
Phrases about Women and Clothing

Phrases about Women and Clothing

Phrases about Women and Clothing

Women who are not vain in their wearables are vain of not being vain in their wearables.

Mark Twain

Fashion became a joke. Designers forgot that there are women in clothes. Most women dress for men and want to be admired. But they also need to walk, get into a car without breaking the seam. Clothes must have a natural shape.

Coco Chanel

Woman is paradox. We love but hate; eat but want to lose weight; buys clothes, but has nothing to wear.


The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, nor in the body she carries, or in the way she combs her hair. A woman’s beauty must be seen in her eyes because this is the door to her heart, the place where love resides.

Audrey Hepburn

There are women who want money, clothes, a boyfriend with a car of the year. I wanted attention, and some felt I was too demanding.

Amanda Voguelle

The great power of a woman is not in her clothes, makeup, the curves of her body, a woman becomes powerful from the moment she begins to believe in her. And if there’s one thing I believe in, it’s my potential!

Ariellen Soares

The beloved woman without clothes is not nudity. It’s purely naked love…

Honey Fronckowiak

A woman’s beauty is not in her clothes, jewelry or even her body, a woman’s beauty is in the heart and strength of her gaze.

Sid Aguiar

The woman is raped because of her clothing.
The battered woman is blamed for her permissiveness.
The woman has her face machine-gunned by bullets, did she do something to deserve it, right?
In this misogynist society, the victim always becomes guilty!
I REPULSE anyone who agrees with these ideas.

Miranda Wa

It’s not exactly the clothes that make a woman vulgar.
Certain women are common even under the sheets and with their heads covered by the pillow.

Marine Guzman

I love the cold!
I love seeing well-dressed women, I love imagining what it could be like under those clothes…
But in the heat it’s complicated, we see practically everything and all possible “defects”, especially the moral “defects”…
Each one gives what they have…
Do what?

Sandro Zaine

Clothes don’t define character, and your character will define the clothes you like to wear!

Anybody out there

I take off my clothes for you
I show you my faults
I tell you my secrets
and reveal
Little by little
My body
For you
I give myself whole
as lover
and real woman
For you
I let it show
my being
open the door
of my soul
decipher my stories
and calmly
I give myself to you…

stray Delkarlton

“I don’t like just one style of clothing, let alone being a little girl or just a woman, or just good or just bad. I’m all I want.”

Emilly Araujo

A married woman changes her clothes over and over again, not because of her husband, but to show others how elegant she is.

Helgir Girodo

⁠Being sexy is not stripping down.
The sensuality of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, but in what she leaves unspoken, between the lines of her soul.

Miss Wrobel

A woman for me is like white clothes! I don’t use it to play…


Wise is the woman who knows how to be daring without being vulgar, and to seduce without taking a single item of clothing. 05/24/2015

Edna Frigato

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