
Menswear: 4 steps to opening a store

Menswear: 4 steps to opening a store

Menswear: 4 steps to opening a store

Men’s fashion

Women are vain, but men have not been left behind. The proof is that the market for men’s fashion grew 44% between the years 2007 and 2012, presenting a high revenue potential for small and large Business. Data like this motivates people with spirit entrepreneur and for them a few steps are worth:

Menswear for the entrepreneur

who thinks of open a store of men’s fashion need to be aware of trends that please the consumer. The United States and Europe are the main opinion makers, which is why they are a reference to be one step ahead of the competition. Taking courses related to the area, understanding about cuts, models, part size and service are reinforcements in building a personal profile.

research the market

In the region of possible investment, it is necessary to discover who the target audience is and how they usually consume so that sales are constant and revenue sustaining their menswear business. A survey can be done with people who frequent the region and an analysis of competitors in order to understand the class and habits of customers.

Identify the audience

Even if the audience is mostly men it is necessary to remember the existence of cases in which women decide and buy for men, that is, it is necessary to prepare to receive them as well. From the understanding of the profile of this audience, promotion strategies can be created to reach them, as well as improvements in service and physical space to make the environment pleasant. This step also influences the confirmation of which products will be marketed in the menswear store.

formalize the investment

People interested in investing in menswear market need formalization. This kind of business can be formalized as an Individual Microentrepreneur (MEI) if the annual billing is up to R$ 60,000.00. Registration is done simply by Entrepreneur Portal and the fees to be paid will be low. Thus, the company will be included in the clothing sales activity, the largest formalization group through the MEI.

Are you interested in opening your menswear store? How about talking to one of our experts? That way you can solve your doubts and improve your business:

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Check more articles in our categories Fashion & Looks & Luxe et 90s Outfits.

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