
Clothes in English: List with translation and pronunciation

Clothes in English

Clothes in English: List with translation and pronunciation

Clothes in English

Can you talk about clothes and accessories in English? Learning them is essential for shopping, describing people and everyday conversations.

Learn to talk about clothes and accessories in English with pronunciation, translated phrases, explanations and related expressions. Mastering this subject is essential for shopping, describing people and for everyday conversations. Below is a list of clothing and accessory names in English with translation. Hope you like it!

Clothing and accessories Translation
Feminine blouse) Blouse
Beret beret
Womens’ pouch) Purse / Handbag
Boots boots
Toys earrings
Scarf scarf
Panties Panties / Knickers
Jeans Jeans
Pants Pants
Shorts / Shorts shorts
Shirt shirt
T-shirt t-shirt
Nightdress nightgown
Raincoat raincoat
Portfolio wallet
Jacket coat
Hat hat
Strap girdle
Belt Belt
To paste Necklace
cap / cap Cap
Tie tie
Umbrella umbrella
Jacket jacket
winter glove Mitten
Gloves Gloves
Suitcase Briefcase
Pantyhose Hose Pants / Stockings / Tights
Socks Socks
Bracelet bracelet
Wristwatch Watch
Underwear underwear
Bathrobe bath robe
Get out skirt
Sandals (men and women) Sandals
Shoes shoes
shorts shorts
About everything Overcoat
Bra Brassiere / Bra
Sweater sweater
Suit (male and female) suit
Swimsuits bathing suits
Uniform Uniform
Dress dress
Glasses glasses


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Related Terms and Expressions

  • Clothes): clothes / clothing / outfit / Garment / Attire / Gear
  • Accessories: Accessories
  • Wear (clothes, shoes, etc): wear
  • Serve: fit
  • Fall good: suit
  • Dressing / Putting On: put on
  • Take off (clothes, shoes, etc): take off
  • Try (clothes, shoes, etc): try on
  • Change clothes: change your clothes


  • Where are my clothes? [Onde estĂŁo as minhas roupas? / Onde estĂĄ a minha roupa?]
  • I like this shirt, but it’s too small for me. Do you have this in a larger size? [Eu gostei desta camisa, mas ficou pequena para mim. VocĂȘ tem de um tamanho maior?]
  • These pants are too big for me. [Esta calça ficou grande para mim.]
  • Those pants are too short for you. [Essa calça ficou curta para vocĂȘ.]
  • This shirt doesn’t fit me. It’s a little too tight. [Esta camisa nĂŁo me serve (tamanho). É um pouco apertada.]
  • That coat really suits you. [Esse casaco cai muito bem em vocĂȘ.]
  • The dress fits, but it doesn’t suit me. [O vestido serve (tamanho), mas nĂŁo me cai bem (aparĂȘncia).]
  • Take off your clothes, they’re wet. [Tire a roupa. Ela estĂĄ molhada.]
  • I usually change my clothes as soon as I get home from work. [Eu geralmente troco de roupa assim que chego em casa do trabalho.]
  • I’d like to try on this shirt. [Eu gostaria de experimentar esta camisa.]
  • She is wearing a dress. [Ela estĂĄ usando um vestido.]

Vocabulary Variations

  1. clothes is always in the plural, but be aware that it’s not possible tell the clothes (a clothe), one clothes (a clothe), two clothes (two clothes), three clothes (three clothes), etc. clothes it’s a plural word (it’s used with plural verbs), but it’s countless. To resolve the situation, you can make use of an item of clothing (an outfit, a piece of clothing), two items of clothing (two clothes), three items of clothing (three clothes), etc.
  2. clothing is more formal than clothes, and can be used to talk about a specific type of clothing or clothing in general.
  3. outfit is a very common option in everyday language, and is meant to speak of an outfit in the sense of the complete set that the person is wearing or will wear at a given time – for a specific occasion or activity.
  4. Garment is a more suitable word in formal or literary contexts.
  5. Attire is a formal word.
  6. Gear it is an informal option.


  • I like your clothes! [Eu gostei da sua roupa!]
  • I don’t have many clothes. [Eu nĂŁo tenho muitas roupas.]
  • I have a lot of clothes. [Eu tenho muitas roupas.]
  • I need a new outfit for the wedding. [Eu preciso de uma roupa nova para o casamento.]
  • She bought another outfit for the party. [Ela comprou outra roupa para a festa.]
  • He was wearing a strange garment. [Ele estava usando uma roupa estranha.]
  • Her friends were all wearing the latest designer gear. [Os amigos dela estavam todos usando roupas de grife na Ășltima moda.]
  • You can only take three items of clothing into the changing room. [VocĂȘ pode levar apenas trĂȘs roupas para o provador.]
  • Food, clothing, and shelter are things that every person needs. [Comida, roupas e abrigo sĂŁo trĂȘs coisas que todos precisam.]
  • She took only a few items of clothing. [Ela pegou apenas algumas roupas.]
  • Proper attire is required at the restaurant. [Roupas adequadas sĂŁo uma exigĂȘncia no restaurante.]

Only in Plural

Discover some clothes and accessories that are only used in the plural:

  • glasses
  • shorts
  • Pants
  • shoes
  • earrings
  • Sandals
  • panties
  • boots

If you want to indicate only a single quantity of the items above, use a pair of (a pair of).

  • She wears glasses. [Ela usa Ăłculos.]
  • I saw a pair of glasses on the table. [Eu vi um Ăłculos sobre a mesa.]
  • I bought a pair of pants. [Eu comprei uma calça.]
  • I bought a pair of shoes. [Eu comprei um sapato. / Eu comprei um par de sapatos.]
  • I gave him a pair of boots. [Eu dei um par de botas para ele.]

types of clothes

Type Translation
casual clothes Casual clothing
formal clothes formal wear, social wear
designer clothes Brand Clothing, Designer Clothing
sports clothes Sport cloth
children’s clothes Children’s wear
men’s clothes men’s clothing
women’s clothes Women’s clothing


  • He only wears casual clothes. [Ele sĂł usa roupa casual.]
  • You would probably wear formal clothes to a wedding or a ball or some highly-organized, important event. [VocĂȘ provavelmente usaria roupa social em um casamento ou baile, ou em um evento sofisticado e importante.]
  • Designer clothes are expensive. [Roupas de marca sĂŁo caras.]
  • I need some children’s clothes. [Eu preciso de algumas roupas infantis.]
  • Men’s clothes or women’s clothes? [Roupa masculina ou feminina?]
  • He put on his bath robe. [Ele vestiu seu roupĂŁo de banho.]
  • He wore jeans, a ski sweater and an opened, fur collared jacket. [Ele usava jeans, um suĂ©ter de esqui, e uma jaqueta aberta com colarinho de pele.]
  • She held an umbrella and was dressed in a gray suit. [Ela segurava um guarda-chuva e estava usando um conjunto cinza.]
  • He needed glasses, but he wouldn’t admit it. [Ele precisava de Ăłculos, mas nĂŁo queria admitir.]
  • Elisabeth was putting her shoes on as he entered. [Elisabeth estava calçando os sapatos quando ele entrou.]

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