
English phrases for photos: share your moments

'Life is made of choices and I just chose to be happy.'  - English phrases for photos

English phrases for photos: share your moments

“Life is made up of daily choices. I chose to plant dedication and reap the rewards of a dream. Soon, everyone will know what it is!”

“Life is made up of daily choices. I chose to plant dedication and reap the rewards of a dream. Soon, everyone will know what it is!”


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English phrases for photos

'Life is made of choices and I just chose to be happy.'  - English phrases for photos

Life is made of choices and I just chose to be happy.

Life is made up of choices, and I just chose to be happy.


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“Hope. A short word, different from waiting for a dream to come true. I’ve been learning to be patient and respect my processes. Do that as well!”

Hope. A short word, different from waiting for a dream to come true. I have learned to be patient and respect my processes. Do this too!


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Things don’t always go the way we planned, but in a much better way.

Things don’t always go as planned, but in a much better way.

Love phrases in English: Spread love in another language!


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English phrases for photos

'I wanted this picture to talk so it could tell how the best day of my life was.'  - English phrases for photos

I wanted this picture to talk so it could tell how was the best day of my life.

I wanted this photo to speak so I could tell you about the best day of my life.


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Make happiness always your priority.

Make happiness always your priority.


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'I look at this picture and see far beyond what my eyes show me.'  - English phrases for photos

I look at this picture and see far beyond what my eyes show me.

I look at this photo and see far beyond what my eyes show me.


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Life becomes easier when we have by our side people we love.

Life becomes easier when we have people we love by our side.


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'The greatest treasure I have in my life is my family.'  - English phrases for photos

The greatest treasure I have in my life is my family.

The greatest treasure I have in life is my family.


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The world may even try to bring me down, but I will always move on.

The world might try to bring me down, but I’ll always move on.

Photo captions with the TBT hashtag: Remember good times!


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'Life may not be perfect, but I have enjoyed the best of it.'  - English phrases for photos

Life may not be perfect, but I have enjoyed the best of it.

Life may not be perfect, but I’ve been getting the most out of it.


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Instead of fighting over time, I chose to live intensely every second.

Rather than struggling with time, I chose to live each second intensely.


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English phrases for photos

'It is not because life isn't easy that you should stop trying.'  - English phrases for photos

It is not because life isn’t easy that you should stop trying.

It’s not because life isn’t easy that you should stop trying.


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People I love most in the world are in this picture, they are synonymous of happiness.

The people I love the most in the world are in this photo, they are synonymous with happiness.


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'This place made me feel good like I didn't feel in a long time.'  - English phrases for photos

This place made me feel good like I didn’t feel in a long time.

This place made me feel good like I haven’t felt in a long time.


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I wish I could wake up every day in such a beautiful place.

I wish I could wake up every day in a place as beautiful as this.


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English phrases for photos

'Every day that I open my eyes, I feel grateful, and I know that anything can happen.'  - English phrases for photos

Every day that I open my eyes, I feel grateful, and I know that anything can happen.

Every day I open my eyes I’m grateful, and I know anything can happen.


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This picture means a lot more than I can put into words.

This photo means so much more than I can put into words.

Creative captions for Instagram photos!


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'This day will be forever in my memory, thank you all for that.'  - English phrases for photos

This day will be forever in my memory, thank you all for that.

That day will be forever in my memory, thank you all for it.


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Life is full of possibilities, you just need to be open to them.

Life is full of possibilities, you just need to be open to them.


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'Before loving anyone, we must love ourselves first.'  - English phrases for photos

Before loving anyone, we must love ourselves first.

Before loving anyone, we must love ourselves first.


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When I’m fine with myself, everything else is fine too.

When I’m okay with myself, everything else is okay too.


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'Don't regret what you don't have, be grateful for everything you have.'  - English phrases for photos

Don’t regret what you don’t have, be grateful for everything you have.

Don’t be sorry for what you don’t have, be grateful for what you have.


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Each picture holds many memories which I always carry in my heart.

Each photo holds many memories, which I always carry in my heart.


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'When things seem difficult, I look at this picture and feel good again.'  - English phrases for photos

When things seem difficult, I look at this picture and feel good again.

When things look tough, I look at this photo and feel good again.


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The most important thing I have in my life is their love.

The most important thing I have in my life is the love of these people.

English music phrases for you to be inspired!


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English phrases for photos

'Today I know that to be happy we don't need much, just people we love.'  - English phrases for photos

Today I know that to be happy we don’t need much, just people we love.

Today I know that to be happy we don’t need a lot, just people we love.


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To achieve what we want, we need to be patient and persistent.

To achieve what we want, we need to be patient and persistent.


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'My life is not perfect, but I chose to focus on the good things I have.'  - English phrases for photos

My life is not perfect, but I chose to focus on the good things I have.

My life isn’t perfect, but I chose to focus on the good things I have.


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This photo marks the beginning of a new phase in my life.

This photo marks the beginning of a new phase in my life.


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'One more cycle ends and that means a completely new one is born.'  - English phrases for photos

One more cycle ends and that means a completely new one is born.

One more cycle ends and that means that a completely new one is born.


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Photos capture the brief moment and make it eternal.

Photos capture a brief moment and make it eternal.

Subtitles for your birthday: Share the perfect phrase!


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Discover more articles in our categories Captions & Quotes & Luxe et encore 90s Outfits.

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