
How to Open a Women’s Clothing Store: How Much Will I Spend?

How to Open a Women's Clothing Store: How Much Will I Spend?

How to Open a Women’s Clothing Store: How Much Will I Spend?

Many entrepreneurs ask themselves: I want open a clothing store: how much will I spend?

The truth is that setting up a clothing store is one of the desires of many people, as it is a profitable business. In addition to being an opportunity to gain financial independence and be your own boss.

But, what does it take to open a store?

Well, the truth is that this depends a lot on the infrastructure you want to build, and even on the type of audience you want to work with.

With that in mind, in today’s article I’m going to help you answer the question “I want to open a clothing store: how much will I spend?” introducing you

Come on?

What does it take to open a clothing store

01 – Define your target audience

To know how much you are going to spend opening a clothing store, first of all you need to define your target audience.

Well, the investment varies depending on the audience you intend to serve. After all, this audience can vary in:

  1. Income bracket;
  2. Social class;
  3. Academic education;
  4. Gender and age;
  5. Likes, preferences and lifestyle.

So at first it may seem that opening a women’s clothing store or a children’s clothing store is similar. But the truth is, the needs of both audiences can vary widely.

And these are just two examples, as you can also opt for a men’s clothing store or even plus size.

2. What kind of parts will you sell?

Another key factor in determining how much you will spend to set up a clothing store is the type of items you will sell.

When defining your target audience, you decide who you will sell to, but you also need to choose what you will sell.

In the examples I presented above, I’m talking about a more traditional male, female and children’s store model. Therefore, closer to many of the clothing stores you see most on the streets.

But, it is also possible to define specific segments for each of these audiences.

For example: when serving the female audience, you can sell;

  • Plus-size clothing;
  • Underwear;
  • Casual clothes;
  • Prom dresses.

And when serving the male audience, you can sell too;

  • Sport clothes;
  • Casual wear for everyday life;
  • Formal clothes (suits, tuxedos, etc.).

Not to mention fitness fashion, which serves both audiences well. And to help you, I’ve set aside two more budget examples below.

How much will I spend to set up a women’s or men’s clothing store?

how much does it spend to open a small clothing store

O investment to open a store with casual fashion clothes for everyday women and men, it is around R$20 to R$30,000.

With this you can build a medium-sized store, and work with the main brands sought by this audience.

And what is the investment to open a children’s clothing store?

To open a children’s clothing store, the average initial investment is between R$15 and R$20,000.

With this amount, you can build a good starting stock and open a sized trading space to serve your customers.

The ideal area for a children’s products store is 30m². So you don’t need a very wide place to start.

How much will I spend to open a plus-size clothing store?

plus-size clothing store

The plus size market sells pieces in larger sizes than those usually found in stores and has a certain audience.

As an example, I can quote the data from IBGE, which report around 37% of people aged 18 to 24 were overweight in 2019. But when the age range is 40 to 59 years old, this percentage is 70.3%.

In other words, plus size fashion is an excellent opportunity to open a clothing store. And here the initial investment is around R$ 40 thousand. Including the initial stock value.

I want to open a fitness clothing store, how much will I spend?

This is another good option for anyone looking to open a clothing store. The fitness market serves a public adept at practicing sports and physical activities.

Therefore, they are people who need specific, comfortable, resistant and well-ventilated clothes for their workouts.

But, there are also those who wear fitness pieces even to work, such as the famous legging pants. After all, it is a practical and stylish piece.

The initial investment to open a store of this type is between R$15 and R$45,000 or more. It all depends on the structure you are going to build.

That is, you can start with a smaller amount, and open a small shop. Or invest more early on, and start with a more robust infrastructure.

More options: How much will I spend to open an underwear store?

Especially for the female audience, underwear is a business that has many aspects to be explored.

After all, you can sell everything from comfortable everyday pieces to the most sophisticated and sensual lingerie. Therefore, it is also a good business option.

And the initial investment to open an underwear clothing store varies between R$35 and R$50,000, it all also depends on the infrastructure you intend to build.

But, these are not the only costs to consider when planning your future store, as we see below.

I want to open a clothing store: main expenses to undertake

Regardless of the target audience you choose, or the type of items you decide to sell, depending on the segmentation of this audience, there are costs that will be present in any model of clothing store.

That is, they are those expenses that the entrepreneur cannot escape, although some of them can be reduced.

The main expenses to undertake with a clothing store include:

  • Initial stock of parts;
  • Expenses with the acquisition of the commercial point
  • Rent and other property expenses
  • Furniture, hangers, displays, shelves and other infrastructure items;
  • Payment of employees;
  • Expenses with the legalization of the company;
  • Working capital for 2 to 3 months;
  • Marketing plan.

So when you think “I want to open a clothing store: how much will I spend?” It is important to remember all these costs, as they are essential for the opening of your business.

But don’t forget that there may be some extra costs depending on which location you choose: for example, you may need to do repairs, maintenance, or even refurbishment.

Can I be an individual microentrepreneur with a clothing store?

Yes, you can open your clothing store as a microenterpriser individual and enjoy the advantages of being MEI. For this, the income of your business cannot exceed R$ 81 thousand per year.

Furthermore, you cannot have more than one employee earning the floor of the category.

Final tips: planning is key

As with any other business, opening a clothing store will give you a lot of decisions to make, and a lot of details to stick to. So, I have one last tip: for the success of your clothing store, invest in planning.

Carefully and carefully planning your clothing store will ensure that everything is just right when you open your business, and that you don’t forget any important details.

So, take some time to put together a business plan, do some pre-market research and find the best location for your future store.

And to help you with planning one of the most important details, your brand name, check out: 550 clothing store names for inspiration.

So, do you already know how much it will cost to open a clothing store? Leave your comment!

Check more articles in our categories Fashion & Looks & Luxe ou encore 90s Outfits.

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