
How do you say student in Spanish feminine?

How do you say student in Spanish feminine?

How do you say student in Spanish feminine?


  1. (at university) estudiante masculine, feminine.
  2. (at school) alumno masculine mainly US.
  3. (at school) alumna feminine mainly US.

Also, Is la hoja de papel masculine or feminine?

Listen to Marcela explain how she uses the acronym LONERS to remember the gender of nouns. “If a word ends in l, o, n, e, r, [or] s it’s almost always going to be a masculine word… for example… papel… one common exception to this… are words that end in ión… these words are actually… feminine…so we have la oración…

How do I say the student in Spanish?

What student means in Spanish?

estudiante – student. alumno – pupil, student.

What is students plural in Spanish?

students plural. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ student. el/la estudiante.


Can you say las estudiantes?

Las estudiantas is incorrect. Las estudiantes (for women) Los estudiantes (for men).

What does Sesenta y siete?

sesenta y siete Sixty-seven mst gt-Google Translate; mst-Microsoft Translate.

What is a Spanish pizarra?

feminine noun. (= piedra) slate. (= esquisto) shale. School) board ⧫ blackboard.

How do you say the student?

What is I am a student in Spanish?

I am a student. soy estudiante.

How do you say all students in Spanish?

todos los estudiantes

Spanish 1, Level 4, Scene 3.

How do you say student in German?


  1. Studentin, die ~ Noun.
  2. Schülerin, die ~ Noun.

What is the meaning of student in French?

French Translation. étudiant. More French words for student. les étudiant noun. undergraduate, scholar, schoolboy, postgraduate.

Is El número plural?

Forming plurals in Spanish is very easy … as easy as following the following rules: If the word ends in a vowel you need to add an S. El libro >> Los libros.

How do you make El Pais plural?

how do you pluralize “el pais”?

  1. votes. que otros países. …
  2. votes. Hmmm, it is el país (with an accent) in the singular & los paises (without an accent) in the plural. …
  3. vote. thanks so much! …
  4. vote. In Spanish, this is very easy: words ending in a vowel – add an “s”; words ending in a consonant, add “es”. …
  5. votes.

Is it el or la clase?

Class in Spanish is la clase, so it’s gendered feminine.

Is Casa male or female?

Spanish is very kind in that it’s usually easy to work out whether a noun is masculine or feminine. If it ends in an O it is masculine. If it ends in an A it is feminine. E.g. Mundo (world), Trabajo (job), Perro (dog) are all masculine, and Casa (house), Palabra (word), Hora (hour) are all feminine.

Is País plural?

The plural form of pais is also pais.

What is a boligrafo in English?

bolígrafo. pen; ballpoint pen; Biro;&trade.

What number is Cien?

Spanish for 100: Cien or Ciento? The number 100 can be translated into Spanish as either cien or ciento.

What number is Cincuenta in English?

Number English (pronunciation) Spanish (pronunciation)
51 fifty-one (fif-tee-ONE) cincuenta y uno (sink-KWEN-tah ee oo-no)
52 fifty-two (fif-tee-TOO) cincuenta y dos (sink-KWEN-tah ee DOS)
53 fifty-three (fif-tee-THREE) cincuenta y tres (sink-KWEN-tah ee tres)
54 fifty-four (fif-tee-FOR) cincuenta y cuatro (sink-KWEN-tah ee KWAT-ro)

Is Mesa feminine or masculine?

Those nouns ending in -ista and –nte, though, have the same form for both masculine and feminine and generally indicate professions.

Masculine and Feminine in Spanish.

libro coche pantalón casa mesa puerta

What is a Goma?

goma → hangover, gum, glue, elastic band, condom, rubber, tyre.

How do you say El Borrador?

  1. boh. rrah. dohr.
  2. bo. ra. ðoɾ
  3. bo. rra. dor.

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