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100 Tumblr Photo Captions: the best and most creative!

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100 Tumblr Photo Captions: the best and most creative!

If you are looking for inspiration to improve your posts on Tumblr, we want to help you. Here we have selected a great selection of Tumblr-style subtitles and phrases for you to use in your photos on social media.

100 great captions for your photos on Tumblr

Tumblr is a wonderful social network to find powerful and inspiring phrases that can also convey your feelings in a few words.

Check out the great ones below phrases and subtitles for you to post on your social networks and on Tumblr. Use these phrases and thrill your followers. Enjoy!

Matter to you?

1 – Choosing your time is saving time. – Francis Bacon

2 – If you want to change, change for the only person who is worth it: you. – Jo Soares

3 – A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms. It is loneliness that inspires poets, creates artists and animates genius. – Henri Lacordaire

4 – Believe in yourself, but don’t always doubt others. – Machado de Assis

5 – It is necessary to give up on some people in order not to give up on yourself.

6 – The best relationship there is is to have a love affair with your own life. Be you the love of your life!


7 – Before diagnosing yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, surrounded by idiots. – Sigmund Freud

8 – When our inside is fine, the outside becomes a mirror.

9 – Whoever falls in love with himself has no rivals.

10 – Great success can only be achieved when we remain true to ourselves. – Friedrich Nietzsche

11 – It doesn’t matter who turned off your light. What matters is that you can always turn it on.

12 – Life is too important to be taken seriously. – Oscar Wilde

68 Declaration of Love Phrases: win the one you love!

13 – In jealousy there is more self-love than true love. – FranΓ§ois La Rochefoucauld

14 – I don’t want you to fill my empty parts. I want to be complete alone. – Rupi Kaur

15 – True beauty is with those who dress themselves in generosity.

16 – He who avoids falls is not strong, but he who gets up has the wisdom to face them as lessons learned.

17 – In life, don’t ask for too much, but fight for everything that is rightfully yours!

18 – When the thought is right and the heart is strong, the path becomes indifferent!

19 – Let time take away the sorrows and bad memories, but let the dreams and hopes remain.

20 – Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be outrageously happy.


21 – Our strength is reflected in the way we stand up after a fall.

22 – I have a whole world to discover and an incessant desire to conquer it.

23 – I let time heal my wounds and bring me new dreams to fight for!

24 – My defeats do not define me, but they helped me to grow and know how to value my victories more.

25 – Anyone who has never cried with sadness does not know how to value a smile of joy.

30 attitudes to develop SELF-LOVE and learn to love yourself

26 – Never let bad feelings stop you from enjoying good times.

27 – Because a smile makes every face and soul prettier, I smile even when I don’t feel like it.

28 – In the end, life is not the riches we accumulate, but the good times we live with those we love and the memories we keep.

29 – Giving up is for the weak, but knowing how to stop is for the wise.

30 – I have many dreams in me, but also the ability to make them come true!

31 – I can have the whole world against me, but even that won’t change my positive way of seeing the world!

32 – Problem makes depression, the system makes oppression and you, do more than footprints on this floor.

33 – With every step I take, I learn something new and I strive to be better and one day be able to live up to all my dreams.


34 – Sometimes a positive attitude is enough to turn a bad day into a wonderful day.

35 – Big surprises are about to arrive for those who don’t expect anything from me.

36 – Along the way I encounter obstacles and in my heart the strength to overcome them!

37 – The problem is that we think too much about what we shouldn’t even think about.

38 – Being light is having a soul full of good feelings.

39 – Let’s start the story over. Change the “once upon a time” to “this time”.

40 – My silence says it all, listen to whoever wants to.

45 Black and White Photo Captions: you even more Tumblr!

41 – The best place in the world is in a hug!

42 – Before saying anything, put yourself in the place of the person who is going to listen.

43 – The past is a garment that no longer fits us.

44 – Do not throw thorns on the road, you can be barefoot on the way back.

45 – In spite of everything, keep smiling…

46 – Do not let pride speak louder than heart.

47 – God is the answer, no matter the question.

48 – Everything that takes me away from reality enchants me.

49 – She was looking for flowers without knowing that spring lived inside her.

50 – Overflow love, who does not know how to swim, sink alone.


51 – I walked around and found myself in love with the twists and turns that life takes…

52 – Untie the knot that binds you to those who do not deserve you.

53 – Not everything that is seen reflects the truth.

54 – Let go: the past has reasons for not being your present anymore.

55 – While life comes and goes, you try to find someone who one day can tell you: I want to be alone with you.

56 – The problem is not to forgive, it is to trust again.

57 – The dawn is the time that nostalgia likes to visit the most.

58 – Your life is the story you write every day.

68 Delayed Birthday Messages: A Loving Apology!

59 – Don’t let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big.

60 – If you can’t reciprocate, don’t captivate.

61 – An attitude can change a story.

62 – I believe it is time to put a period in a sentence that ended in a comma.

63 – Many people talking about love and few people knowing how to love.

64 – And if there is no tomorrow? Did you make today worth it?

65 – Seek to be happy, without hiding anyone’s happiness.

66 – I don’t have to deal with anyone’s problem, the mess that is my life is enough.

67 – You left and I still wanted you, but I wanted someone who wanted to stay.

68 – The way they leave says it all.

69 – Are you happy or are you just smiling?

70 – If it’s not uncomfortable, settle in on me.


71 – Big things usually have small beginnings!

72 – Calmly and with soul.

73 – Waiting for your visit, a pat.

74 – Who guides my path is God!

75 – While some choose perfect people, I choose the ones that are good for me.

76 – What’s different about you is what’s most beautiful.

77 – It is not the beautiful things that mark our lives, but the people who have the gift of never being forgotten!

60 Sad subtitles to express the pain you feel

78 – Hopefully happiness catches you, and never lets you go again… I’ll think it’s done well because you’ll earn what you deserve: be happy!

79 – There are words that come as a hug… And there are hugs that don’t need words…

80 – Everything good in this life is disheveled: making love, jumping, dancing, laughing, kissing… So, I hope you live your life with your hair always a disaster.

81 – The negativity of the world cannot bring you down unless you allow it to remain within you.

82 – Firm mind, clean soul and positive thinking always.

83 – Every day is a day to feed your heart with good energy.

84 – I like things that shine. From people of light! From people who know how to be the sun, even when life is cloudy…

85 – Come peace, come love, come happiness, come good energy.

86 – Maybe it’s better to move on, rather than clinging to things we can’t change.

87 – Your beliefs do not make you a better person, but your attitudes do.

88 – Cultivate love, sadness does not flower.

89 – Think positive, show affection and live as you wish.


90 – Status: being happy at every moment!

91 – Every positive thought drives you in the right direction.

92 – Live your life and ignore the negativity. Don’t let anyone steal your happiness.

93 – Let the wind take you, the best things happen by chance.

94 – Sowing only what is good for us!

93 Captions for Baby Photos. Oozing cuteness on social media!

95 – Positive mind, positive vibrations, positive life. It’s a cycle!

96 – Think positive and good things will happen!

97 – Bring out the best in you!

98 – Distribute love and see the universe conspiring in your favor!

99 – I like positive people, who spread good vibes with just a smile.

100 – If you don’t believe in your success, no one can believe it for you.

Did you like the subtitles? So don’t waste time and share with your friends and family, make the day of the people you love better with these beautiful and exciting subtitles.

ClΓ‘udio Bernardo has a degree in technology, a web writer and a passion for history fiction books. In his spare time he enjoys studying and writing articles about general knowledge and playing classical guitar.

Find more articles in our categories Captions & Quotes & Luxe et 90s Outfits.

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