
How do I change my location on Instacart?

How do I change my location on Instacart?

Changing your location

You can view Instacart’s current locations at To change your location, select the Submit a request link at the bottom of this page. In the description of your request, specify the postal code for the new region where you’d like to shop.

Then, Can Instacart shoppers see the tip before shopping?

Shoppers can see information like items requested, store location, and tip before accepting orders. So they may make a trip that’s inconvenient or more difficult if the tip is big enough. But, Instacart also gives users the ability to change that tip up to three days after the delivery is made.

Can you do Instacart while traveling?

The Instacart app will focus on the driver’s market once the app is open using a given phone’s GPS device. For individuals traveling while working with Instacart, this means that it is generally advised to wait until they have reached their planned working destination.

Can two Instacart shoppers shop together?

Can two Instacart buyers buy together? Instacart Shopper accounts are authorized individually. The customer is supposed to be served by a single buyer, and that buyer is the only one who is funded for that order. So Instacart doesn’t allow two shoppers to shop together for the same order.

Can you work anywhere with Instacart?

1. Can You Do Instacart Anywhere? Instacart is available in over 5,000 cities across North America. As an Instacart Shopper, you should be able to open your app and begin shopping in any new city, provided Instacart is available there.


Is $25 a good Instacart tip?

Tips are optional and the best way to demonstrate your recognition and appreciation of service. Instacart’s default for tipping is 5% or a percentage of your most recent order, whichever is higher. Instacart suggests a minimum $2 tip per individual delivery.

Can Instacart drivers accept cash tips?

The company has since rescinded the controversial policy as of February 2019, saying they would back pay employees as well. “If you tip $0.22 on the app, a lot of shoppers will realize that means a cash tip,” a TikToker pointed out. Another user revealed they, “always tip in cash so they don’t get taxed on it.”

Do Instacart shoppers know if you complain?

Do Instacart shoppers see complaints? Instacart shoppers do see complaints. All the complaints and compliments from customers are seen on their accounts. But, they are reported anonymously so that the customer names and addresses are not included.

Do you make more money with Instacart or DoorDash?

DoorDash pays more than Instacart. Though the average earning per hour for both is similar, DoorDash’s base rate for tips is higher, and this is what constitutes about 50% of shopper earnings.

Where is the best place for Instacart?

12 of the Most Popular Instacart Locations Across the United States

  • Atlanta.
  • Austin.
  • Boston.
  • Chicago.
  • Denver.
  • Houston.
  • Los Angeles.
  • Miami.

Why does Instacart say no spots available?

If you apply to become a shopper and see “no Instacart spots available” this means you are on the waitlist. You have to wait for more shopping spots to become available or hope other shoppers get deactivated so spots open up.

Can you get fired from Instacart?

Reasons for Instacart Deactivation. If you’re an Instacart Shopper—as most of us independent contractors—you can get fired at any time. Instacart sends out an email before they disable a driver account with details about the problem.

Can you request a specific Instacart shopper?

No, unfortunately, there is no direct way for customers to select a specific shopper or driver on the Instacart app. However, you can ask your preferred shopper about their schedule and place your orders accordingly to increase your chances of getting the same shopper.

Can I bring my child with me Instacart?

You can NOT bring your kids or anyone else while you are shopping.

How long is Instacart waitlist?

How Long is Instacart Waitlist? According to our experience, on average you can be on a waitlist for Instacart for 2 months. However we had complaints of applicants who were waitlisted even for 14 month.

Where is Instacart most popular?

12 of the Most Popular Instacart Locations Across the United States

  • Denver.
  • Houston.
  • Los Angeles.
  • Miami.
  • New York.
  • Philadelphia.
  • Seattle.
  • Washington, D.C.

What happens if you don’t tip Instacart?

If customers don’t tip up front, Instacart pays more. This essentially works like a tip penalty, where instead of being “extra,” tips are just used to make up for not paying workers decently in the first place. Using tips to subsidize Instacart’s costs hurts workers and customers alike.

What is tip baiting Instacart?

Instacart is guaranteeing its personal shoppers a tip of up to $10 if customers zero-out the tip they gave after receiving their delivery, a practice known as ‘tip baiting. ‘

What is the average Instacart tip?

So, How Much Do You Tip an Instacart Driver? Instacart recommends a 5% tip, which is much less than the average 15% restaurant tip. You can add this on virtually to the order for them to receive it instantly once they finish the job. However, 5% should be the bare minimum.

Can you bring someone with you to Instacart?

No, unless your friend is also an Instacart employee, you will not be able to drive for Instacart with them. It is against Instacart rules to purchase with a person who does not have a personal customer account or who is not the employee of Instacart. It is quite understood that you’d want to bring a friend along.

How much can you make with Instacart in a day?

In any case, you should be able to make $100 to $150 per day with Instacart if you earn around $15 to $20 per hour and work a full day. However, there are shoppers who clear $200 a day with Instacart, so it’s possible to earn some solid money with this gig job.

Are Instacart shoppers penalized for missing items?

Do Instacart Shoppers Get Penalized for Missing Items? What is this? Instacart doesn’t make its shoppers pay up when items or orders go missing, but shoppers do get penalized in other ways. Generally, a missing item or an entirely missing order would be cause for a low rating for many customers.

Do Instacart shoppers get in trouble for missing items?

Instacart doesn’t charge Shoppers for missing items. But it has a rating system through which customers rate the quality of the service they’re being provided by a Shopper. It stands to reason that a low rating would be given if one were to find out that items that one needs urgently and has been paid for are missing!

Can you make $1000 a week with Instacart?

You read that right – you can make $1000 a week by doing Instacart. Who knew shopping and delivering groceries for people could make that much money? Making $1000 a week with Instacart does take some strategizing and hard work.

How can I get $200 a day with Instacart?

Does Instacart pay for gas?

Does Instacart Pay Shoppers For Gas? Instacart doesn’t reimburse shoppers for gas money or give them a credit card to pay for gas. So, in simple terms, Instacart doesn’t pay you for the gas you use while driving. According to Instacart, as a shopper you are an “independent contractor.

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