
Phrases by rapper Djonga to get inspired and use as subtitles

Phrases by rapper Djonga to get inspired and use as subtitles

Phrases by rapper Djonga to get inspired and use as subtitles

Djonga conquered its space in national rap with lyrics that talk about social inequality in Brazil and that harshly criticize the system.

“I don’t make music to please, I make music to confront” Djonga

In this footprint, check out the rapper’s best phrases:

1. “Fellowship is to disagree and go for a run together”

two. “We fight just to get right again”

3. “I want to be loyal as long as our bid is real”

4. “Whenever I open my mouth I make history”

5. “Bars trap men, not ideas”

6. “My mind is undecipherable, it works on dollar signs and ciphers”

7. “Your hero can’t fly, I’ve become the fucking villain you guys created”

8. “I’m one of those who talk straight and live crookedly”

9. “Today I woke up like Renato Russo, wanting to make up for my lost time”

10. “Wounds heal over time, not gauze”

11. “Living hurts. “Maybe that’s why my tongue is a bazooka”

12. “And now no one will cry my crying, but even those I don’t know want to smile my smile”

13. “And it looks like they released prejudice”

14. “So let’s take back what was taken from us, bro, either you do it or it would be in vain what our ancestors would have bled”

15. “And in peace or war, it’s all ours”

16. “You didn’t just sew clothes, right. “Had to sew a world together. “From trauma, abdication, struggle”

17. “We build an empire without needing money or weapons”

18. “Talking about meat, I make the black woman the most expensive on the market”

19. “Go and go, win this world without looking back”

20. “Tell me the formula for such success, since talent does not guarantee a view”

21. “My best verse only works if it changes lives”

22. “I built a castle out of the rubble”

23. “Sucker racists, leave me alone!”

24. “Oh, whoever learns to write knows the weight of the pen”

25. “One day they asked me why I gained so much weight. “Brother, I’m eating money!”

26. “They didn’t even pass the OAB, they’re judging the others”

27. “First I took courage, then I got dumped”

28. “Save the laugh I didn’t make to please you”

29. “A lot of the right guy got into the wrong life”

30. “False prophets will surround you and when they know you love yourself, they will start to hate you”

31. “The ego builds you on the inside and destroys what’s on the outside”

32. “I sing to go up, brother, I don’t know how to pray”

33. “As long as there is no justice for us, I swear that for you there will be no peace”

34. “Surrounded by little brothers I feel capable”

35. “And on this ladder of successes, my humility is the step”

36. “They’re genius, I’m genius”

37. “I do this shit with a focus on the black smile”

38. “I always wanted to become God to be more human”

39. “It’s just that while the doctor flips the races on the punch, she’s saying that she loves to see a black man on top”

40. “I’m taking my foot off to see if the suckers can catch me”

41. “We here carrying the weight of the world on our backs for something that even the weight on your conscience doesn’t pay”

42. “God delivering with one hand, we share with the other”

43. “What I achieve will return to my base”

44. “Catch the vision, don’t get lost”

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