
What should I do with old VHS tapes?

What should I do with old VHS tapes?

What should I do with old VHS tapes?

Here are some options.

  1. Thrift Stores. Most thrift stores will accept donations of VHS tapes.
  2. Green Disk. Green Disk will recycle your old VHS tapes for you.
  3. Freecycle. Offer your VHS tapes on Freecycle and hope somebody else wants them.
  4. Make Scarecrows. …
  5. Knit With the Tape.

Then, Are used VHS tapes worth anything?

The average cost of a secondhand VHS tape is about $11, according to eBay. β€œIf your dog chewed the case or the kids scribbled all over it, it’s probably not worth much. However, if you have the right edition in mint condition, you may be surprised at what collectors will pay,” eBay said in its study report.

Should I keep VHS tapes?

So, what are you supposed to do with those tapes? Of course, they may carry a lot of sentimental value β€” and there could even be personal content on some of them that you don’t want to throw away. But there are ways of backing up VHS content β€” and after that, there’s pretty much no reason to keep the tapes themselves.

Where can I donate VHS movies near me?

Drop off old VHS tapes to a Goodwill, Salvation Army or St. Vincent de Paul thrift shop. Donating unwanted items like these tapes extends their lifespans.

How do you store VHS tapes?

Video tapes should be stored vertically and in their boxes. Don’t stack tapes on top of one another. Store magnetic tapes away from anything that can create an electro-magnetic field. This includes loudspeakers and other articles containing magnets, and also high voltage lines and surge protectors.


What is the rarest VHS tape?

10 Rarest VHS Tapes And How Much They’re Worth

  1. 1 Star Wars – $3,500 Sealed.
  2. 2 Tales From The QuaDead Zone – $700.
  3. 3 Halloween – $500.
  4. 4 WCW Bash At The Beach 2000 – $500.
  5. 5 The Evil Dead – $300.
  6. 6 Walt Disney Home Video 1981 Releases – Varies From $50 – $300.
  7. 7 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre – $300.
  8. 8 A History Of Violence – $120.

What is the most valuable VHS movie?

Fantasia – $1,750

Considering the film was released all the way back in 1940, it makes sense that an original VHS would be a big seller. The Fantasia Black Diamond Edition on VHS is easily the most valuable version of the VHS release, being listed for as much as $1,750 on eBay.

Is the original Little Mermaid worth money?

If you were one of the lucky few who still a copy of the movie with the questionable design, then you could rake in a small fortune. The rare version of The Little Mermaid has been listed for thousands of dollars eBay. One seller has a banned cover copy currently listed for $7,796!

Is VHS making a comeback?

It appears recently that VHS is gaining popularity, at least on the collectors’ market. The age of mainstream VHS collectibility may be upon us,” the newspaper said. … The story went on to say that the most popular VHS tapes these days tend to have unique cover art.

What can you do with old DVDs?

How To Get Rid of Old DVDs

  1. Donate to Others. Donating your old DVDs to others is a great way to get rid of your unwanted disk collection.
  2. Recycle. Yes, you can recycle your old DVDs!
  3. Sell. Make some extra cash from your old DVDs by selling them.
  4. Sell, Recycle & Donate With Zapper.

Can you recycle CDs at Target?

Target and Best Buy make it easy to recycle optical discs, DVDs and jewel cases by providing collection bins. You can also search listings through the CD Recycling Center of America to find a recycling center in your neighborhood.

Are VHS tapes recyclable in California?

While VHS Tapes are considered e-waste, they are not taken by the Household Hazardous Waste Program. Use this site from CalRecycle to find a recycler for these items. If your items are in good condition, consider donating them.

What is the life expectancy of a VHS tape?

VHS tape life expectancy varies from one VHS tape to the next. In general, VHS deterioration of 10–20% occurs over a period of 10 to 25 years. Better quality tapes have a slightly longer lifespan, as do VHS tapes that have been kept in a climate-controlled setting.

How long can you store VHS tapes?

Because analog videos (most likely your VHS tapes) are rapidly deteriorating. According to NPR, technology that makes use of magnetic strips doesn’t last very long, as the tape loses magnetism over time. As a result, most tapes have a shelf life of no more than 10 to 30 years, depending on how well they were stored.

Will cold damage VHS tapes?

The materials used to make vinyl records, videotapes, cassettes, and Laserdiscs may become brittle when subjected to cold temperatures. Moreover, if the storage temperature varies from extreme cold to hot, this is a serious problem that will certainly cause damage to these valuable items.

What is the rarest DVD?

So if you have some spare box sets and DVDs lying around collecting dust, now is the time to trade in!

  • The Killer, Criterion Collection DVD.
  • The History of Beavis and Butt-Head.
  • Hellraiser: The Scarlet Box.
  • The Complete Sartana.
  • Kung Fury.
  • Harry Potter Wizard’s Collection.
  • Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Box Set.

How much are Star Wars VHS tapes worth?

On eBay, Facebook trading posts, and other platforms, collectors are actively buying and selling video cassettes for prices that stretch into the thousands of dollars. Now, an unopened VHS copy of Star Wars: A New Hope is expected to sell for a whopping $60,000.

What DVDs are worth money?

15 DVDs and Blu-rays That Are Still Extremely Valuable

  • MXC: Most Extreme Elimination Challenge Vol. 4 & 5.
  • The Killer, Criterion Collection DVD. Criterion.
  • The History of Beavis and Butt-Head. MTV.
  • Hellraiser: The Scarlet Box. Arrow.
  • Sartana. Arrow.
  • Fury.
  • The Vincent Price Collection Vol.
  • Friday the 13th: The Complete Collection.

What old items are worth money?

Various items you’ve had in your house for years may be worth a lot more than you think. Children’s toys like action figures, baseball cards, and McDonald’s Happy Meal toys could be worth thousands of dollars. Similarly, silverware, jewelry, and vintage technology could put more money in your pocket.

How much can I sell the Little Mermaid VHS worth?

Sales Prices on eBay

The Little Mermaid VHS with original, also called “banned,” cover art can sell for up to $300 on eBay. When searching completed listings, many sellers don’t know to use the keywords original or banned cover art, so make sure those keywords are in the title and description area.

Is there any nudity in Disney films?

In 2020, Disney+ went viral for quietly removing nudity from its movies, including giving Daryl Hannah CGI hair over her butt in Splash, Tom Hanks’ 1984 romcom. Disney+ can now remove its odd CGI additions, restoring movies to their original formats.

How much is Toy Story Worth on VHS?

eBay reported a first-run edition of Beauty and the Beast from 1991 sold for $60,000 in 2017. A copy of Aladdin from 1992 went for $28,000 the same year, and Toy Story on VHS auctioned for $25,000 in 2019.

What was the last movie out on VHS?

By 2006, the era of the VHS had finally sealed its fate as a blip in film history when the dying format released its final major Hollywood movie, A History of Violence, on March 14.

What was the last VHS tape movie?

No major film studios issue releases on VHS anymore, and the last film to be released was A History of Violence in 2006.

Is there any demand for VHS tapes?

There is, it turns out, much demand for these old VHS tapes, price tags notwithstanding, and despite post-2006 advancements in technology. Driving the passionate collection of this form of media is the belief that VHS offers something that other types of media cannot.

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