
Phrases for Photos with Crazy Girlfriends

Phrases for Photos with Crazy Girlfriends

Phrases for Photos with Crazy Girlfriends

Friendship is our safe haven at various times in life, and we always have that special one that never lets us down and with whom an incredible bond, right? For photos with these crazy friends, and essential for our life, we brought the best phrases for you to use and abuse as captions. Check out!

Ideal for a photo with friends laughing

That’s how happy I am: next to the craziest insane people I’ve ever met! πŸ˜œπŸ’“

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Designed to put in photos at parties

Not only do you know your crazy things, but live them with you! 😎😘

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For a photo with that faithful friend in a good mood

In the name of our friendship if you fall I’ll help you up, but only after I stop laughing! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

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Perfect for posting with your friend you feel jealous

I’m not jealous, but this one is MINE! πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š

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Caption for group photo of friends

Crazy friends can never hurt, because what I want is constant animation in my life! πŸ‘πŸ’•

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Designed for a photo with that friend β€œtops everything”

I said that if we did this we would regret it, and she said it’s better to regret it together than to be happy afterwards! πŸ’žπŸ˜Ž

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Caption for photo drinking with friends

I can’t understand how I can go out with her without money and still go crazy! ❣🍹

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For a photo with that friend who is almost family

This one doesn’t leave the house anymore, but I love it! πŸ πŸ’ž

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This is to tell your friend how important she is to you

It’s impossible for someone not to love your way, a little crazy, but what conquers for being unique. Your friendship is very important to me and I hope we will continue to be that pair for a long time! πŸ’πŸ’

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Ideal for posting in photo making faces

Sometimes a crazy friend is all we need to see life happier! 😜😝

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Perfect for relaxed photos

It’s hard to be pure, well-behaved people when we have retarded friends who influence us to the opposite. 😜😜

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Designed to be posted with your best friends

Madness is a fundamental part of our friendship and when we get together it’s a “get out of the way, we’re here!” πŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜˜

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For photo with your friend in love

I am very patient, but living with a passionate friend far exceeds my limits. πŸ™„πŸ˜

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This is for a photo with the craziest friends

My mom tells me to avoid bad influences, but I ignore it because I don’t want to lose all my friends. 😝😝

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Caption for selfie that all friends are together

It looks like a madhouse, but it’s just my friends together! πŸ•Ί

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Ideal for posting with that photo with your friend at all times

Friend, they say we are crazy, crazy, crazy, but what they don’t know is that we are happy like that! πŸ’“

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Perfect for photo with your most annoying friends

There are 2 species of borings: the boring ones and… my friends! 😍☺

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Funny phrase to show affection to your friends

You guys are the best friends I could have with the money I have. πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‚

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For your friends to remember the importance of your friendship

Making a friend is a gift, having a friend is a grace, keeping a friend is a virtue, but having me as a friend, come on, it’s an honor! 😎

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Perfect caption to demonstrate the value of friendship

Friendship is like a truck without a brake on the way down: it goes over everything! πŸ‘Š

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