
Phrases about God in English (with Translation)

Phrases about God in English (with Translation)

Phrases about God in English (with Translation)

Phrases about God in English (with Translation)

Checked by experts

read sentences from God in English with pronunciation and translation into Portuguese. Improve your language skills and knowledge even further by reading this article. Stay on top of the subject.

1. God is good. [Deus é bom.]
two. Do you believe in God? [Você acredita em Deus?]
3. God is everywhere, knows everything, and can do anything. [Deus está em todos os lugares, sabe de tudo e pode fazer qualquer coisa.]
4. And he said, “There is a God.” [E ele disse: “Deus existe.”]
5. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” [Eu sou o caminho, a verdade e a vida. Ninguém vem ao Pai (Deus) a não ser por mim.]
6. God will provide. [Deus proverá.]
7. God answered my prayers. I’m healthy again. [Deus atendeu as minhas orações. Estou saudável novamente.]
8. God created all things. [Deus criou todas as coisas.]
9. God is merciful. [Deus é misericordioso.]
10. Hell doesn’t exist. God would never condemn His children to eternal suffering. [O inferno não existe. Deus nunca condenaria Seus filhos ao sofrimento eterno.]
11. Devil doesn’t exist. There is no one as powerful or almost as powerful as God. [O demônio não existe. Não existe ninguém tão poderoso ou quase tão poderoso quanto Deus.]
12. Instead of inventing a devil to scare people, you should use God to teach them. [Ao invés de inventar um demônio para assustar as pessoas, você deveria usar Deus para ensiná-las.]
13. Pray to God. [Ore a Deus.]
14. God saves everyone. [Deus salva todos.]
15. God doesn’t make wars. [Deus não faz guerras.]

Good studies.


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