizza” is originally an Italian word.

Also, What is spaghetti in French?

spaghetti. More French words for spaghetti. le spaghetti noun.

Is cheese in French masculine or feminine?

The word for cheese is a masculine noun: le fromage. Because fromage is masculine, masculine articles must be used with it, and here, it is used with…

How do you know the difference between masculine and feminine in French?

Most nouns referring to men, boys and male animals are masculine; most nouns referring to women, girls and female animals are feminine. … Generally, words ending in -e are feminine and words ending in a consonant are masculine, though there are many exceptions to this rule.

Is Sandwich masculine or feminine in French?

I was typing in the “Food Course” form for French, when I came upon a question telling me to write “the sandwich” in french. I typed it in correctly (la sandwich) but when I clicked to check my answer, it said I was wrong. It stated, “The sandwich is masculine, not feminine.” Why are we asuming genders of sandwich’s?


What is macaroni in French?

More French words for macaroni. le macaroni noun. macaroni.

What is hamburger in French?

More French words for hamburger. le hamburger noun. hamburger. la viande hachée noun. minced meat, hash meat.

What is the French word for burger?

burger {noun} [abbreviation]

That’s a lot of burger. Ça en fait des hamburgers.

How do you say chocolate in French?

How do you say jam in French?

What’s orange in French?

orange → oranger, orange.

What does phrase mean in French?

1. (= saying) expression f. 2. (= group of words) groupe m de mots.

What is the difference between LE and LA in French?

With masculine singular nouns → use le. With feminine singular nouns → use la. With nouns starting with a vowel, most nouns beginning with h and the French word y → use l’. With plural nouns → use les.

Is Canada masculine or feminine in French?

All other countries are masculine: le Nigéria, le Brésil, le Canada, le Japon, le Danemark, le Maroc, le Liban, le Pakistan, le Pérou.

What do the French call sandwiches?

sandwich n. sandwich nm. Ex : garçon – nm > On dira “le garçon” ou “un garçon”.

What do French people call sandwiches?

New Member. There are submarine sandwiches in France (there are subway restaurants), but we just call it “des sandwichs”.

What is a boy is eating an orange in French?

je mange de la mangue. Last Update: 2021-05-04. Usage Frequency: 1.

Is macaroni Italian or French?

Since the Kraft Company put it in a box in 1937 every American kid grew up with macaroni and cheese. There can be no doubt that its ultimate origins are Italian, as one finds macaroni and cheese recipes from the late thirteenth century in southern Italy.

Is mac and cheese feminine or masculine?

mac and cheese

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). Boxed mac and cheese will never taste as good as homemade ones.

Is macaroni in French masculine or feminine?

macaroni {masculine}

expand_more That is partly why they are living on Coca-Cola and macaroni.

What is French ketchup?

More French words for ketchup. le ketchup noun. catsup.

How do you spell sandwich in French?

Il est assis sur un banc de parc et mange un sandwich .


Principales traductions
Anglais Français
sandwich n (bread slices with food between) sandwich nm Ex : garçon – nm > On dira “le garçon” ou “un garçon”.

How do you say beef in French?

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