
Messages for Pregnant Friend

Messages for Pregnant Friend - Thinker

Messages for Pregnant Friend – Thinker

It’s okay that, on a crowded bus, you usually get up to give your seat to a pregnant woman. But she doesn’t need to reach out by pushing her belly against your face to force the bar, right?

Ronei Porto da Rocha

⁠”Few things you can control during pregnancy and childbirth, but you are responsible for what you put in your mind. Your body generates what your mouth reproduces and your mind registers, in view of these choices, you are the one who has control “

Cocoa Meadow

⁠⁠”The physical link is cut…
The LOVE between souls is eternalized.
And so they will remain, together, within the heart of that being affectionately called MOTHER”.

Nataly Seckler

If you really want to know if you are pregnant, don’t get tested, tell your mother. She knows when you’re lying or not.

Dandih Marley

Suddenly gravity is no longer holding you to the earth, it’s her and you would do anything, it would be anything just to be by her side: a father, a friend, a brother, a protector.

Stephenie Meyer

The bigger the world, the greater the gravity that pulls you into it.
Imagine me living in you.
Today I don’t know what to do.

Tainara Bullara

If you see adultery, prostitution, misery, teenage pregnancy, and find it normal, beware! you have serious problems .


“I like having you on top of me.
The weight of gravity doesn’t bother me at all!”

Elisa Salles

Hey my Love
I just wanted to tell you I think I’m pregnant
And I don’t even know if the father is you
I feel my body swollen
yes i’m fat
Deep dark circles and dizziness
already part of my being
Hey my Love
Don’t hate me but I think I’m pregnant
And even with so many years we’ve been together
maybe you’re not even the father
Maybe the father is your brother, our neighbor, or your father
hey love me
pass me the chocolate
Pass me the strawberry and the whipped cream
Pass me all existing saturated fat
Hey my Love
I’m very sad, calm me down
I’m not pregnant
It was just a psychotic break
Hey my Love
I don’t know who the father of my expected child
from my unreal pregnancy
Hey my Love
Don’t get me so bad,
But I don’t think you’re even capable of being a father
nor of making a child
ask the men in your family
They will explain to you how to get me pregnant
They knew how to do it.

Gessyca someone

The Law of Gravity draws you to the center of the Earth as a harbinger of a day where you will be.

Alvaro Grana Loregian

We live in a Universe where there are laws, like the law of gravity. If you fall off a building, it doesn’t matter if you are a good or bad person: you will fall to the ground!

Michael Bernard Beckwith

it’s half moon…
whole of mars.
A romance
without much gravity.

Marco Paschoal

Who knows if I knew you were pregnant
could go back and change my walk
but now i know it was all illusion
you went to live in heaven and i suffer here in prison

MC ADRIEL point sp

If you are pregnant, you are already a mother. You can choose to be the mother of a living baby or a dead baby. choose life

Ina Silva-Sobolewski

My love, I am the plant and you are the raw sap. We shamelessly contradict the Law of Gravity, but I believe that if we follow a current it will be the tension-cohesion…but as the sap I lack, it, like the current we follow, also evaporates from me, even though I bravely fight against the evaporation. I need my freedom as much as I need to feel completely filled with you.

Angela Beatriz Sabbag


This is the last poetry I do for you
I write this as I already knew
who would one day write it
The gravity
inevitable attraction
Your look
Your smile
Your touch
I had none of that
But the attraction was there
We knew the risks
we knew the way
And even so we decided to risk
it wasn’t easy
stop a mill
that was spinning
Sometimes at night we can in the sky
the comets behold
It’s not easy for me
It’s not easy for you
And there are so many whys
How to change our direction or destination?
there is no way to change
Butterflies flying on Mars
I see your eyes everywhere
like sun and moon
in the sky orbiting
I will always be yours
will always be mine
It will be
This is the last poetry I swore I would write
It’s a scream in the chaos
It’s the silence between the two of us
who is screaming
it’s gravity

Paraná Moon

You realize the gravity of the situation when the music barely starts and you start crying!!!!


Walking beyond the moon…. sweeping away gravity.

Every day it’s normal for you to see yourself and see something beyond what you see. feel and not feel. All of this comes to the conclusion that you are alone, without that feeling of guilt, compassion, attraction and anger that the relationship brings over time. Even when you are so alive, feel yourself, lose gravity. Because when I finally come back to love a new love, everything will be much better.

I bring the wind in these feet to carry you away from here – MARCELO CAMELO

someone dispassionate

I’m afraid to walk with my feet on the Moon, I need to trust your gravity, surrendering myself to you will be my challenge.

the moon monk

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