
Cut for curly hair: what is the best option?

Cut for curly hair: what is the best option?

Cut for curly hair: what is the best option?

Home » Beauty » Cut for curly hair: what is the best option?

To enhance the beauty of curly hair, some people invest in specific cuts, which can range from the simplest and easiest to be done, to the most complex and difficult to execute.

During this time, it is common that several questions arise about which cut is best suited for your profile and type of curls.

With that in mind, Minuto Healthy selected cuts for owners of curly locks that are trends in the world of beauty. Check out!

Table of Contents — in this article you will find:

  1. What is the best cut for curly hair?
  2. short curly hair
  3. long curly hair
  4. What is the correct way to cut curly hair?
  5. Which cut helps to lower the volume?
  6. How to cut fringe on curly hair?
  7. How to cut curly hair alone at home?

What is the best cut for curly hair?

The best cut for curly hair will depend on some factors, such as the classification of curls it belongs to, the structure and density of the hair.

In addition, it is important to take into account the desired goals with the cut, such as increasing and enhancing the volume, reducing the volume, facilitating definition, decreasing frizz, among others.

It is important to know that regardless of the cut chosen, it is necessary to adopt special care and techniques throughout the process. This is because curly hair tends to be more fragile due to the fine, curly texture of the strands.

Therefore, in order to ensure a beautiful cut that does not harm the tresses, it is ideal to look for a specialized professional and carry out the cut in an equipped and sanitized environment.

Short curly hair

The cut called Tapered haircut is one of the most sought after for those who want a short haircut.

Those who want to shorten their curly hair can opt for a more classic or modern and bold cut. Check out some options:

big chop

The big chop style cut is ideal for the hair transition phase (a period in which the hair returns to being curly or frizzy), as it removes all the smooth and chemically ends, leaving only the natural strands on display.

As it is considered a radical cut, the big chop must be planned in advance to start preparing the hair for the cut as soon as possible.

Before making the cut, it is necessary to adopt some attitudes, such as intensely moisturizing and nourishing the strands, as two different textures (curly/crisp at the root and smooth along the length) in the same strand harm the hair structure, which can worsen after cutting.

Therefore, it is important to invest in products that encourage health and hair definition after the big chop. After the cut, care must continue, for this it is recommended to define a hair schedule that promotes daily hydration, nutrition and hair reconstruction.

tapered haircut

The tapered haircut is a bold cut that adds volume to the top of the head and reduces the presence of hair on the sides and back. The cut is ideal for those who want more volume, and serves both curly and frizzy hair.

The tapered haircut style is versatile and practical, as it matches any type of face, hairline texture and coloration. And just like any short cut, it facilitates cleaning, finishing and the hair care routine.

Furthermore, in this model it is possible to opt for the complete shaving of the hairs (sides and back), being also a good option for those who are in capillary transition.


Popularly known as joãozinho, the pixie cut is done in an asymmetrical or layered way, leaving the length of the hairs close to the nape of the neck.

However, for curly hair, the length is usually a little longer to highlight the curly locks. The cut is great for adding volume to the hair and highlighting the texture and color of the strands.

In addition, it is considered a super free cut, as it allows for several variations, such as, for example, with or without bangs, shorter or scraped on the sides, raised or not on the front, etc.

The downside is that, as it is an extremely short cut, it grows quickly causing the cut to be lost, however, it is possible to adopt other styles as it grows, such as the short bob.

short bob

The short bob is the name given to the frayed chanel style and is characterized by keeping the length of the strands slightly elongated in the chin line, being able to leave, according to preference, the hair more peaked in the back.

This style provides fuller, more voluminous locks, which is great for those who have thinner curls and want a more striking look.

heart shaped cut

To do this it is necessary to leave the roots fuller and the ends larger and with less volume, which, consequently, gives a heart shape to the hair (hence the name).

This style is considered very versatile and modern, being mainly indicated for frizzy locks, but it can also be an option for curly and shorter curls.

In addition, the cut is recommended to add volume to the top of the head, so it is necessary that the cut is rounded at the top and with plenty of layers on the sides.

It is possible to add a short or long fringe depending on personal taste.

long curly hair

Those who have long or medium curly hair and want to cut the strands, but still keep the length, can choose to:

Blunt cut

This style considered retro proposes a completely straight cut, without any graduations, being a simple and practical cut to be made.

In general, the cut is done at the height of the shoulders and can be, according to personal taste, a little above or below. The base of the hair is cut completely straight, as well as the strands of length and ends.

In people with curly locks, the blunt cut usually creates a triangular symmetry, providing greater volume at the ends and promoting the opening of curly strands.

That way, if the goal is not to have more volume, the style is not indicated.

long bob

Widely used, the long bob is a medium length cut with a straight base and shorter ends at the front. The style tends to suit any face shape and is suitable for curly hair, because it is practical and enhances the threads.

Furthermore, it is possible to adhere to the long bob in different ways (which makes the cut very democratic), with or without bangs, straight or layered, with the shorter length, etc.

However, these different variations make it necessary to look for a professional who specializes in curls to help you make the best choice that meets your goals.

Shag hair

Those who like a more modern and scruffy look will identify with the shag hair cut, also called shaggy. The cut was widely used during the 80’s and 90’s, and it has come back with everything in recent years, conquering many curly fans.

To have the messy effect that characterizes this style, the cut is carried out from the height of the eyes to the middle or ends of the strands. In general, the cut comes with a fringe to give it greater volume and concentrate it on the top of the head.

The shaggy style is considered simple, easy to maintain and helps to enhance the texture and volume of curly tresses, being a good option for this type of hair.

What is the correct way to cut curly hair?

Each bunch is unique, hence the need to understand the behavior of the strands before cutting them.

To cut curly hair correctly, it is important to start by identifying basic aspects such as texture, length, volume, among others. Thus, it is possible to avoid errors when cutting and unwanted effects, such as hair breakage and increased frizz.

In general, the correct way to cut will depend on the objective and the style of cut that is desired, for example:

To trim: just comb the curls and put them forward, then with scissors trim the damaged ends. This type of cut does not change the length.

Definition: Wrap the curly strands around your finger and cut only the end that is dry or doubled. Depending on the number of curls, cutting can take longer.

Layers: to make a cut in layers, you need to divide the locks into two parts, then divide the top part again into three layers and, finally, carefully pass the scissors little by little on the top of the strands.

Short cut: just divide the hair into two parts and, in sequence, secure the top part and bring the rest of the hair forward and cut the strands in a twisted way, so that they are aligned.

Longer front: divide the hair in half, then pull it forward and tie the ends together with an elastic band until you want to cut it. After that, pass the scissors below the elastic, in a straight line.

Anyway, it’s always nice to seek professional help to make the cut and avoid damage to the hair.

Which cut helps to lower the volume?

The recommended cuts for those who want to reduce the volume of curly hair should be done in a shredded way, as they help to create thinner layers, leaving the strands lighter and compressing the strands.

Another way is the layered cut that reduces volume without making drastic changes in hair length. Therefore, this style of cut is suitable for those who want to reduce the volume, but have long or medium curly hair.

How to cut fringe on curly hair?

The curly bangs follow the style of the cut, so you need to define the hair length cut to then cut the bangs. Usually, fringe of curly hair is cut diagonally, sideways, or chopped, as these shapes fit and blend better with the rest of the hair.

It’s important to remember that if the cut is done with wet hair, it’s nice to cut a few fingers below wherever the fringe is. This way, it is possible to avoid mistakes and guarantee that the wires will not be too short. If you feel the need, use the scissors again.

How to cut curly hair alone at home?

Great care is needed when cutting the curly strands.

It is noteworthy that it is always recommended to perform the cut with a professional (preferably a specialist in curly hair) in a suitable environment. Only in this way is it possible to guarantee that the cut will be done correctly and without damaging the wires.

However, if you want to cut or trim your curly hair at home, some tips that can help you are:

  • Wash your hair: recommended to carry out any cut with clean, combed and still damp hair, as it is more practical and allows greater mobility with the scissors. However, curly hair tends to shrink after drying, so it is necessary to be careful when using scissors.
  • Identify the division: move your hair to the right or left side, according to your preference;
  • Part the hair: define where you want the layers to be after cutting them;
  • Make a guide lock: select a lock of hair to cut it the way you want it. This lock will serve as an example to cut the others;
  • Cut the layers: based on the guide strand, cut the rest of the hair in layers, with the scissors vertically and following an average angle of 90º;
  • Cut to length: after leaving the layers well defined, cut the length of the wires according to the desired pattern as the final result.

With the cut completed, just finish according to your preference.

For many people, being able to try out different cuts, colors and hairstyles is a fun activity and…

Find more articles in our categories Hairstyles & Luxe et encore 90s Outfits.

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