
Phrases for tumblr son photo

Phrases for tumblr son photo

Phrases for tumblr son photo

In today’s article you will find the best Phrases for tumblr son photo, in our complete guide.

The love between parents and children is the purest and most unconditional that exists. When children are a little older they are able to understand the meaning of the words and also can feel their message in their hearts.

Sometimes words are not just words and are a message you want to convey to express a feeling. The love phrases to dedicate to your kids are a great way to show your love to your kids in a sincere way.

Phrases for tumblr son photo

Phrases for tumblr son photoPhrases for tumblr son photo

Then, if you want to use any of our phrases to dedicate yourself to your children and express the unconditional love you feel for them… copy the phrases you like the most!

We leave you a compilation of Phrases for tumblr son photo beautiful so you can use them whenever and however you want.

  1. Son, with you I learned to believe in love at first sight, because I loved you before I met you, seeing that love multiply and now I know there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.
  2. My being gave you life and my heart stayed with you.
  3. Son, there won’t be anyone I can love more than you in my life, because you’re the reason I found my way to be happy.
  4. Son, your love is the sweetness that softens my heart and gives reason to my life.
  5. When I think I can’t take it anymore, I just need to look at you to know that I have the strength to fight whatever it takes in this life.
  6. I will protect you until you grow up and then I will continue to protect you.
  7. Without my son, maybe my house would be clean and my wallet full, but my heart would be totally empty.
  8. Maternal love is always great, but it touches the sublime when it mixes with admiration for the beloved child.
  9. You filled my life with light, you are a universe that came from me, thanks to you I knew unconditional love.
  10. It is said that the first obligation to our children is to make them happy. I hope son, I have fulfilled this wonderful mandate with you.
  11. I feel happy son, seeing how you grow and learn many things. Seeing you happy is my happiness.
  12. Being parents is love multiplied by infinity.
  13. You will grow to the point where I will no longer be able to hold you in my arms, but there will always be room for you in my heart.
  14. Your home will always be where I am and vice versa.
  15. Son, remember that I love you so much, go ahead and don’t let yourself be defeated by those who tell you that you cannot reach your goals. You can do this and I will be by your side to support you.
  16. When a newborn child squeezes his father’s finger for the first time, he has fallen in love with him forever.
  17. A child is born 9 months in the womb, 3 years in the arms and a lifetime in the heart.
  18. The love of my life doesn’t call me “Princess,” she calls me Mom.
  19. If I could only give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes.
  20. When I say I love you, I don’t do it out of habit, I do it to remind you that you are the best thing that ever happened to me.
  21. My love for you is like an invisible rubber band. No matter how far you go, we’re connected.
  22. I love you stronger than iron and softer than feathers.
  23. My love for you can spread across the world countless times, and when the world is covered, my love can spread across the galaxy to move forward.
  24. If my love for you had a color, it would be the entire rainbow.
  25. My love for you is higher than the sky and wider than the galaxy.
  26. My love for you is a guiding star that takes me on great adventures in a whole new world.
  27. From the moment you were born, you became the sun of my planet.
  28. As a squad of superheroes, our love is strongest when we give it together.
  29. Never loved anyone the way I love you, you are everything.
  30. Butterflies have wings, so they can fly. Fish have gills, so they can swim. Rabbits have four legs, so they can run. And I have a heart that doesn’t stop loving you more every day.

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