
Store sells children’s items by the kilo and is successful in the RMBH mall

Store sells children's items by the kilo and is successful in the RMBH mall - First Plan

Store sells children’s items by the kilo and is successful in the RMBH mall – First Plan

The economic crisis that has hit the country for three years was the kickoff for a trio of entrepreneurs to decide to bet on an old common practice in the interior of the state: the sale of clothes by the kilo.

Usually, clothing sold on scales is considered to be of inferior quality and the pieces were spread out, without organization. However, the brothers Fábio Nunes and Fernanda Nunes and their friend Altair Nunes sought to change this concept.

To sell the products at Bebé no Kilo, they bet on a pretty store where the clothes hang on hangers. The chosen segment was clothing for children and teenagers from zero to 14 years old, with the sale of renowned factories in the south of the country.

“The children’s clothing trade is considered expensive by parents due to the short time that the items are used, given the rapid growth of children. Therefore, selling clothes well below market value would be a ‘master shot’. In the current situation, nobody is able to spend”, explains Fábio.


All goods are sold by weight. The prices of the pieces vary according to models and brands and range from R$ 230 to R$ 600 per kilo. Fábio Nunes says that at Bebe no Kilo, customers can pay up to 50% cheaper than at regular stores. The discount is possible because the company is able to purchase large batches of collections that are already on the market.

“To get good deals, I need a lot of negotiation, bargaining power and wait for the right time. Most of the time, this forces me to have large inventories to be able to sell cheaply”, he says.

success trajectory

The store’s history began two years ago in Itabira, in the central region of the state. There, the venture was widely accepted and the brothers and their friend decided to expand the business.

On December 7th they opened the second store, this time in Contagem, in Greater Belo Horizonte. The unit is at Itaú Power Shopping and had an investment of around R$250 thousand.

Fábio emphasizes that the store only sells new and fault-free parts. “The price is the difference. The quality, the models, the style, everything is the same as in other stores. The same piece I sell, the competitor sells. We have the best brands, like Fakini, Trick Nick and Bugbee”, he says. For 2018, the brand plans to open two more stores, in Belo Horizonte and Betim.

Check more articles in our categories Fashion & Looks & Luxe et 90s Outfits.

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