
How to cut your hair yourself: Learn 3 super easy cuts

How to cut your hair yourself: Learn 3 super easy cuts

How to cut your hair yourself: Learn 3 super easy cuts

We all like to give that look a change. Whether you want to change the hair color or make it shorter, hair transformations are one of the most practical ways to innovate your look. It is possible to learn how to cut your hair yourself, taking some precautions.

At hair changes made at home have been increasingly common. Both for their practicality and the fact that they are much cheaper. But if you don’t know how to do the procedures in order to guarantee the desired results, you can get frustrated.

You’ve certainly seen videos of people who decided to cut their hair at home and ended up doing something stupid. Although it’s more common with fringes, the wrong cut can occur along the entire length and compromise your look.

And then, in these cases, it may be that only waiting to grow again to be able to recover or repair the cut. And that’s why learning to cut the wires yourself is so important: it avoids regrets.

From bangs that are too short to strands that are too uneven, no one wants to become an internet meme. Although these changes are not permanent, as it is important remember that hair grows, they can indeed affect our self-esteem.

Regardless of your hair type, learning how to cut your hair yourself will be a hand on the wheel for that moment when you get tired of your look.

You don’t need to run away from scissors, just learn how to cut your hair yourself and make your strands look even more beautiful. If you are ready for a beautiful and economical makeover, lets go!

When to choose the cut


You may want to learn how to cut your hair yourself because you want to change your look or because you feel that your hair is in need of a cut.

Just like the rest of our body, our hairlines give signals when it’s time to bet on that cut or on a hydration.

One of the most common signs is the fact that the hair is too dry or dry, which can be perceived by the split ends and the roughness of the touch.

In some cases, it may be that hydration is enough to restore the beauty and vitality of our locks. However, there are times when it is necessary to give that nice cut to eliminate the most fragile part of the threads, the famous trimming of the tips.

This practice brings results very efficient for those who want to make the threads stronger and make the structure of the threads more resistant.

Even Rapunzel project supporters can benefit from cutting the ends for assist in growth healthy and strong of the strands. This will help prevent the split ends we hate so much.

Preparation for cutting hair

Before you know how to cut your hair yourself, you need to understand what materials are needed to make a nice cut.

In the best style of a children’s show, I tell you that, to make this experience, you will need:

– A fine tooth comb

– Towel

– Mirror

– Hair clips

– A blunt scissors. Just kidding, it needs to be sharpened to work out ????

But I couldn’t miss this opportunity, could I?

Step by step on how to cut your hair yourself

Now that you have the necessary materials, it’s time to understand how to cut your hair yourself. The technique will depend on the type of cut you want to make and the result you want to achieve.


This is definitely the type of most common cut, as the bangs grow quickly and we cannot run to the hairdresser every time we feel it is necessary to trim them.

The technique of how to cut your hair yourself focusing on the fringe depends on your hair type. If you have smooth hair, the best way to cut is moistening the threads from the bangs and separating them from the rest of her hair.

if your hair is curly or frizzy, the best way to cut the bangs is with the dry threads.

In both cases, comb your bangs so that form a triangle on your forehead. Then, twist the ends of the strands and cut to the desired length and get a side fringe.

For straight bangs at the front, the strands should be cut horizontally with the bangs combed in front of the face.

cut in u

Learning how to cut her hair isn’t just in her bangs. those who wish lighten the threads and to make them get more movement they can opt for the u-cut.

how to cut hair alone on uInstagram: @luizabsoral

To make this cut, align your strands with the help of a comb and divide them into two parts.

Tilt your head to the side and turn it away from the strand you are going to cut. Then make a straight cut in this strand and repeat the process on the other side.

Do not forget measure both sides to make sure the length is correct.

chopped cut

The famous peaked cut never goes out of style. It consists of layers of hair in different lengths. To do this, moisten the strands, as it is easier to see the different layers with wet hair.

Bring all the hairs to the front of the face and untangle with the help of a brush.

Then, when your strands are completely straight and taut, make a straight cut with the help of scissors. The trick is to start this cut as far away as possible from the lock of hair coming from the back of your head, so you don’t risk getting too short.

how to cut alone chopped hairInstagram: @olhinhosdacaju

There are many different cuts that can be done by anyone who wants to understand how to cut their hair themselves at home. Always remember to research different types of cuts to find out which one you like best. The famous embroidered cut is ideal for those who want to get away from split ends. What is your favorite type of cut?


Tags: haircut haircuts

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